The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(25.1)unchanging, the everywhere-changing universe’s stabilization by an, 102:7.2 (1126.2)unification of truth, beauty, and goodness in, 2:7.10 (43.3), 44:7.4 (507.5)universal knowledge of, 3:3.0 (48.8–49.4)a universal spirit, 1:2.1 (23.4), 1:3.0 (25.1–26.2)God(s)-Personalitycentral personality of, and unlimited distribution of mind, 3:4.3 (50.1)a divine and infinite personality, 161:1.9 (1784.6)the Father, centering of the personality circuit in the person of, 56:4.3 (640.2)and personality existence, 5:6.0 (70.2–72.1)truly personal, 6:5.6 (78.2)is a person, 1:2.2 (23.5), 1:5.4 (28.1), 1:7.1 (31.1), 7:7.5 (89.4), 161:1.4 (1784.1), 161:1.11 (1784.8)is a personality, 0:2.10 (4.4), 1:2.1 (23.4), 1:5.4 (28.1), 161:1.0 (1783.3–1784.7)oneness of, in power and personality, 56:9.14 (646.1)a personal, all force-energy under the control of, 42:0.2 (467.2)attainment of the idea of, in an individual’s religious development, 101:7.3 (1114.1)finding of, by the religious man, in his own soul, 101:2.9 (1106.8)the love of, and man’s understanding of the kingdom, 2:5.12 (40.4)need of enlightened prayer to recognize, 91:3.7 (997.5)not part of deity concepts of the Greek philosophers, 98:2.6 (1079.3)the personal source of all existence, 132:3.6 (1459.6)of personality, the, 5:6.0 (70.2–72.1)personality of, about, 1:5.0 (27.3–29.6), 161:1.0 (1783.3–1784.7)Eternal Son as the recipient and revealer of, 10:1.4 (109.2)indivisibility of the, 1:7.6 (31.6)personalizations of, and Deity unity, 56:5.0 (640.5–641.1)the source of all personality, 12:7.6 (138.1), 56:4.2 (640.1), 161:1.2 (1783.4), 161:1.10 (1784.7)a superperson, 30:1.99 (333.7)surcharged with personality, 12:7.6 (138.1)transcendent to personality, 161:1.2 (1783.4)understands himself, 2:1.4 (34.3)God(s)-Plan and Purposeascenders not being taken on eternal joy excursion by the, 48:8.3 (558.1)attainment, cosmic tension created by striving for, 116:7.6 (1276.7)Havona the will creature’s portal to, 14:6.38 (162.13)mortals’ divine right to, 54:6.4 (619.1)a desire to find, an essential to survival, 40:5.19 (447.4)divine plan of, character of, 32:5.7 (365.3)for mortal ascension, 30:4.33 (344.1)eternal, project of the, mortals a part of the, 32:5.1 (364.3)as the eternal goal of infinite attainment, 160:1.14 (1774.6)of evolutionary creatures, the Supreme the, 24:7.9 (271.8)the Father, finaliters’ discovery of, after the supreme and ultimate ascensions, 118:2.2 (1296.4)to find and become like, and eternal salvation, 132:3.4 (1459.4)fruition of the eternal plan and purpose of the, 27:7.7 (304.5)kingdom of, a definition, 34:6.13 (381.7), 54:0.1 (613.1), 135:5.0 (1500.1–1501.3), 137:8.9 (1536.6), 141:2.1 (1588.4), 170:2.11 (1860.6)image of, mortals made in the, 3:4.7 (50.5), 6:5.7 (78.3), 7:4.4 (85.5), 10:3.1 (110.7), 108:6.3 (1193.2), 117:3.5 (1281.7)partners of, men to become, in the realization of finality of destiny, 118:5.2 (1299.2)-serving mortals, destiny of, 133:4.4 (1474.4)God(s)-the Sevenfoldthe Father and God the Sevenfold, 0:8.8 (11.12)the Sevenfold, about, 0:8.0 (11.5–12.3), 116:2.0 (1269.5–1270.11)activities of, as compensating response to imperfection, 105:6.5 (1159.5)Ancients of Days, the second phase of, 0:8.3 (11.7), 55:4.13 (628.1)associative Deity, 0:1.14 (3.1)attainment of, by personalities, a rediscovery of the Father, 56:9.10 (645.5)contribution of Master Spirits to last level of, 17:8.8 (206.3)correlation of the incomplete and the perfect in, 106:1.2 (1164.1)divinity of, and experiential sovereignty, 21:5.5 (240.7)first expression of, and time-space evolution, 56:7.2 (642.2)level of, the Creator Sons, 55:3.12 (626.1)three manifestations of, withdrawal of, concomitant with fuller functioning of God the Supreme, 56:7.6 (642.6)flowering of the experiential power of, a definition, 106:2.3 (1164.6)function of, 0:8.9 (11.13), 3:1.12 (46.4), 13:2.5 (148.4), 33:1.3 (366.4)grand universe the domain of, 0:8.10 (12.1)identity of, 0:2.16 (4.10)increasing manifestation of, as components of a local universe are settled in light and life, 56:7.2 (642.2)indispensability of, to