The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1469.1)justice always tempered with, 140:8.12 (1580.7)last words of, 187:5.2 (2010.3)promise of, at time of judgment, 147:3.3 (1649.3)and justice, 2:4.1 (38.1), 2:6.6 (41.4), 120:2.2 (1327.2), 133:1.0 (1468.4–1470.1)keynote of seraphic service, 39:2.5 (430.1)limitation of, by creature choice and justice, 146:2.5 (1638.5)of the Lord, duration of, 131:2.4 (1444.4)to Lucifer-rebellion leaders, extension of, by Michael, 53:2.5 (603.1), 54:4.5 (616.4), 54:6.1 (618.4)Memory of, 28:6.5 (314.4)minister(s), the Eternal Son, 6:3.2 (75.7)Infinite Spirit a, 8:2.6 (92.7), 14:6.18 (161.5)local universe, 39:2.5 (430.1)ministry, extent of, 54:4.6 (616.5), 133:1.2 (1469.1)Infinite Spirit’s relation to plan of, 7:4.6 (85.7)ministry of superuniverses, inherence of time delay in, 54:4.6 (616.5)motivation of Paradise Creator Sons, 54:6.2 (618.5)not to be trampled under foot, 28:6.7 (314.6)Orvonton a universe demonstration of, 15:14.2 (182.1)and perfection, of man and God, 140:3.16 (1571.3)possible lavishness of, 133:1.2 (1469.1)practical, a benefit gained by a Creator Son through his actual creature experience, 119:0.6 (1308.6)pre-existent, revelation of, by Sons of God, 28:6.5 (314.4)probationary, age of, Avonals’ execution of mandates of, 20:3.1 (226.1)a quality of righteousness necessary for entry into the kingdom, 140:6.3 (1576.3)reflectors, functions of, 28:6.8 (315.1)rejected, soul of Jesus tortured by, 182:3.9 (1969.4)as related to fatherliness, 140:5.17 (1575.2)relation of receiving, to showing, 146:2.6 (1639.1)scriptural statements about, 2:4.1 (38.1)seeking of, by the publican, 167:5.2 (1838.3)of the Son, and chief mission of the Spirit of Truth, 194:3.1 (2062.10)ministered by the Spirit, 9:0.3 (98.3)personification of, 8:4.2 (94.4)the seraphim’s ministry of combining the love of the Father and the, 113:3.3 (1244.4)the Son is, 6:3.1 (75.6)source of, 2:4.1 (38.1), 131:9.2 (1452.6)steps preceding manifestation of, 28:6.8 (315.1)time lag, 54:4.0 (615.6–616.7)tones of, mandates of Eternal Son keyed in, 6:3.2 (75.7)understanding, embodiment of, in divine justice, 174:1.3 (1898.3)universe justice and, 146:2.5 (1638.5)voice of, 39:2.5 (430.1)work of an individual, 133:1.2 (1469.1)of Yahweh, Moses’ fear to proclaim the, 96:5.6 (1058.4)Mermaidsman’s onetime worship of, 85:3.2 (946.4)MesopotamiaAbnerian concept of the kingdom in, 171:1.6 (1869.2)Aden’s work in, 159:2.4 (1765.2)Andite exodus from, to Egypt, cultural consequences of, 80:6.3 (894.4)the final, 78:5.8 (873.4)origin in regions adjacent to, 78:4.2 (871.8)the original monotheism of, 94:1.3 (1027.4)beliefs in, as to honoring the seventh day, 95:1.2 (1042.3)blending of races of, 78:8.1 (875.5)brother and sister marriage in early, 82:5.4 (918.4)culture of, spread of, 78:5.8 (873.4)deterioration of, by inferior peoples, 80:7.9 (896.1)Edenites enter, 76:1.0 (847.3–6)Egypt the successor of, as the world’s cultural center, 80:6.1 (894.2)headquarters of the Prince in, 66:3.1 (743.2)homeland of the Adamic peoples, 78:0.1 (868.1)India’s contact