The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_64dba2ca-b418-5996-b62a-0b73485888e2">65:6.0 (737.1–738.3)forms, peculiar to Urantia, 49:5.11 (565.12)formulation of, on the planet, 58:3.4 (667.5)implantation, central, and man’s evolution, 65:2.15 (733.5)eastern, failure of, to attain intelligent prehuman status, result of, 65:2.13 (733.3)western, man’s origin in the, 65:2.13 (733.3)initiation in Satania, the six hundred and sixth experience with, 58:1.1 (664.2)marine, well established on Urantia during Proterozoic era, 58:7.11 (671.4)-modification world, Urantia a, 62:7.6 (710.5)oceanic nursery of, 58:1.3 (664.4), 59:6.12 (684.2)patterns, organization of, 58:4.2 (667.6)pleasant, of humans on Urantia, a result of apparently fortuitous protections, 58:2.4 (666.1)records of Urantia, preservation of, in stone pages, 57:8.26 (663.4)sixtieth experiment to amplify and improve Satania type of Nebadon life patterns, 57:8.9 (661.3)span of mid-mammals, 62:3.6 (705.5)of the Primates, 62:4.5 (707.4)uniqueness of, 58:4.1 (667.5)Lifeworkof Adam’s children, time of beginning of, 74:6.8 (835.2)of all believers, carried forward in view of natural death, 176:3.3 (1916.3)of the bestowal Son, significance for, of absence of loyal Planetary Prince and Material Son, 51:3.9 (584.2)of Jesus, beginning of, his awaiting the, 134:0.1 (1483.1)and John the Baptist, 122:2.1 (1345.3)on earth, Christian church the best existent exponent of, 195:10.9 (2085.1)his belief in nonjeopardizability of, 133:1.4 (1469.3)decision to organize, according to natural law, 136:6.2 (1518.1)to prosecute, without help from celestial agencies, 136:7.1 (1519.5)refusal to consent to dictation of his plan of, 125:6.12 (1384.8)thinking about the problem of, as a youth, 125:5.10 (1383.3)infrequent discussion of, during his adolescence, reason for, 127:4.1 (1401.1)James’s partial knowledge of, 127:3.2 (1399.1), 134:9.6 (1495.3)remainder of, task of effecting full consecration to, on Mount Hermon, 134:7.6 (1492.6)of Jesus’ brothers, establishment of, 128:7.9 (1418.1)of John the Baptist, Jesus’ influence on the launching of, 135:2.2 (1497.4)need for helping children select their, 140:5.14 (1574.7)Lightancient use of fire for, 69:6.2 (777.5)availability of energy as, 15:6.9 (172.11)conditions promoting explosion of, 41:5.1 (460.5)constantly poured forth by the Father, 4:1.6 (55.4)divine, function of the, 131:4.2 (1448.1)energies, escaping, and density of the suns, 41:5.1 (460.5)-energy, modified mortals effecting life-process exchanges by, 49:2.24 (563.1)escape of, from suns, means of, 41:9.1 (465.1)a factor in Adam’s nutrition, 76:4.3 (851.1)falling on North America, value of, 58:2.1 (665.4)of Jerusem, comparison of, with sunlight, 46:1.5 (520.1)and life, achievement of the status of, by Jesus of Nazareth, 55:11.7 (635.9)career of, time for worship and achievement in, 25:7.2 (282.6)culture of era of, on normal planets, vs. that of fifth mansion world, 47:7.1 (537.1)era of, time of inauguration of, 52:7.14 (600.3)vs. Urantians’ concepts of heaven, 52:7.16 (600.5)ushering in of, by Trinity Teacher Sons, 52:7.14 (600.3)fifth stage of, activities of, 55:4.20 (628.8)first stage of, the planetary stage, 55:7.0 (631.7–632.3)rulers of a world in the, 55:4.4 (627.2)time span of the, 55:7.1 (631.7)fourth or local universe stage of, about, 55:10.0 (634.1–635.2)assumption of new roles by Trinity Teacher Sons in, 55:4.17 (628.5)and translation of living mortals, 55:2.8 (624.2)imperfections of the age of, 55:3.1 (624.7)infrequency of death on planets long settled in, 49:6.21 (570.10)Life Carrier functions on planets settled in, 36:1.4 (396.5)planetary Adams’ function on worlds settled in, 51:3.9 (584.2)era of, and function of primary modified order of translation to universe morontia worlds, 49:6.21 (570.10)preparation of a planet for the settled status of, 55:0.4 (621.4), 55:4.3 (627.1)probable tasks of Paradise finaliters after the settlement of the seven superuniverses in, 112:7.15 (1239.4)relation of Daynal missions to worlds settled in, 20:9.4 (232.2)second stage of, developments of, 55:4.11 (627.9), 55:8.0 (632.4–633.3)settlement of local universe components in, and God the Sevenfold, 56:7.2 (642.2)of the seven superuniverses in, significance, 106:0.18 (1163.12), 116:0.5 (1268.5), 116:5.12 (1274.2), 117:0.2 (1278.2)of a system in, and finaliter population increase, 47:0.3 (530.3)and new training regime of finaliters, 48:3.17 (547.2)settling of a local universe in, and universal action of reflectivity service, 17:3.11 (201.9)of local universes in, requisites for, 32:3.2 (360.4)seven superuniverses’ settlement in, the possible