The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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realm of the physical controllers, 41:2.6 (457.5)energy of light, transformation of, by vegetable life, 41:2.5 (457.4)-energy pattern, a prerequisite for the operation of adjutant mind, 112:6.7 (1236.5)systems, capabilities of, after life bestowal, 118:7.6 (1301.3)life may constitute the animation of, 36:6.6 (404.4)experience, as scaffolding, 112:5.22 (1235.4)feelings, selfish acts the result of, 102:3.3 (1121.5)fetters, technique of salvation from, 131:4.7 (1449.2)food, Machiventa’s first partaking of, 93:2.2 (1015.2)gravity, absolute, center and focal point of, 11:8.2 (125.5)circuits, Adjusters’ unexplainable use of the, 107:6.5 (1182.7)cosmic mind’s response to, 9:6.6 (104.4)nether Paradise the source of, 11:1.4 (119.1)handicaps to Adjuster indwelling, 109:5.0 (1199.2–6)Havona, composition of, 14:2.3 (154.5)levels, vs. spirit levels, of man’s experience, 48:1.1 (541.4), 111:6.2 (1222.1)life, necessity of living through the, 34:6.9 (381.3)manifestations, the divine source of all, 3:2.3 (47.1)imperfect appearance of, to man, reason for, 4:2.7 (57.4)impossibility of certain kinds of, in absence of Jesus, 152:1.5 (1700.1)man’s familiarity with, vs. spiritual operations, 12:8.4 (139.7)relative nature of, 12:8.13 (140.9)vs. the spiritual realities of the kingdom, 158:6.4 (1758.5)mass, linear gravity pull inherent in, 41:5.6 (461.2)mechanism, initiation of mortal mind as a, 7:3.2 (84.2)methods, use of, in the Bethsaida hospital, 148:2.1 (1658.4)mind, the Adjuster’s possible influence on the, 108:5.4 (1191.5), 133:4.10 (1475.3)Conjoint Actor the substance of, 12:8.7 (140.3)a cosmic loom carrying the spirit patterns of a universe character, 111:2.2 (1217.6)gravity responsiveness of, 42:11.4 (482.2)human, the soul’s survival of the death of the, 1:3.7 (26.1), 112:5.12 (1234.1)inability of, to reveal eternal realities, 181:2.20 (1960.1)spirit dominance of the, two prerequisites to the, 111:1.2 (1216.3)systems, 42:10.0 (480.4–481.4)-minded believers, nonfurtherance of the gospel in the souls of, by a great miracle, 152:5.6 (1704.5)creatures, limited ability of, to comprehend Deity unity, 56:6.3 (641.4)followers of Jesus, numbers remaining, in the final phase of his work, 163:7.4 (1808.6)man, effects of art and philosophy on, 5:4.4 (67.2)familiarity of, with the physical over the spiritual, 12:8.4 (139.7)foolishness of, in allowing theories to destroy his faith, 195:7.1 (2078.4)multitude, Jesus’ admonition of, after the feeding of the five thousand, 152:3.2 (1702.3)sons, prerequisite to a knowledge of truth by, 178:1.4 (1930.1)youth, Jesus’ admonition of a, 165:4.1 (1821.1)-mindedness, our world’s passage through the long winter of, 176:2.6 (1915.3)Simon’s great weakness his, 139:11.4 (1565.1)mortals, attitude of Universal Father toward, 1:5.4 (28.1)nature, man’s, the greatest handicap to contact with his Adjuster, 110:7.6 (1213.1)organizations, completion of, a preliminary to life existence, 65:1.7 (731.2)personalities, morontia progressors’ contact with, 48:2.26 (545.1)possessions, vs. consecrated wills, 91:2.4 (996.2), 165:4.5 (1821.5)and man’s happiness, 140:8.17 (1581.4)problems, man’s prerequisite to solution of, 148:5.4 (1662.1)vs. spiritual realities, 142:7.17 (1605.2)progress, time of usual world occurrence of, 52:3.6 (593.5)Western, and the revolt of secularism, 195:8.7 (2081.7)prosperity, and cultural civilization, 81:6.6 (907.3)reality, gravity response of, to gravity of nether Paradise, 56:1.2 (637.4)motivation of the overcontrol of, by the Deity Absolute, 56:1.2 (637.4)realms, God overshadows, 1:2.1 (23.4)science, the field of, 12:9.3 (141.4)inability of, to demonstrate the existence of the soul, 133:6.7 (1478.6)self, dependent on material life vehicle, 112:2.20 (1229.7)personality and identity possessions of the, 5:6.7 (71.2)truly and unqualifiedly personal, 5:6.6 (71.1)the shadow of the more real spirit substance, 12:8.16 (141.1)Son(s), about, 45:5.0 (514.12–515.6), 51:0.0 (580.1–588.4)acceptance of, as common ancestors of man, 51:6.6 (587.4)Adjuster-endowed mortal children’s membership in families of, 47:2.4 (532.2)air mechanisms of, speed of, 46:2.4 (521.1)arrival of, on Urantia, 61:7.18 (702.8), 73:0.3 (821.3)ascending, 40:2.2 (444.2)assumption of responsibility for world affairs by the, 74:5.2 (833.2)authority of, to purge the evolving race, 55:4.11 (627.9)body radiance of, 51:1.3 (580.6), 74:6.5 (834.7)chief temple of, location, 45:5.1 (514.12)of citizenship status in Nebadon, number of, 45:5.4 (515.3)Creator Son’s creation of, 38:1.1 (418.4)defaulting, effect of, on