The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of life is not, 49:1.1 (559.6)providence is not, 118:10.23 (1307.4)rituals of the Nile valley, involvement of, with realms of conscience and character, 95:2.5 (1044.4)salvation, attempt of Gautama to turn men away from claims of, 94:8.17 (1037.1)the universe is not, 42:11.1 (481.5)Magiciansclassified as black art practitioners, 90:2.2 (987.6)of old, voodoo doctors of twentieth century typical of, 88:6.1 (972.1)practices of, derivation of, 150:3.11 (1681.6)smiths as, 69:3.5 (774.4)women as, 88:6.1 (972.1)Magisterialmission(s), of Avonal Son, time of, 20:2.6 (225.5), 49:5.25 (567.5), 51:7.0 (587.12–588.4)of Avonals, and incarnations, 20:4.0 (226.5–227.3)incarnation of Avonals when on, 52:4.3 (594.6)Melchizedek support of Avonal Sons on, 35:2.6 (386.4)occurrence of, prior to bestowals, 20:2.6 (225.5), 20:4.2 (226.6)Urantia never favored by a, 49:5.26 (567.6)Son(s), activities of, in first circle of the Sons, 46:5.12 (524.3)assistants of, on world missions, 20:2.9 (225.8), 37:4.5 (410.3)attitude of, toward bestowal, 7:5.10 (87.4), 20:5.7 (228.4)the Avonals, 20:1.3 (223.8)bestowals, number of local universe worlds subject to, 20:5.4 (228.1)certain future appearance of, on Urantia, 93:10.8 (1025.4)descent of, 20:6.5 (229.4)dispensations of, length of, 52:4.10 (595.5)the first, on a normal world, accomplishments of, 51:7.2 (588.1)function of the, 7:6.5 (88.3), 55:10.5 (634.5)government of, 20:3.1 (226.1)of judgment, accompaniment of Teacher Sons on successive missions by a, 52:7.8 (599.4)motivation of, 20:5.2 (227.5)in Nebadon, number of, 35:0.1 (384.1)origin of, 7:6.5 (88.3), 20:1.11 (224.1), 52:4.2 (594.5)preparation of a planet for advent of a, 52:3.3 (593.2)universal planetary acceptance of, result, 51:7.1 (587.12)visitation, initial, incarnation of the Avonal as adult male, 20:4.1 (226.5)Magneticbehavior of the worlds, great variation in, and the designs of mortal life, 49:2.22 (562.6)field, disturbance in, and the production of X rays, 42:5.8 (475.4)forces of the worlds, and direction cells in animals, 34:4.13 (378.7)poles, and regulation of flow of terrestrial energy, 57:8.18 (662.5)power, one possible form of reappearing energy, 42:4.2 (472.13)Magnetssunspots as, 58:2.8 (666.5)Mahayana Buddhisma definition, 94:9.5 (1038.3)Majesticappearance of Jesus in court, 184:3.5 (1982.6), 186:2.8 (1999.8)Majestoncreation of, 17:2.0 (199.5–200.4), 17:2.2 (199.6), 106:8.20 (1172.5), 116:4.3 (1272.2)and factualizing mind of Supreme, 0:3.14 (5.13)function of, 17:1.10 (199.4), 17:2.4 (200.2)headquarters of, 14:6.36 (162.11), 17:2.3 (200.1)identification, 17:2.3 (200.1), 17:8.7 (206.2)of Paradise, one of the unclassified orders, 30:1.109 (334.3)personalization of reflectivity phenomenon in, 14:6.36 (162.11), 17:2.3 (200.1)Supreme Being the father of, 0:7.9 (11.3)the Unnamed Reflectivator Liaisons of, 30:1.110 (334.4)Majestycalm, of Jesus at his arrest, 183:3.4 (1974.2)of Heaven, necessity for man’s awe of the, 131:9.2 (1452.6)Major sector(s)administrators of, 15:13.1 (181.1)composition