activity of the Corps of the Finality at the time of the, 106:3.4 (1166.2)seventh stage of, and coming of absonite ministers, 55:4.10 (627.8)developments of, 55:4.22 (628.10), 56:10.1 (646.2), 56:10.20 (648.3)and potential elimination of death, 55:2.8 (624.2)the superuniverse stage, 55:12.0 (636.2–6)sixth stage of, developments of, 55:4.21 (628.9)spheres of, 55:0.0 (621.1–636.7)third stage of, the constellation stage, 55:9.0 (633.4–6)developments of, 55:4.13 (628.1)of life, of the central Isle, 11:0.2 (118.2)Jesus the, 122:8.6 (1352.2), 162:5.3 (1795.2)revealed the, to those who sat in darkness, 149:2.6 (1671.1)prerequisite to having the, 132:2.9 (1458.6), 148:6.9 (1664.1), 162:5.3 (1795.2)modification of, by energy and matter in space, 41:6.1 (461.5), 42:5.14 (475.10)not one of the basic energies of space, 41:1.2 (456.1)pressure, internal sun, effect of, on distant planets, 41:5.1 (460.5)reaction of dark gravity bodies to, 14:1.14 (153.5)reality of, 15:6.13 (173.3), 41:5.2 (460.6)recession, of Jerusem, temperature during, 46:1.3 (519.4)of salvation, a definition, 141:6.2 (1592.4)space direction of, 41:5.6 (461.2)spirit luminosity, 0:6.9 (10.1)three kinds of, in universe, 0:6.8 (9.10)threefold, of Paradise and Havona, source of, 13:3.1 (149.4)of truth, present-day grasp for the, 88:6.8 (973.1)without heat, a Deity manifestation, nonspiritual, 3:2.3 (47.1), 13:0.4 (143.4)existence of suns which shine, 15:6.8 (172.10)giving forth of, by architectural worlds’ suns, 15:7.1 (174.1)living power personalities’ role in the distribution of, 29:3.9 (323.7)of the world, Jesus the, 162:5.2 (1795.1), 174:5.7 (1903.4)sermon on the, 162:5.0 (1794.4–1795.4)Lighthouse(s)of Pharos, location and significance of, 130:3.2 (1432.2)universe, or measuring points, astronomers’ ability to use certain stars as, 41:3.10 (459.4)Lightingof architectural worlds, 15:7.1 (174.1), 46:1.4 (519.5)of Havona spheres, 14:3.7 (156.4)Lightning(s)fear of, developed by Andonites, 63:6.3 (716.2)early linking of worship of fire and, 85:4.3 (947.2)fire caused by, source of early myths, 69:6.6 (778.1)kindled by, utilized by Andon’s ancestors, 63:2.7 (712.7)God’s making of a way for the, 3:2.4 (47.2)from heaven, Satan beheld falling as, by the Son of Man, 43:4.9 (490.4), 53:8.3 (609.6), 163:6.2 (1807.1)proceeding from the throne, in John’s vision, meaning of, 34:4.12 (378.6)strike by, of the home tree of mid-mammals, an evolutionary close call, 62:3.9 (705.8)Thor the master of, 85:6.4 (948.4)and thunders of Sinai, and Moses’ giving of the new ten commandments, 142:3.21 (1599.13)thunderstones in chimney as protection against, 80:9.14 (899.1)Lignitein sedimentations of Cretaceous stage, 60:3.9 (689.8)Lily(ies)lesson of Jesus’ story of the pure, 156:5.1 (1737.5)that neither toil nor spin, Jesus’ reference to growth of, 165:5.3 (1823.3)Limestoneage, time of the, 59:2.3 (675.2), 59:5.10 (681.2), 61:1.13 (694.5)conversion of, into marble, cause, 59:1.16 (674.2)source of, in the age of frogs, 59:5.9 (681.3)Linear gravityantigravity effect of pervaded space upon, 11:8.3 (125.6)atomic systems’ subjection to, 42:4.3 (473.1)a drawing power of Havona dark gravity bodies, 11:8.7 (126.3)emergent energy unresponsive to, 0:6.6 (9.8)field of operations of, 11:8.3 (125.6), 12:8.10 (140.6), 41:5.6 (461.2), 41:9.2 (465.2), 42:2.12 (470.3)Paradise gravity’s relation to computation of, 12:3.8 (132.2)primal physical forces not responsive to, 12:6.5 (136.3)-responding units of organized matter, energy manifestations of, 16:4.12 (190.6)response, definition, 42:11.5 (482.3)by emergent energy, in superuniverse domains, 32:1.1 (357.5)spirituality in time and space measured inversely to, 42:11.4 (482.2)response to, varying, of universe power, 29:2.15 (321.7)time of becoming fully operative, 42:6.2 (476.4)Linenbandages, carrying of new, by the women to Jesus’ tomb, 189:4.3 (2025.4)Lazarus wrapped in, 168:2.1 (1845.7)coat, John Mark’s escape by freeing himself from the, 183:3.9 (1975.2)garbing himself in a, 182:0.1 (1963.1)sheet, Jesus’ body still wrapped in a, after his morontia resurrection, 189:1.2 (2021.1)location of, when found by Mary, 189:4.6 (2025.7)throwing of, over the cliff, by the captain of the temple guards, 190:1.2 (2030.1)wrapping of Jesus’ body in a, for burial, 188:1.3 (2013.2)Linguist(s)Jesus’ ability as a, 134:1.6 (1484.3)of the realms, identity of, 48:3.12 (546.5)Linguisticdevelopment, need of, at present time, 81:6.16 (908.5)Lion(s)African, time of arrival of, in Europe, 64:4.7 (721.5)worship of the, by one tribe of Egyptians, 95:2.3 (1044.2)ListenerJesus a charming, 171:7.5
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