the Supreme, 105:6.5 (1159.5), 115:4.7 (1264.6), 116:4.2 (1272.1), 118:0.9 (1294.9)levels of, the first three, functions of, 116:2.14 (1270.11)identity of, 116:2.12 (1270.9)the last three, identity of, 116:2.12 (1270.9)participation of, in planetary life creation, 36:6.7 (404.5)the successive, as encountered by man, 116:2.4–11 (1270.1–8)and Life Carrier creation, 35:0.7 (384.7)Master Spirits and, 17:8.3 (205.4)ministry of, ascenders’ discernment of God through, 118:2.2 (1296.4)mortal man’s apparent importance to the full function of, 116:4.12 (1273.4)origin of, 116:2.3 (1269.7)physical-control level of, the seven groups constituting the, 116:5.1–9 (1273.5–13)power of the Almighty predicated upon, 115:4.7 (1264.6)provision of, for a progressive approach to the Universal Father, 56:7.8 (643.2)spirit ministry of, 34:6.2 (380.3)time-space creatures attain absonite levels by, 0:8.11 (12.2)divinity, 56:8.1 (643.4)Universal Father the seventh level of, 56:6.5 (641.6)Zoroastrianism’s approximation of the concept of, 95:6.5 (1050.1)God(s)-Sin and Wrong Ideasan anthropomorphic, children of Israel’s concept of, 96:5.8 (1058.6)blunder of humanizing, 3:6.5 (53.3)confusion regarding meaning of the term, 0:0.1 (1.1)early, glorified departed humans, 85:6.3 (948.3), 87:3.1 (960.5)tribal, not personal, 121:5.1 (1336.5)Egyptian system of, 80:6.4 (894.5)erroneous ideas of, 4:5.0 (59.6–60.6)evil not created by the, 54:0.2 (613.2)of evolutionary religion, vs. the forces of darkness, 87:4.6 (961.7)-fear, vs. God-love, 86:7.6 (957.2)ghost cult’s eventual progression to the worship of, 87:3.5 (961.1)impossibility of finding, through nature alone, 101:2.11 (1107.1)of liberty, Lucifer posing as the, 53:4.1 (604.3)a loving Father, vs. God an offended monarch, 188:4.8 (2017.3)of Mount Olympus, happy-go-lucky, belief in the, 98:1.4 (1078.2)not cosmic accident, or universe experimenter, 2:1.4 (34.3)of primitive men, sometimes mere shadows of men themselves, 102:6.2 (1124.4)religion, vs. Gods who rule the universe, 4:5.3 (60.2)validity of personality aspect of, 1:5.11 (29.1)secularists’ revolt against, 195:8.6 (2081.6)of Urantia, Caligastia’s designation as the, 53:8.5 (610.1), 67:2.4 (755.6)wrath of, 4:3.2 (57.7), 142:2.0 (1597.1–1598.1), 155:1.2 (1725.3), 188:4.1 (2016.6)God(s)-the Son and Spiritof Action, about, 8:1.0 (90.5–92.1)an appellation of the Third Source and Center, 9:1.1 (98.6), 105:3.5 (1156.2), 116:5.6 (1273.10)function of the Father and the Son in the, 0:11.1 (13.6)identification of, 105:2.7 (1154.6)relation of, to motion and change, 9:1.1 (98.6)representatives of, in the universe of universes, 9:3.6 (101.6)results of functioning of the, 8:1.4 (91.1), 9:3.7 (101.7), 42:2.8 (469.8)of mind, 2:7.7 (42.8), 9:1.5 (99.4), 42:10.7 (481.4)the Son, attitude of, toward men, 3:6.8 (53.6), 6:4.9 (77.2)attributes of, how understood, 6:4.10 (77.3)identity of, 6:1.1 (73.5)incarnation of divine Sons a mystery of, 13:1.8 (145.3)origin of, 6:0.0 (73.1–4)relation of, to God the Father and God the Spirit, 10:0.2 (108.2)resemblance of some Creator Sons to, 21:1.3 (235.2)various meanings of the term, 0:2.13 (4.7)see also Eternal Sonthe Spirit, an existential Deity, 0:7.1 (10.6)functions of, 3:6.8 (53.6), 56:10.19 (648.2)inseparability of the personality of, from absolute mind, 9:4.2 (102.2)kindness and affection of, 9:1.8 (100.2)reflectivity a secret of, 13:1.10 (145.5)relation of, to God the Father and God the Son, 8:1.2 (90.6), 9:1.1 (98.6), 10:0.2 (108.2)some appellations of, 9:1.1 (98.6)various meanings of the term, 0:2.14 (4.8)see also Infinite SpiritGod(s)-the Supremea supreme, Zoroaster’s acceptance of the idea of, 95:6.2 (1049.5)the Supreme, about, 117:0.0 (1278.1–1293.2)actualization of the, 0:2.15 (4.9), 0:7.0 (10.6–11.4), 116:2.2 (1269.6)attainment of, by Mortal Corps of the Finality, and their eternal assignment, 31:3.5 (348.2)becoming the highest finite manifestation of the total will of God, 117:0.1 (1278.1)completed emergence of, some possible consequences of, 37:2.11 (408.3)a component of the Trinity Absolute, 0:12.7 (16.4),
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