The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1045.4–1046.1)of the mores, 68:4.0 (767.1–7), 70:11.5 (797.3)natural, fostering of, by Van and Amadon, 67:6.7 (760.2)organic, absence of, on Jerusem, 46:2.5 (521.2)conditioning of the course of, 65:1.8 (731.3)not a cosmic accident, 65:0.7 (730.7), 65:4.3 (735.2)overcontrol of, 65:0.0 (730.1–740.3)peaceful, vs. violent revolution, 99:2.5 (1087.8)physical, full development of, 55:6.5 (631.1)plan of, eventuation of, by absonite architects, 106:3.1 (1165.6)planetary, apex of, 49:5.27 (567.7)orderly and controlled, 49:1.7 (560.6)planetary rebellion’s lack of effect on, 67:0.1 (754.1), 73:0.1 (821.1)possible independence of, from culture, 81:5.1 (905.6)of prayer, 89:8.8 (983.6), 91:0.0 (994.1–1002.14)prehuman, greatest single leap of, 65:2.9 (732.7)of primitive man, the great event of the glacial period, 61:6.1 (700.2)processes of, how controlled, 3:2.2 (46.6)progressive, co-operation in early, 71:5.3 (805.3)of the human race, 75:8.2 (846.1)pain and suffering essential to, 86:2.1 (951.3)and Providence, 4:1.2 (54.5)vs. revolution by revelation, 66:6.6 (750.1)reciprocal, of grand universe and the Supreme, 117:0.4 (1278.4)of religion, see Religion(s)—;Evolutionaryreligion as the scourge of, 92:3.9 (1006.6)of representative government, 71:2.0 (801.13–802.13)the rule of human development, 49:1.4 (560.3)slow, vs. sudden revolution, 95:1.8 (1043.3)social, civil government the outcome of, 86:7.5 (957.1)failure to recognize, a danger of democracy, 71:2.4 (801.16)individuals, vs. families in, 84:0.2 (931.2)and industry, 86:7.5 (957.1)initiation of, by the Dalamatia teachers, 68:0.3 (763.3)liberty as a goal of, 54:1.2 (613.4), 71:3.1 (803.1), 81:5.7 (906.5), 84:5.8 (937.5), 89:3.7 (977.2)and marriage adjustment, 82:0.1 (913.1), 83:7.4 (928.5)prayer a promoter of, 91:1.2 (995.1)public opinion the basic energy in, 71:2.7 (802.1)war and, 86:7.5 (957.1)of the soul, see Soul(s)—;Evolutionvs. special creation in origin of man, 74:8.4 (837.3)spiritual, definition, 132:3.8 (1460.1)of statehood, levels of, 71:8.2 (806.15)superuniverse, seven purposes of, 15:14.0 (181.7)of supremacy, 117:5.12 (1287.3)of the Supreme, see Supremein time and space, 65:8.0 (739.5–740.2)total, of the entire grand universe, 116:5.15 (1274.5)universe, conditioned by Father’s freewill act, 0:4.10 (7.8)of eternal future, 23:4.6 (263.2), 31:10.12 (353.8), 34:2.6 (376.3), 36:4.8 (401.4)vast program of, 21:5.6 (240.8)Evolutionaryaccident, man not an, 49:1.6 (560.5)acquirement, the home, man’s supreme, 84:8.6 (943.1)ascension, the Father’s plan of, 7:4.4 (85.5)citizens, of the grand universe, possible future function of, 117:2.6 (1280.6)cosmos, dominance of energy-matter in the, 12:8.14 (140.10)creatures, see Creature(s), evolutionaryDeity, see Deity(ies)—;Experiential, evolutionaryduty, man’s sense of his, and belief in God, 101:1.7 (1105.4)-experiential reality, the Supreme the capstone of, 106:5.1 (1167.2)self, the Supreme the, 118:0.5 (1294.5)nature of religion, 92:1.0 (1003.6–1004.3)panorama, the, 65:2.0 (731.5–733.6)perfection, the Supreme’s, mortals’ eventual sharing of, 106:2.6 (1165.3)personalities, the cosmic complement of Paradise-Havona creatures, 32:3.12 (362.1)progress delayed by loss of superior life plasm, 49:1.7 (560.6)religion, see Religion(s)—;Evolutionaryscheme of creation, proof of wisdom of, 55:6.9 (631.5)seraphim, see Seraphim, evolutionarytechniques of life, 65:6.0 (737.1–738.3)utopia, the age of light and life, 49:5.27 (567.7)Evolutionistprogressive, Jesus a, 149:2.11 (1671.6)Evolutionsmental, conditions favoring, 65:8.6 (740.2)EvolvingGod the Supreme Being the, 0:2.15 (4.9)morontia minds, 42:10.5 (481.2)prayer, 91:2.0 (995.6–996.6)soul, the, 111:3.0 (1218.9–1219.6)see also Soul(s)—;Evolutionspirits, mansion world arrivals’ classification as, 48:6.4 (552.2)Exaltationapostles’ alternation between humiliation and, 158:5.4 (1757.4)Israel’s temporal, Jewish expectation of, 136:1.3 (1509.5)self-, see Self, -exaltationExaminationof Jesus, by Annas, 184:1.0 (1978.4–1980.1)private, of Jesus, by Pilate, 185:3.0 (1991.1–1992.2)Exampleto his age, John the Baptist not an, 135:4.5 (1499.5), 136:0.1 (1509.1)human, Michael’s