The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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teacher in China, 92:5.12 (1009.6), 94:6.0 (1033.4–1034.7)one of the seven outstanding world religious teachers, 121:6.4 (1338.7)LaottaAdam’s affair with, 75:5.2 (843.4)death of, 76:0.2 (847.2)identity of, 75:5.2 (843.4)Lappsa blend of Andonite and Sangik-blue races, 80:4.6 (893.2), 81:4.9 (904.13)Larvalstage of the thwarted spiritual kingdom, Christian church the, 170:5.21 (1866.4)Lastdays at Capernaum, 154:0.0 (1717.1–1724.1)hour before the betrayal, 182:2.0 (1966.1–1968.1)on the cross, 187:5.0 (2010.2–2011.4)shall often be the first, 163:3.4 (1804.1), 166:3.5 (1829.2)social hour, of Jesus with his apostles, 177:5.0 (1927.2–1928.3)Supper, the, 178:0.1 (1929.1), 179:0.0 (1936.1–1943.3)story, in the Mithraic cult, 98:5.3 (1082.4)temple discourse, the, 175:0.0 (1905.1–1911.12)words of comfort to the apostles, 181:1.0 (1953.3–1955.1)Lateradult life of Jesus, 129:0.0 (1419.1–1426.1)childhood of Jesus, 124:0.0 (1366.1–1376.4)Latin(s)later religion of, political character of, 98:3.1 (1080.3)library, location of, on the Palatine hill, 132:0.2 (1455.2)mythology, one element of the pagan cults, 121:5.3 (1336.7)pantheon, origin of, 98:3.3 (1080.5)peoples, features of institutional religion of, 98:3.4 (1080.6)tribes, religion of, compared with those of the Greeks and the Hebrews, 98:3.2 (1080.4)Laughterhearty, Andonites’ lack of, 63:4.2 (713.8)morontial and spiritual equivalent of, 48:4.1 (547.4)mortal, basis of, 48:4.20 (550.1)spiritual, of ascending creatures, 48:4.20 (550.1)LausannePilate’s retirement to, cause, 185:1.6 (1988.5)Lavaflows, of circumpacific land elevation, 60:3.11 (690.2)and the continental drift, 60:3.1 (688.8)deposition layers of, location, 60:3.16 (690.7)of life-dawn era, effects of, 58:7.6 (670.8)number of, in St. Croix Valley, 58:7.7 (670.9)on Pacific Ocean bed, effect of, 57:8.4 (660.6)mobile layer of, underneath earth’s outer shell, and stabilization of the latter, 58:5.3 (668.5)Law(s)application of, a function of the Paradise Trinity, 10:6.1 (114.2)basic, of Nebadon, purpose, 39:3.3 (432.4)-bound power, God not a, 12:7.6 (138.1)Christianity and, 195:0.3 (2069.3)of the conservation and dominance of goodness, 48:6.7 (552.5)and courts, 70:11.0 (796.7–797.12)a definition, 10:6.1 (114.2), 48:6.33 (555.1), 70:11.6 (797.4)evolution of, from negative to positive, 70:11.2 (796.8)forecasters, function of, 39:3.3 (432.4)of the Garden, basis of, 74:7.12 (836.1)of God, character of, 2:6.8 (41.6)the habits of God, 12:7.2 (137.5)and limitation of his power, 3:2.14 (48.6)Romans’ recognition of, in the laws of nature, 195:2.6 (2073.1)writing of, in his children’s hearts, 145:2.5 (1630.1)God’s universal, and nature, 4:2.5 (57.2)of gravity, Jesus’ question as to defiance of the, 136:7.2 (1519.6)of the ideal state, number and character of, 71:3.7 (803.7)impersonal and inexorable, in time and space, 12:7.1 (137.4)of the Infinite, no conflict among, 12:7.4 (137.7)Jewish, definition of one’s neighbor by, 164:1.2 (1809.4)forbidding of drawing and modeling by, 124:1.3 (1366.4)requirements of, regarding passing of the death sentence, 184:4.1 (1984.2)testimony of witnesses, 184:3.6 (1982.7)spoken, vs. written, 121:7.4 (1340.2)of the kingdom of heaven, definition, 142:1.5 (1596.7)liberty, and sovereignty, 134:6.0 (1490.4–1491.10)libraries, living, of all space, Technical Advisers as, 37:8.7 (414.2)experiential evolution of, 25:4.16 (280.4)of living, two fundamental, Jesus’ restatement of, 142:7.4 (1603.5)of love, positive, identification of, 142:3.22 (1599.14)of the material universe, faith’s lack of influence on the, 104:2.3 (1145.4)of Moses, nonexistence of, before Abraham, 159:4.2 (1767.4)natural, Jesus’ setting example by refusal to defy, 136:9.9 (1523.1)settlement of policy pertaining to his relations to, 136:6.2 (1518.1), 136:9.1 (1521.4)and order, conduct of the universes by, 4:5.3 (60.2), 49:1.3 (560.2), 86:2.5 (951.7), 97:7.11 (1069.6)and the prophets, Jesus’ purpose regarding the, 140:6.2 (1576.2)for protection of private property, reason for, 69:9.12 (781.6)reliable, in spirit world, 44:5.4 (505.1)revelation of, a function of the Third Source and Center, 