with, 79:3.2 (881.2)life of the Adamites in, 76:3.0 (849.4–850.6)location of Caligastia’s headquarters in, 66:0.2 (741.2)one of the selections for the first Garden, 76:1.3 (847.5)religions of, sources, 95:0.1 (1042.1)sect of believers in John the Baptist, present-day existence in, 137:2.2 (1526.2)Mesopotamian(s)cousin marriages among the, 82:5.4 (918.4)culture, final dispersion, 78:6.0 (873.5–874.5)Sumerians as remnants of, 78:8.5 (876.2)exodus of, into Turkestan instead of India, cause and consequences, 79:2.8 (880.6)floods, results, 80:6.2 (894.3)human sacrifice practiced by the, 89:6.2 (980.7)invasion of Europe by the, result, 80:3.9 (892.3)peninsula, home of Primates and less intelligent mid-mammals, 62:2.6 (704.5), 62:4.3 (707.2)religious teachers, varying concepts of Deity, in the Book of Job, 95:1.10 (1043.5), 96:7.1 (1060.1)Mesotron(s)energy carrier, breaking up of, the explanation of excess radiation, 42:8.5 (479.3)functions of the, 42:8.3 (479.1)nonaccounting of, for certain other atomic phenomena, 42:8.6 (479.4)where abundant, 42:8.7 (479.5)Mesozoicera, length of, 59:0.5 (672.5), 60:4.6 (692.4)Message(s)from Adjuster, usual loss of, in energy streams of human mind, 110:3.1 (1205.5)the apostles’, the burden of, to be the kingdom and the gospel, 138:6.3 (1543.1)effect of, on the afflicted, 141:8.2 (1595.3)four points of, 142:1.1 (1596.3)the new note of, following Jesus’ statement about courage, 143:1.9 (1609.1)to the world, 140:1.5 (1569.2)from Bethany, 167:4.0 (1836.6–1838.1)of bestowal Sons on normal worlds, "Peace on earth," 52:6.1 (597.2)between Michael and Immanuel during the time of the tomb, 188:3.13 (2016.2)delivered by apostles on Pentecost, languages included in, 194:1.2 (2060.2)from Edentia instructing Life Carriers to refrain from intervening in human affairs, 62:7.4 (710.3)effect on John the Baptist of Jesus’ last, 135:11.4 (1507.3), 144:8.6 (1627.3)from Jerusem accepting the Life Carriers’ work on Urantia, 62:7.5 (710.4)of Jesus, 132:4.2 (1460.6), 140:6.2 (1576.2), 145:5.6 (1635.5)Jesus’, vs. John’s, 136:0.2 (1509.2)Spirit of Truth’s restatement of, for each generation, 194:2.1 (2060.6)from Jesus to Abner at Philadelphia, 182:2.5 (1966.5)to Jesus’ earth family at Capernaum, 154:6.5 (1722.1), 154:6.12 (1723.3)to Jesus from a superhuman source, 174:5.11 (1904.2), 182:3.6 (1969.1)of John the Baptist, content of, 135:3.4 (1498.3), 135:6.2 (1501.5), 135:6.6 (1502.4), 136:2.1 (1510.4)earliest version of, 135:7.3 (1503.3)Jesus’ approval of, 135:8.1 (1503.4)to specific groups of people, 135:6.8 (1502.6)timeliness of, 135:5.1 (1500.1), 135:6.2 (1501.5)from Lanaforge to Norlatiadek on his arrival on Jerusem, 53:7.12 (608.8)of Michael, the awaited proclamation to Urantia of the unencumbered, 94:12.7 (1041.5)from Michael to Adam and Eve, effect of, 76:5.3 (852.2)to Pilate from his wife Claudia, 185:5.8 (1994.2)from Salvington to Urantia over the new mind circuit of the planet, 62:7.2 (710.1), 63:0.1 (711.1)from a self-acting Adjuster to his human associate, 110:7.10 (1213.5)sending, evolution of, from ancient