mortal life not a, 120:2.7 (1328.4), 129:4.7 (1425.6), 140:10.3 (1585.1), 141:7.9 (1594.3), 194:2.8 (2061.6)Jesus an, for mortals to live their lives by the means that he lived his, 129:4.7 (1425.6)of universe loyalty and moral nobility, 136:9.9 (1523.1)Exchangemedium of, the first, 69:4.5 (775.5)pupils, student visitors as, 30:3.11 (339.8)students, in the Melchizedek schools, 35:3.22 (388.9)Excommunicationof Jesus and followers, 164:4.6 (1814.2)Josiah’s reaction to his, 164:5.5 (1816.2)two reasons for, among the Jews, 153:3.6 (1713.1)Excursionguides, Morontia Companions as, 47:3.12 (534.4)and reversion supervisors, ascending mortals’ contact with, 48:3.14 (546.7)Executionof John the Baptist, 135:12.7 (1508.7), 144:9.1 (1627.6)Executionersdivine, see Divine Personalities, executionersof the high tribunals, Solitary Messengers as, 23:2.17 (259.3)Executive-administrative areas of Jerusem, the squares, 46:4.3 (522.7), 46:6.1 (527.3)and legislative functions in the local universes, 33:8.1 (373.3)judgment, Deity representation in domains of, 10:6.16 (114.17), 18:0.10 (207.10)worlds of the Spirit, 13:4.0 (149.7–151.1), 17:1.6 (198.6), 23:2.15 (259.1)Exhibit(s)areas, historic and prophetic, on peripheral Paradise, 11:4.3 (121.4)panorama of Jerusem, 46:5.23 (525.5)of the planets on system headquarters, 38:9.12 (425.4)Exhortationthe Father’s divine, 1:0.3 (21.3)Existence(s)all, the Universal Father the personal source of, 132:3.6 (1459.6)cessation of, decrees of, 2:3.3 (37.1)nonrepersonalization due to absence of an immortal spirit as, 49:6.7 (569.2)creature, comparative schools of, 35:3.20 (388.7)goals and ideals of, 14:4.18 (157.10)mechanism factors in, 42:12.9 (483.9)eternal, assurance of, 132:3.9 (1460.2)Gautama’s failure to show the pathway to, 94:7.3 (1035.3)potential of, and human choice, 111:1.5 (1216.6)future, dream origin of belief in, 86:4.2 (953.1)goals of, 12:8.13 (140.9), 16:4.6 (189.7), 24:6.8 (270.6), 32:5.2 (365.4), 36:5.12 (402.9), 79:8.17 (888.10), 81:6.28 (910.1), 110:3.4 (1206.2), 141:5.3 (1592.1), 160:3.5 (1778.3), 195:0.4 (2069.4)of God, proof of, 1:2.7 (24.5)human, begins and ends with religion, 5:5.5 (68.8)Jesus’ escape from both social extremes of, 129:4.4 (1425.3)revealed religion the unifying element of, 102:4.6 (1123.6)technique of changing the meanings of, from temporal to eternal, 89:10.4 (984.7)the three essential functions of, 84:0.3 (931.3)the "whence, why, and whither" of, 146:3.1 (1641.3)infinity of, comprehension of, 3:4.5 (50.3)Joys of, a type of secondary seconaphim, 28:5.4 (310.6), 28:5.16 (312.3)living, the scheme of, on worlds of space, 2:2.5 (36.3)loss of, the supreme punishment, 2:3.2 (36.7)mortal, 91:7.9 (1000.10)potential, seeds of, in the central universe, 8:1.6 (91.3)prehuman, Jesus’ awareness of his, 129:3.9 (1424.4), 137:4.2 (1528.5), 161:3.1 (1787.3)self-limitation as to knowledge from his, 128:1.4 (1408.1)primitive Urantians’ struggle for, 86:1.2 (950.4)spirit, 30:1.113 (334.7)supreme, analysis of, 101:6.2 (1111.6)ExistentialDeity(ies) and absolute oneness, 56:5.1 (640.5)achievement of, by experiential children, and apparent assistance from the Supreme, 26:6.3 (292.3)compensated for lack of experience through foreknowledge, 25:4.16 (280.4)creation or eventuation of derived Deities by, 0:12.3 (15.9)definitions, 0:7.3 (10.8), 0:9.5 (13.3), 8:0.4 (90.4)Eternal Son an example of, 0:1.14 (3.1)expression of, by the Father, in the Son and the Spirit, 0:7.6 (10.11)God the Father as, and reality and attainability of, to individual ascenders, 117:6.21 (1290.7)manifestations to intelligent creatures, the Paradise Deities, vs. expansive nature of the Supreme, 56:7.3 (642.3)a mystery of, and attributes of the Third Source and Center, 9:1.7 (100.1)our Creator Son not an, like the Eternal Son, 33:1.2 (366.3)Paradise Deity is, vs. experiential, 0:4.9 (7.7), 116:2.13 (1270.10)personal association of, in second level of Trinity of Trinities, 106:8.20 (1172.5)personality realities of, graspable by finite creatures, 106:2.7 (1165.4)and potential for experiential Deities, 0:12.4 (16.1)spiritual presence of, not influenced by loyalty or disloyalty of created beings,
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