The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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40:6.3 (448.2)evolving, vs. the horde, in child rearing, 70:3.1 (787.1)the first human, 63:0.0 (711.1–717.6)foundation of the, 70:3.2 (787.2)of God, and discipline, 3:2.9 (48.1)one of Jesus’ terms for the kingdom, 170:2.24 (1861.6)human, the high ideal of, 33:3.6 (369.1)importance of, in Jesus’ philosophy of life, 140:8.14 (1581.1)in social evolution, 84:0.2 (931.2), 84:7.1 (939.4)of the Infinite Spirit, twenty-one classes of, 30:1.70 (332.16)of Jesus, attitude of, toward him, result, 138:0.1 (1538.1), 150:7.4 (1684.3)commission of John to welcome into the kingdom the, 181:2.2 (1955.3)David’s summoning to Jerusalem of the, 177:3.3 (1923.4), 182:2.11 (1967.6)John’s reaction to attitude of, 139:4.9 (1555.2)Jesus’ failure to confer with his, reason, 154:6.10 (1723.1)love for his, 129:0.2 (1419.2)not forsaking his, 154:6.9 (1722.5)question as to his future relationship to his, 126:3.11 (1391.1)lesson on the, 142:7.0 (1603.2–1605.2)life, changing, influence of, on religion, 99:4.7 (1090.3)children a necessity to, 99:4.2 (1089.10)present status of, 84:7.27 (941.8), 99:4.2 (1089.10)love, a human loyalty, 79:8.10 (888.3), 196:0.7 (2088.2)membership, an advantage of, 54:6.3 (618.6), 84:7.15 (940.11)and consequences of other members’ conduct, 54:6.3 (618.6)organization, practical, an essential to modern national life, 71:1.7 (800.9)rating of, among human achievements, 84:6.8 (939.3)relationship(s), of God with his creatures, 4:4.5 (59.1), 142:7.4 (1603.5)and religious obligations, 140:8.14 (1581.1)the significance of, in society, 84:7.1 (939.4)standards of living and size of, 68:6.6 (770.3)a true, seven foundation facts of, 142:7.5 (1603.6)Famineprimitive man’s insurance against, 69:2.1 (773.2), 69:5.4 (776.2)FanaticalJesus not, 100:7.4 (1102.1), 196:0.7 (2088.2)Fanaticismvs. enthusiasm, 100:7.4 (1102.1), 149:4.3 (1673.3)a frequent result of religious genius, 196:0.6 (2088.1)influence of, on prayer, 91:1.6 (995.5)methods of avoiding, 99:3.14 (1089.6), 160:3.5 (1778.3)sometime cause of, 110:4.5 (1207.5)Fandorsas passenger birds, 66:5.6 (746.4), 74:4.4 (832.4)use of, in Adam’s Garden inspection, 74:3.4 (831.1)FanovingNebadon a neighbor of, 32:2.12 (360.1)Fantadabout, 64:6.17 (724.7)Farewell(s)of Jesus to the apostles, 181:2.0 (1955.2–1962.5), 192:2.0 (2047.5–2049.5), 193:5.2 (2057.4)of the Mediterranean travelers at Charax, 133:9.4 (1481.6)to the seventy, 163:4.0 (1804.5–1806.1)Far-flungcreation, the Father’s technique of working for welfare of his, 32:4.2 (362.6)ministry of the Infinite Spirit, 6:3.3 (75.8)FarmJesus’ experiences on a, 123:1.7 (1357.4), 123:6.1 (1364.4)Farmerusual evolution of a man from hunter through herder to, 66:3.2 (743.3), 81:1.5 (900.7)Fastingof body not a requisite to security in the kingdom, 147:8.5 (1656.6)custom of prophets and human leaders as to, 89:3.1 (976.3), 