to modern, 69:4.7 (775.7)of thanksgiving to their Creator Son, sent by new Havona arrivals, 30:4.28 (343.3)transmission, between Solitary Messengers, distance of, 23:3.5 (261.3)to Van from Edentia sustaining his appeal to the Most Highs, fate of, 67:6.9 (760.4)from Jerusem rejecting his appeal, 67:2.2 (755.4)Messenger(s)apostles the Father’s, 140:3.14 (1571.1)corps, apostolic, David’s disbanding his, 190:1.5 (2030.4)Lanonandek, number of, 35:8.12 (392.12)of David, appointment for assembly of, just before the crucifixion, 186:3.4 (2001.2)collection of funds for the apostles by, 157:6.1 (1748.4)faithfulness of, in carrying the news of the resurrected Jesus, 190:1.6 (2030.5)news of Jesus’ impending arrest brought by a, 154:5.1 (1720.4)of the kingdom brought by, 167:0.3 (1833.3)overnight relay service of, 159:6.4 (1771.5)reports of Jesus’ crucifixion brought to Jesus’ family by, 186:0.3 (1997.3)varied services of the, 159:6.3 (1771.4)David’s announcement of the last mission of his, 190:1.3 (2030.2)twenty-six, gathering of, at the home of Nicodemus, 190:1.4 (2030.3)of the Havona circuits, 23:2.4 (258.3)headquarters, David’s maintenance of, at Gethsemane, 183:4.8 (1976.6)hosts of the Infinite Spirit, ministry of, 49:6.1 (568.4)of space, 9:8.22 (107.10), 24:0.1 (264.1), 25:0.0 (273.1–284.5), 30:2.74 (336.21), 37:5.8 (411.6), 38:0.1 (418.1), 48:4.9 (548.4)Jesus’ presentation to his Father of his twelve, 140:2.2 (1569.6)of the kingdom, Jesus’ ordination of the seventy as, 163:1.3 (1800.5)parable of the sower a forecast of future experiences of, 151:3.13 (1693.3)of the local universes, 23:2.18 (259.4)of Paradise, 1:0.3 (21.3)of the Paradise Trinity, 23:2.3 (258.2)of the superuniverses, 23:2.15 (259.1)tertiary Lanonandeks as, 35:8.6 (392.6)of tertiary supernaphim, 26:3.7 (288.7)unseen, Jesus’ promise to Jacob of the protection of an, 182:2.5 (1966.5)Messiahancestry of, according to the Jews, 180:2.3 (1946.1)Annas’s questioning Jesus as to his being the, 184:1.8 (1979.6)anticipated reappearing of, expected results, 176:1.6 (1913.5)apostles’ adherence to belief in the material mission of the, 158:4.4 (1756.1)attitude toward Jesus as the, 157:4.1 (1746.5), 194:4.1 (2066.1)arrival of, and the kingdom of God, 170:1.3 (1858.5)belief in Jesus as the, by Cana wedding guests, 137:4.16 (1531.3)believers’ acceptance of Jesus as the, at Jericho, 171:4.9 (1872.6)concepts of, discussed by John’s disciples during the forty days, 135:9.5 (1505.5)at time of John the Baptist, 136:1.0 (1509.3–1510.3)decision of the Son of Man not to meet Jewish expectations of the, 136:6.6 (1518.5), 157:6.12 (1750.6)delayed coming of, and Jewish sins of ignorance, 136:2.1 (1510.4)function of, Jewish theory of, 135:5.6 (1501.1)Jesus’ attempts to prevent his followers calling him the, 136:9.12 (1523.4), 157:5.3 (1748.3), 172:3.2 (1880.8)attitude toward public acclaim of him as, and his entry into Jerusalem, 172:3.2 (1880.8)decision not to deny being the, reason, 137:5.3 (1532.1), 157:5.3 (1748.3), 172:3.2 (1880.8)endeavor
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