Urantia, 50:6.5 (578.5)defaults of, results, 31:5.2 (349.2)definition, 40:2.1 (444.1)dispatch of, to normal planets, 49:5.24 (567.4)domicile of, 37:9.12 (415.4)dual nature and constitution of, 51:1.4 (581.1)family living estates of, 45:5.2 (515.1)function of, in selection of Jerusem elective bodies, 45:7.5 (518.1)on system headquarters, 51:1.6 (581.3)glorified, about, 31:5.0 (349.1–3)in a company of the primary Corps of the Finality, number of, 31:3.1 (347.4)of God, character of the estates of, 46:4.7 (523.1)height variations of, 51:1.3 (580.6)imported assisting, potential immortality of, 55:4.30 (629.8)influence of, on Jerusem, 46:5.14 (524.5)Jerusem, nutrition of, 76:4.3 (851.1)on Jerusem, Van’s story of the, 73:2.2 (822.6)the last link connecting God with man, 51:6.5 (587.3)length of sojourn of, on planets of assignment, 51:1.8 (581.5)local universe origin of, 40:2.1 (444.1), 51:1.0 (580.4–581.5), 52:4.2 (594.5)location of dematerializing sector in area of the, 46:5.26 (526.1)long-time mobilization of offspring of, for racial-amalgamation ministry, 52:3.5 (593.4)and Material Daughters, equality of, 51:1.3 (580.6)mission of the, 50:1.4 (573.1), 51:0.2 (580.2)mortal survivors’ study of, 45:6.2 (515.8)nonflesh eaters, 52:3.8 (593.7)origin of, 51:0.2 (580.2)passing upon fitness of reproducing human strains by the, 51:4.8 (585.4)perfected, classification of, as ascending Sons, 40:2.2 (444.2)permanent citizens of Jerusem, 37:9.12 (415.4), 45:5.5 (515.4), 46:4.7 (523.1)planetary angelic helpers’ assignment to, 53:7.7 (608.3)missions of, 37:9.10 (415.2)Planetary Princes’ facilitation of missions of the, 50:1.4 (573.1), 52:3.3 (593.2)point of departure of, for Paradise, 31:5.1 (349.1)reception of Adjusters by, 31:5.2 (349.2), 76:5.2 (852.1)responsibility of, for mortal survivors, 45:6.2 (515.8)of Satania, failure of Adam and Eve as, 76:5.2 (852.1)losses of, in Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.8 (608.4)spiritual and material beings, 25:3.6 (277.3)System Sovereign’s convening of, occasion for, 51:2.1 (582.1)direction of, 35:9.5 (393.5)as teachers in Melchizedek training schools, 45:7.3 (517.5)Thought Adjusters not possessed by, 51:1.6 (581.3)time of arrival of, on an evolutionary planet, 39:5.3 (437.2), 52:3.1 (592.6)transport seraphim’s preparation of, for seraphic transport, 51:2.2 (582.2)union of, the ideal of marriage, 83:8.5 (930.1)union of educational and administrative work of, with that of Planetary Prince, time of, 51:7.2 (588.1)vs. univitatia, 37:9.8 (414.13)visibility of, to inhabitants of the realm, 51:7.1 (587.12)visibility of spirit beings to, 51:7.1 (587.12)sphere, Paradise a, 11:0.1 (118.1)vs. spiritual status of system ascenders, 43:9.2 (495.4)structures, increasing perfection and grandeur of, from mansion world to mansion world, 48:3.15 (546.8)nonexistent in Most Holy Sphere, 11:3.1 (120.4)spirit beings’ technique of discerning, 44:0.16 (498.7)things, mind’s need to be aware of, to understand reality, 102:2.5 (1120.2)not the province of prayer, 91:1.3 (995.2)relation of shadow to the substance of, 130:4.1 (1433.6), 131:3.3 (1446.5)universe(s), the arena of spiritual activities, 12:8.1 (139.4)energy activities of, relation of Eternal Son to, 10:3.18 (112.2)expansion of, and unfathomability of cosmic relationships of Universal Absolute, 10:8.8 (116.9)man’s consciousness of his being a part of the, 101:10.1 (1116.2)Paradise the source of, 56:1.1 (637.3)the reality of the, 5:2.1 (64.4)wealth, ten methods of amassing, 132:5.2 (1462.3)ten suggestions concerning attitudes toward, 132:5.14 (1463.8)wonders, Jesus’ attempt to show the futility of, in soul saving, 152:5.4 (1704.3)Jesus’ refusal to perform, 167:4.2 (1837.1)world, birthmark of spiritual origin of, 42:9.2 (479.7)morontia progressors’ contact with, 48:2.26 (545.1)philosophy’s endeavor to interpret the, 103:7.15 (1139.7)unreality of, to spirit beings, 44:0.15 (498.6)Materialismabout, 195:6.0 (2076.6–2078.3)a definition, 56:10.4 (646.5)false science of, 2:7.4 (42.5)influence of, 102:6.10 (1125.5)limitations of, 12:9.5 (141.6), 102:6.10 (1125.5)and secularism, dire harvest of, 195:8.13 (2082.5)vs. the teachings of Jesus, 195:6.2 (2076.7), 195:9.3 (2082.8)ultimate futility of building a universal philosophy on, 103:6.5 (1135.7), 112:2.12 (1228.7), 195:7.0 (2078.4–2080.8)Materialisticachievement, inability of, to prevent the disintegration of secularistic human society, 195:8.10 (2082.2)age, present status of the, 195:6.4 (2076.9)the river of truth running even to a, 195:9.1 (2082.6)culture a potential menace to civilization, 132:1.3 (1457.2)despair,
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