136:4.10 (1515.4)Jesus’ instruction regarding, 140:6.11 (1577.5), 142:8.1 (1605.3), 146:2.15 (1640.4), 147:7.2 (1655.4), 147:8.5 (1656.6)not a part of the gospel, 147:7.2 (1655.4)physical, dangers of, 140:5.8 (1574.1)and prayer, of the old order, 135:4.2 (1499.2), 143:2.3 (1609.4)and praying, Jesus’ comments on, 147:7.2 (1655.4)as a remedial measure, 90:4.8 (991.7)a ritual of religious sacrifice, 89:3.1 (976.3), 89:4.1 (977.3), 140:6.3 (1576.3)spiritual, danger of, 140:5.8 (1574.1)Fatalistsonly two kinds of peace possible for, 181:1.7 (1954.4)FateBrahma identified with, in Hinduism, 94:4.4 (1031.5)of Eve, Adam’s choice of the, 75:5.2 (843.4)overcontrol of, the Greeks’ belief in the, 98:1.3 (1078.1)primitive man’s belief in his ability to influence, 86:7.3 (956.6)FatherAbraham, Jews’ reverence for dogmas ordained by, 121:7.3 (1340.1)-Brahma concept, a definition, 94:1.5 (1028.1)-brother, Jude’s statement of belief to his, 137:5.2 (1531.6)Nazareth siblings’ view of spirit of justice of their, 127:4.4 (1401.4)Ruth’s loyalty to her, 138:0.1 (1538.1)receipt of news of the well-being of her, 154:7.5 (1724.1)Simon’s opportunity to get to know his, 128:3.7 (1412.1)and child, living connection between, 147:5.7 (1653.1)earthly, love of, for his family, 142:2.2 (1597.2), 142:5.2 (1601.2), 145:2.4 (1629.5), 149:6.4 (1675.5), 177:2.7 (1923.1)reaction of immature children to their chastisement by, 142:2.4 (1597.4)-family, a description, 84:2.4 (933.2)and the Roman state, 71:1.14 (801.2)guides, on third Havona circle, functions of, 26:9.0 (294.5–295.2)to his family, Jesus a real, 127:1.8 (1396.5)Melchizedek, 20:1.10 (223.15), 33:6.2 (371.4), 35:1.0 (384.8–385.3), 36:1.2 (396.3), 37:10.2 (416.2), 55:10.2 (634.2), 158:1.6 (1753.2)and mother, Jesus’ reasons for why a man shall leave his, 167:5.7 (1839.4)-mother concept, beginning of, 33:5.1 (370.6)the source of all things, 3:2.5 (47.3), 196:3.26 (2096.2)source of life, 2:2.1 (35.5), 36:6.7 (404.5), 165:3.4 (1820.3)The, see Universal Fatheruniverse attitude of the, 4:1.0 (54.4–56.4)unseen, more spiritual worship of, on the Father’s world, 47:9.2 (538.7)Father-Heavenly Nature-Absolute, of all personalities, God the, 4:4.4 (58.9), 10:3.8 (111.6)appraisal by the, of himself, 2:1.3 (34.2)attributes of the, 3:0.0 (44.1–53.7), 186:5.6 (2002.7)changeless, effect of prayer on man’s attitude toward the, 146:2.8 (1639.3)changelessness of the, 2:2.1 (35.5)divinity of the, on Divinington, Adjuster’s possible contact with the, 107:3.2 (1179.5)vs. Elohim (God), 169:4.8 (1856.6)escape of the, from personality absolutism, 10:0.1 (108.1)eternal perfection of the, 2:2.0 (35.5–36.5)of Fathers, God the, 1:1.5 (23.2), 2:1.11 (35.4)God as a, 4:4.6 (59.2), 56:4.4 (640.3), 115:1.2 (1260.3), 131:4.6 (1449.1), 131:10.2 (1453.4), 141:4.1 (1590.4), 149:6.8 (1676.2), 169:4.11 (1857.2), 174:3.2 (1900.2)in heaven, identity of God as our, 1:7.1 (31.1), 132:4.6 (1461.4), 142:3.8 (1598.9), 