of, 15:13.1 (181.1)constitution and government of, 15:2.8 (166.7)government, personnel of, 15:13.2 (181.2), 18:4.1 (210.4)headquarters of, Celestial Guardians’ assignment to, 22:9.3 (252.5)Mighty Messengers as assistants on, 22:2.8 (245.8)mortals as spirits of the second order in the, 31:3.4 (348.1)relation of, to settledness in light and life, 55:11.1 (635.3)rulers, jurisdiction of, over minor sectors, 15:13.6 (181.6)service of High Son Assistants on, 22:10.7 (254.4)Splandon the name of our, 15:7.9 (174.9), 15:14.7 (182.6), 18:4.9 (211.5)of superuniverses, function of Perfections of Days in, 15:10.14 (179.1), 18:4.1 (210.4)training worlds, number of, 18:4.7 (211.3)Umajor the fifth the headquarters of our, 15:7.9 (174.9), 15:13.3 (181.3), 15:14.7 (182.6)unification, probable concern of, 55:11.4 (635.6)MakerGod our, 131:1.2 (1442.4), 131:4.2 (1448.1)Making a livingthe difficulties of, in a sinful world, and Jesus’ sympathy for the courtesans, 133:3.7 (1472.6)for his entire family by the youth Jesus, 126:3.11 (1391.1)the problem of, new tasks confronting man following his solving of, 70:0.1 (783.1)religion as related to, 160:4.1 (1778.4)study by the young Jesus of men’s methods of, 124:4.1 (1371.4)Malachidentification of, 156:3.1 (1736.6)Malachievolution of the concept of the personality of God from Moses to, 97:0.2 (1062.2)influence of, 97:10.3 (1075.8)Maladjustment(s)evil defined as, 67:1.4 (754.5), 75:4.3 (842.5)political, faith’s contribution to survival of altruism in spite of, 101:3.14 (1108.13)the possible future exhaustion of, in the superuniverses, 117:7.13 (1292.7)ruinous, of too rapidly advancing civilization, 68:4.5 (767.5)selfish economic, some professed Christians as unconsecreated fellowship of, 196:1.2 (2090.3)Malarialfever, Amatha’s illness, 145:2.16 (1631.4)Malavatia Melchizedekpresenter of Paper 43, 43:9.6 (496.1)Malayanpeoples, members of the Mongoloid class, 81:4.12 (905.3)Malchuspreparation of, to bind Jesus’ hands, result, 183:3.7 (1974.5)Male(s)and female activities, early differentiation of, 68:2.6 (765.3)creation of, by the Father’s direction, 167:5.7 (1839.4)-female partnerships, effect of, on survival possibilities, 84:1.9 (932.6)Paradise Sons as, on mortal-bestowal missions, 20:6.2 (229.1)rule of the female, 52:2.7 (591.7)Malefactorappeal of, to Jesus on the cross, 187:4.1 (2008.8)Maliceand hatred, of the chief priests, Pilate’s recognition of, 185:5.6 (1993.6)Maltathe home of Claudius, 130:8.1 (1440.1)Jesus’ visit to, 130:8.1 (1440.1)Thomas’s death at, 139:8.13 (1563.1)Maltese crossresemblance of cross section of total space to, 11:7.3 (124.4)Malvorianfirst and present function of, 24:6.4 (270.2)Mammal(s)age of advanced, 61:2.0 (694.7–696.4)of early, 61:1.0 (693.4–694.6)air-navigating, 49:2.17 (562.1), 65:2.12 (733.2)ancestors of the, 65:2.10 (732.8)the dawn, appearance of, 61:6.1 (700.2), 62:2.0 (703.5–704.5)descendants of frog family, 65:2.10 (732.8)distressful diseases of the higher, cause of, 65:5.2 (736.5)era of, 61:0.1 (693.1)failure of two attempts to produce, 60:3.21 (691.2)functioning of adjutant mind-spirits in, 62:6.3 (709.4), 84:1.6 (932.3)golden age of, 61:3.4 (696.8)last class to develop on Urantia, 65:2.11 (733.1)of marine habitat, 49:2.17 (562.1), 61:2.11 (696.2), 65:2.12 (733.2)nonplacental, appearance of, and results, 60:1.11 (686.7)now-extinct ancestor of various groups of, 61:2.7 (695.5)placental, ancestry of, 65:2.12 (733.2)man’s ancestors from lemur type of the, 62:0.1 (703.1)sudden appearance of, 61:1.2 (693.5)world domination, beginning of, 61:2.3 (695.1)survival advantages of, 61:1.3–8 (693.6–11)see also Mid-mammalsMammalianaffection of the mother of the first humans, 62:5.10 (708.8)ancestry, puzzling by-products of provision for inheritance factors of, 65:4.12 (736.3)era on Urantia, about, 61:0.0 (693.1–702.10)period covered by, 59:0.6 (672.6)expansion, on land, age of, 61:2.5 (695.3)instincts, manifestation of, in primitive mammalian types, 61:1.3 (693.6)life, evolution of, 61:1.14 (694.6), 61:3.10 (697.5)spread of, over Europe following the fourth glacier, 64:4.7 (721.5)migration, the last great, 61:4.0 (698.3–699.1)types, experimental effort on Urantia to improve, 60:1.11 (686.7)Mammoninability to serve God and, 163:2.10 (1803.1), 169:2.7 (1854.3)service of, vs. worship of God, 140:6.13 (1577.7)of unrighteousness, lessons from those who make friends with, 169:2.1 (1853.4), 169:2.5 (1854.1)Mammoth(s)glacial migration of, 61:7.13 (702.3)preferred habitat of, 61:7.14 (702.4)Siberian wool-covered, 61:7.14 (702.4)woolly, in North America, 61:5.7 (699.8)Mamresignificance of, 93:6.7 (1021.3)Man(men)ability of, to attain the art of living, 160:1.5 (1773.2)to transcend nature, consequences, 111:6.1 (1221.8)to work with God, 117:1.4 (1279.2)ability of God to communicate with, 161:1.7 (1784.4)the Adjuster’s personality possibility, 107:6.2 (1182.4)among men, Jesus a, 128:1.4 (1408.1), 129:4.1 (1424.5), 136:5.5 (1517.1), 140:5.2 (1573.4), 141:7.14 (1594.8)ancestors of, and the frog, 61:2.6 (695.4)time of appearance of, 62:0.1 (703.1), 62:3.10 (706.1)and angels, co-operation of, in eternity as in time, 113:7.6 (1248.6)vs. animal, 111:6.9 (1223.1), 118:3.1 (1297.2)and apes, relation of, 62:3.12 (706.3)the architect of his own eternal destiny, 103:5.10 (1134.8)are the children of God, Jesus’ declaration, 99:5.5 (1091.4), 193:0.3 (2052.3)attitude of, toward woman’s work, 69:3.3 (774.2)as a beast of burden, 81:2.12 (902.2)central universe the established destiny of, 14:6.40 (163.2)a child of God, 2:0.1 (33.1)choice of, to find God and be like him, a superfinite choice, 118:6.7 (1300.3)choicest gift of, to God, 1:1.2 (22.5)civilized, the great test of, 136:8.6 (1521.1)vs. the cosmos, 87:6.1 (963.10)dependence of, on Adjusters for intellectual and spiritual communion, 109:4.1 (1198.4)the descendant of fighting animals, 63:4.9 (714.7)destiny of, the achievement of, 1:0.5 (22.2), 117:3.10 (1282.5)dwelling of God within, 148:6.10 (1664.2)-eating, gradual disappearance of, 89:5.8 (979.7)vs. an energy system, 112:5.3 (1232.4)equality
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