10:6.1 (114.2)role of, in the kingdom on earth, Thomas’s question as to, 142:7.1 (1603.2)of the spirit, a definition, 151:1.4 (1689.2)spiritual, administration of, inherent in Second Source and Center, 10:6.1 (114.2)of supply and demand, and value of men and land, 68:6.3 (769.8)unchanging, the everywhere-changing universe’s regulation by, 102:7.2 (1126.2)of the universe, 167:5.2 (1838.3)of this world and, grasp of Jesus’ teachings about, 156:2.4 (1736.1)world, future enforcement of, by world government, 134:6.9 (1491.3)LawbreakerPharisees’ accusation against Jesus as a, 169:0.6 (1850.6)Lawgiverone only, 3:2.2 (46.6)Lawmakersupreme, relation of Providence to the, 4:1.2 (54.5)Lawyerdishonest, Jesus’ confounding of the, 164:1.4 (1810.2)Jesus’ reprimanding of the, 166:1.5 (1826.2)the Pharisee, profession of faith in the gospel by, 174:4.4 (1901.4)query of a, as to inheritance of eternal life, 164:1.1 (1809.3)Layman(men)the apostles as, 139:0.4 (1548.4)a definition, 139:0.4 (1548.4)unpretentious, Jesus an, 196:1.4 (2090.5)Lazarus, the beggarin the Nazarite allegory, 169:3.2 (1854.6)Lazarus of Bethanyapostles’ awareness of hasty flight of, 178:2.2 (1932.5)sojourn at home of, 152:7.1 (1706.2)attention of, to Jesus’ teaching, 162:8.2 (1797.5)come forth! Jesus’ command, 168:2.2 (1846.1)death of, cause, 168:5.3 (1849.7)death of mother of, 127:6.5 (1404.4)sentence on, decision about, by chief priests, 172:1.9 (1880.1)formal imposition of, by Sanhedrin, 175:3.1 (1909.4)the family of, occasion of the Nazareth family’s first meeting, 124:6.9 (1375.3)flight of, known by certain messengers in the apostles’ camp, 177:5.3 (1927.4)purpose, 171:1.5 (1869.1), 172:2.4 (1880.5), 178:3.3 (1934.5), 183:4.2 (1975.5)friendship of the young Jesus with, beginning of, 125:2.7 (1380.2)invitation of, for the Master and his apostles to make his home their headquarters, 141:9.1 (1595.5)Jesus’ and his apostles’ visit to home of, 142:8.4 (1606.1)decision to "awaken," 167:4.5 (1837.4)farewell to, 174:0.1 (1897.1)Jesus at the tomb of, 168:1.0 (1843.7–1845.6)later life of, 168:5.0 (1849.5–7), 171:1.5 (1869.1), 174:0.1 (1897.1), 190:1.9 (2031.3), 191:4.1 (2041.4), 193:6.4 (2058.3)perplexity of, at his resurrection, 168:2.9 (1846.8)plan for Passover celebration in home of, 128:6.5 (1415.5)post-resurrection experience of, 168:5.0 (1849.5–7), 191:4.1 (2041.4)resurrection of, about, 168:0.0 (1842.1–1849.7)effect of, on the apostles, 171:4.9 (1872.6)on Herod, 171:4.5 (1872.2)on Judas, 172:5.12 (1886.4)Jesus’ reasons for, 167:4.2 (1837.1), 168:2.7 (1846.6), 172:3.1 (1880.7)and sisters, social status of, 168:0.4 (1842.4)testimony of, before the Sanhedrin, 168:3.4 (1847.4)Thought Adjuster of, detention on planet of the, 168:1.6 (1844.5)the twelve-second resurrection of, 168:2.3 (1846.2)visits of Jesus with, at the Jordan, 141:9.1 (1595.5)on trips to Jerusalem, 127:3.5 (1399.4), 127:6.6 (1404.5), 128:6.5 (1415.5), 134:9.2 (1494.5), 141:9.2 (1595.6), 142:8.4 (1606.1), 152:7.1 (1706.2), 162:8.1 (1797.4), 168:3.7 (1847.7), 172:0.1 (1878.1), 172:1.2 (1878.5), 174:0.1 (1897.1)Leaddeposit of, during brachiopod age, 59:3.4 (677.1)two atomic weights of, significance of, 42:4.12 (474.2)Leader(s)dead and defeated, the resurrected Jesus not a, 194:4.2 (2066.2)in Israel, Nazareth prediction that Jesus was to be a, 126:0.4 (1386.4)Jerusalem religious, growing antagonism toward Jesus of, 146:4.1 (1643.2)of many races, alleged miraculous episodes connected with, 92:5.6 (1008.8)of men, Peter a, 139:2.4 (1550.7)modern, source of, 70:2.21 (786.12)new, religion’s need of, 195:9.4 (2082.9)of rebellion, 53:1.0 (601.3–602.3)Urantia intellectual and spiritual, influence of experienced Adjusters on, 109:4.3 (1198.6)Leadershipcivil and military, Abraham’s assumption of the, of the Salem colony, 93:6.8 (1021.4)dependence of, on certain qualities, 156:5.7 (1739.2)intelligent, the importance of, to religious groups, 99:5.1 (1090.10)necessity of, to progress, 81:6.42 (911.7)provision for, in believers’ group relationships, 181:2.16 (1958.3)wise, percent of the population so classified, 81:6.42 (911.7)Leadingof all men into all truth by the Spirit of Truth, 180:4.2 (1948.3)Leagues
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