169:4.1 (1855.2)not a king, 169:4.1 (1855.2)personality and attributes of, 125:6.6 (1384.2), 162:5.2 (1795.1), 169:4.2 (1855.3)heavenly, all things possible to the, 2:1.2 (34.1), 118:5.0 (1299.1–3), 131:10.2 (1453.4)-I AM, infinity of the, effect of, on those attaining God, 106:7.5 (1169.4)and the presence of the triunities, 104:4.46 (1150.13)-Infinite, definition, 0:3.24 (6.4)disclosure of the, sole possible level for, 10:8.9 (117.1)infinity of the, 2:1.2 (34.1), 4:4.5 (59.1)invisibility of the, 32:3.6 (361.1), 157:6.10 (1750.4)of Light(s), 1:1.4 (23.1), 2:2.1 (35.5), 131:10.4 (1454.1), 152:3.2 (1702.3), 162:5.3 (1795.2)never torn by conflicting attitudes, 2:4.3 (38.3)not wrathful, 155:1.2 (1725.3)omniscience of the, 169:4.2 (1855.3)a partial definition, 169:4.7 (1856.5)-personality, First Source and Center the infinite, 7:7.2 (89.1), 10:2.4 (110.2)God is, 6:7.1 (79.1), 10:1.5 (109.3)self-existent, 118:0.2 (1294.2)of spirits, after attainment, 39:9.1 (441.5)as ancestor of universes, 42:1.1 (467.3)the primal cause of all materialization, 42:11.1 (481.5)the revelation of the, 162:6.3 (1796.1)Father-His Activitiescircuit of the, relation of mindal- and physical-energy personalities to, 30:1.113 (334.7)collaboration with Supreme Being by the, 10:7.3 (115.5)with the Trinity by the, 10:7.3 (115.5)as energy revealed in Paradise-Havona, 104:3.13 (1147.5)existential expression of the, 0:7.5 (10.10), 56:9.5 (644.7)First Source and Center’s function as, 10:3.5 (111.3)freewill act of, effect of, on reality, 0:4.10 (7.8)personal presence of, 1:3.3 (25.3)presence of, Jesus’ promise to the apostles of the, 140:9.3 (1584.2)primacy of the, 3:6.0 (52.4–53.6), 7:6.4 (88.2)purposes of, 2:1.10 (35.3)Reality initiated and maintained by the, 0:4.5 (7.3)of the realm, definition, 51:6.8 (587.6)-revelation enterprise, the bestowal plan, 7:4.5 (85.6), 155:6.10 (1732.3), 182:1.9 (1965.3)Father-Kingdom and Loveaffection of, vs. brother’s affection, 140:5.1 (1573.3)all-loving, Infinite Spirit as an agent of the, 8:3.5 (93.7)Isaiah’s portrayal of the all-powerful Creator as the, 97:7.13 (1070.2)religion’s disclosing of an, 102:5.3 (1124.2)security of ascending sons in universe of an, 111:7.1 (1223.3)eternal, relation of, to the spiritual kingdom, 149:6.8 (1676.2), 157:6.5 (1749.4)in heaven, result of creature’s choosing to do the will of, 1:3.6 (25.6)wholehearted devotion to doing the will of, results, 0:5.10 (8.10), 34:7.6 (382.6), 71:4.15 (804.15), 100:1.6 (1095.1)and his kingdom, 141:2.1 (1588.4), 169:4.0 (1857.4), 180:6.8 (1952.4)kingdom of the, early believers’ expectancy of Jesus’ early return to establish the, 194:4.7 (2067.2)faith the only requisite to entering the, 138:8.8 (1545.9), 140:1.4 (1569.1)God within you, 140:1.5 (1569.2)Jesus’ program for the establishment of the, 136:9.11 (1523.3)love of the, degree of, 2:5.1 (38.6)eternal, the cross and man’s
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