The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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celebration of the, 103:4.1 (1133.1), 194:4.8 (2067.3)Losergood, Thomas a, 139:8.8 (1562.2)poor, Judas a, 139:12.6 (1566.5)Lostcoin, Jesus retelling the story of the, 169:1.1 (1850.8)search of the Father and Son for the, 169:1.4 (1851.2)sheep, Jesus retelling the story of the, 159:1.2 (1762.4), 159:5.16 (1770.8), 169:1.1 (1850.8)Lotamong the ancestors of the Hebrew nation organized by Moses, 96:5.9 (1059.1)disagreements of, with Abraham, 93:5.9 (1019.6)identity of, 93:5.5 (1019.2)preferred occupations of, 93:5.9 (1019.6)retaliation of Abraham for raid on Sodom property of, 93:5.12 (1020.1)Loveof angels for humans, 38:2.1 (419.1)of God, one of Jesus’ evening discussions, 150:6.1 (1683.3)vs. hate, 100:4.6 (1098.3)Jesus’, the greatest known on earth, 188:5.7 (2018.6)for mortals, proof of, 179:5.9 (1943.2), 186:2.10 (2000.2)over hate, the cross the symbol of the triumph of, 188:5.6 (2018.5)a quality of righteousness necessary for entry into the kingdom, 140:6.3 (1576.3)of riches, possible consequence of, 165:4.1 (1821.1)-saturated soul, and graciousness, 171:7.1 (1874.4)and service, the social fruits of religion, 102:7.5 (1126.5)socializing of knowledge by, 48:7.28 (557.12)story of Adam and Eve, 75:5.0 (843.3–844.2)Adamson and Ratta, 77:5.0 (861.1–862.4)of Rebecca, 127:5.0 (1402.4–1403.4)of truth, a requisite for, 3:5.10 (51.9)of wealth, Jesus’ desire to free Matadormus from the, 163:2.6 (1802.2)Love-Brotherlyall men as I have loved you, 191:4.3 (2041.6), 193:0.5 (2053.1)of the apostles for Jesus, 139:1.11 (1550.2), 158:7.4 (1760.1), 182:1.5 (1964.2)for one another, 181:2.26 (1961.5)brotherly, the apostles and the practice of, 140:5.1 (1573.3)of the Father, bestowal of, character of, by man upon his fellows, 117:6.10 (1289.3)for fellow men, one evidence that an experience is good, 132:2.5 (1458.2)the result of guidance by the divine spirit, 146:3.6 (1642.2)fellowship of believers a manifestation of brotherly, 194:4.6 (2067.1)genuine and unselfish, the contagion of, 100:4.6 (1098.3)for man, the measure of spiritual capacity, 100:4.4 (1098.1), 156:5.14 (1740.1)of mortals for one another, as Jesus has loved us, 180:2.5 (1946.3)mutual, among children of the heavenly family, a fundamental law of living, 142:7.4 (1603.5)significance of, 56:8.3 (644.1)for neighbor, emotions of, the source of intelligent ministry, 157:2.2 (1745.1)for one another, the badge of discipleship, 180:1.1 (1944.4)for one’s brother, the second fundamental law of living, 142:7.4 (1603.5)of one’s fellows, a characteristic of genuine religion, 103:9.5 (1141.3), 180:5.8 (1950.3)growth of, 129:0.2 (1419.2)of people, a result of, 131:8.4 (1452.2)a result of understanding, 100:4.6 (1098.3)the rule of living within the kingdom, 142:1.4 (1596.6)and serve, Jesus’ plea to his apostles to, 92:4.8 (1008.1), 188:4.9 (2017.4), 191:4.3 (2041.6), 191:5.3 (2043.1), 193:5.2 (2057.4)and trust one another, Jesus’ charge to apostles, 193:3.2 (2055.2)your enemies, 140:3.15 (1571.2), 140:8.6 (1580.1)neighbor as yourself, 131:2.11 (1445.5), 159:5.9 (1770.1), 163:4.8 (1805.5), 170:3.6 (1862.3), 180:5.7 (1950.2)Love-Characteristics and Definitionsability of, to grow, 100:3.7 (1097.4)attitudes of, 2:6.5 (41.3)creative character of, 188:5.2 (2018.1)a definition, 2:6.5 (41.3), 12:9.2 (141.3), 56:10.17 (647.8), 56:10.21 (648.4), 140:8.31 (1583.5), 174:1.5 (1898.5), 177:2.3 (1922.1), 180:1.3 (1944.6), 192:2.1 (2047.5)the essence of religion, 102:6.3 (1124.5)of God, character of the, 2:5.0 (38.6–40.4), 6:3.5 (75.10)for God, religion the, 102:3.12 (1122.8)God is, 2:5.1 (38.6), 3:4.7 (50.5), 6:3.1 (75.6), 8:4.2 (94.4), 134:4.1 (1486.4), 160:5.11 (1782.2)the greatest of all spirit realities, 143:1.4 (1608.1)relationship in the world, 143:6.4 (1615.5), 192:2.1 (2047.5)thing in the universe, 56:10.20 (648.3)the impossibility of creating, 100:3.7 (1097.4)of weighing, 196:3.18 (2095.2)is dynamic, 117:6.10 (1289.3)is not God, 2:5.10 (40.2)living, and will of God, 3:6.2 (52.5)need for redefinition of, on successive levels of progression, 196:3.29 (2096.5)nonself-seeking character of, 156:5.11 (1739.6)real connotation of the word, 112:2.7 (1228.2)the rule of living within the kingdom, 142:1.4 (1596.6)the sum total of beauty, truth, and goodness, 56:10.17 (647.8)true, destruction of hate by, 188:5.2 (2018.1)unselfishness another word for, 180:5.10 (1950.5)Love-Divineapplied to the creature creation, 8:4.2 (94.4)an attribute of the Infinite Spirit, 9:1.8 (100.2)correlation of divinity as, 0:1.17 (3.4), 8:4.2 (94.4), 56:10.19 (648.2)divine, and advancement of worthy intelligences, 5:1.8 (63.6)blending of divinity values in Father’s relation with creatures as, 56:10.19 (648.2)the disciplines of, 143:1.4 (1608.1)functioning of, 2:5.10 (40.2), 188:5.3 (2018.2)greatest revelation of, 2:5.10 (40.2)and human, the true believer’s attitude toward, 2:5.8 (39.7), 156:5.11 (1739.6)kingdom believers to reveal, by daily living, 191:5.3 (2043.1)revelation of the nature of God by, 182:1.26 (1965.20)dominated, both Creator Son and Father are, 54:6.2 (618.5)of Eternal Son, comprehension of the, 6:3.3 (75.8)of God, character of the, 2:5.0 (38.6–40.4), 6:3.5 (75.10)and divine free-willness, 2:6.9 (42.1)and personality realities, 2:6.8 (41.6)wisdom restrains, 2:6.7 (41.5)how God experiences, 2:6.4 (41.2), 4:4.6 (59.2)inadequate term for portraying affection of heavenly Father, 2:5.11 (40.3)living, and will of God, 3:6.2 (52.5)mercy, and ministry, the union of, in the first triunity, 104:4.7 (1148.6)mercy springs from, 2:4.4 (38.4)outgoing, need for humans to learn the divine form of, 156:5.11 (1739.6)of the Spirit, reality of, 8:6.4 (96.6)universal, God of, 1:4.5 (26.7)Love-of the Fatherthe Adjusters’ self-bestowing, 107:1.6 (1177.7), 107:6.2 (1182.4)all true, God the source of, 117:6.10 (1289.3)the attitude of a father, 2:6.5 (41.3)dominated, both Creator Son and Father are, 54:6.2 (618.5)of earthly fathers, comparison of, with that of the heavenly Father, 2:5.9 (40.1), 142:2.4 (1597.4)eternal, Father’s love for all his children, 138:8.2 (1545.3)of Eternal Son, source of the, 6:3.3 (75.8)of the Father, bestowal of, character of, 40:10.13 (454.2), 194:3.1 (2062.10)characteristics of, 5:1.2 (62.4)concern of the gospel with, 193:0.5 (2053.1)for the individual, need for an earthly father to accept, 142:2.3 (1597.3)for men, Jesus’ proclamation of, result, 156:4.2 (1737.3), 175:1.1 (1905.3), 182:1.5 (1964.2)and parable of the prodigal son, 169:1.16 (1853.3)a personal thing, 118:10.11 (1305.6)some functions of, 12:7.9 (138.4)and the Son’s mercy, 6:3.1 (75.6)truths of, mission of Spirit of Truth to teach men about, 194:3.1 (2062.10)of a father for his son, a central truth in universe relations, 188:5.1 (2017.9)fatherly, Jesus’ revelation of a new concept of, 140:5.1 (1573.3)Father’s, greatest revelation of, 2:5.10 (40.2)the Master’s completion of the revelation of, 179:2.3 (1938.2)ministered by the Spirit, 9:0.3 (98.3)personification of, by the Spirit, 8:4.2 (94.4)personalization of, by the Son, 6:3.1 (75.6)supreme justice dominated by, 54:5.3 (617.3)vs. fear, and Jesus’ mission, 149:6.2 (1675.3)of God, character of the, 2:5.0 (38.6–40.4), 6:3.5 (75.10)Jesus’ view of the, 125:0.6 (1378.1), 196:0.13 (2089.3)wrong concept of the, 2:5.2 (39.1)of a heavenly Father, Jesus’ portrayal of the, 132:4.2 (1460.6), 188:4.4 (2016.9)infinite, Father’s love of man an, 137:8.17 (1537.4)of the infinite Father, impact of, experiencible by finite creatures, 3:4.6 (50.4)Jesus’, the cross as the final manifestation of, 188:5.11 (2019.4)and mercy, Father’s, bargaining for, how precluded, 140:10.4 (1585.2)the reality of the, 143:2.7 (1610.2)mutual, of God and man, and the mystery of reality, 117:4.14 (1285.3)significance, 56:8.3 (644.1)Universal Father’s, relation of, to justice of the Trinity, 10:6.18 (115.2)Love-Humancharms, the ancients’ belief in, 88:5.2 (971.4)divine, and human, the true believer’s attitude toward, 2:5.8 (39.7), 156:5.11 (1739.6)and the early mating instinct, 82:1.1 (913.4)for the father, the first fundamental law of living, 142:7.4 (1603.5)need for the child to develop, 149:6.6 (1675.7)vs. fear, in the parent-child relationship, significance of, 92:7.11 (1013.6)for fellow men, the result of guidance by the divine spirit, 146:3.6 (1642.2)of his parents, for Jesus, 126:0.2 (1386.2)of home, importance of, to a human, 160:2.6 (1775.7)vs. pursuit of pleasure, 84:8.4 (942.5)human, reciprocity in, 156:5.11 (1739.6)for Jesus, apostles’ growth in, 177:4.5 (1925.2)of Jesus for his family, 129:0.2 (1419.2)man’s, evidence of the presence of the Adjuster, 196:3.7 (2094.6)nearest approach to God, 3:4.7 (50.5)motive, vs. property motive, in marriage, 83:7.5 (928.6)of offspring, an almost universal trait, 84:7.10 (940.6)of parents, children’s development of, 149:6.6 (1675.7)of people, a result of, 131:8.4 (1452.2)primitive humans’ consciousness of, 62:5.5 (708.3)for Universal Father must be voluntary, 1:1.2 (22.5)wife, Africans’ disdain of a, 83:3.1 (923.7)vs. status wife, 83:5.11 (926.9)Love-Manifestationsabounding, a post-Pentecostal weapon of gospel teachers, 194:3.11 (2064.3)all-powerful, religion’s final realization of, 90:0.3 (986.3)contagion of, 188:5.6 (2018.5)creative character of, 188:5.2 (2018.1)dominance of, necessity of submitting to the,
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