The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of human and superhuman mind, explanation of, 16:6.3 (191.6), 49:5.30 (568.1)with the Supreme, mortals’ sometime attainment of, 106:2.6 (1165.3)Kirmeththe trance prophet, experience at Bethsaida camp of, 148:8.3 (1666.2)Kishconfederation, breakup of, result, 78:8.9 (876.6)end of the Salem headquarters at, 95:1.9 (1043.4)Sargon the priest of, 78:8.8 (876.5)KissJudas giving the betrayal, 183:3.5 (1974.3)Kissingsocial, origin of, 70:3.7 (787.7)Knotted cordsJesus’ denunciation of a belief in, 150:3.12 (1681.7)Knowing Godas a father, the exclusively personal experience of, 99:5.1 (1090.10)hearing of Jesus’ teaching not equivalent to, 169:4.12 (1857.3)importance of the realization of, 5:1.6 (63.4), 133:4.3 (1474.3), 155:6.3 (1731.1)and yourself as a son of God, 5:4.8 (67.6)Knowledgeacquired, co-ordination of, and spirit of understanding, 36:5.7 (402.4)acquirement of, seraphic, vs. human technique of, 39:0.11 (426.11)an adjutant mind-spirit, 36:5.2 (401.6)animals’ possession of, 101:6.4 (1111.8)attainment of truth by, 27:6.2 (302.6)clarification of, a result of the revelation of cosmology, 101:4.5 (1109.6)conflict between human beliefs and, 132:3.4 (1459.4)a definition, 16:9.10 (196.6), 131:1.4 (1442.6)dissemination of, influence of, on civilization, 99:1.1 (1086.4)early man’s respect for, 90:2.13 (989.2)eternal, divine wisdom of, 131:4.2 (1448.1)the evolutionary type of, identity of, 101:6.4 (1111.8)experiential, source of, 27:5.4 (302.3)facts of, comparison of, with philosophy, 27:6.5 (303.3)facts the field of, 130:4.10 (1435.2), 132:3.2 (1459.2)of the finite, a limiting influence on prayer, 168:4.4 (1848.4)finite, relativity of, 2:7.1 (42.2)foundation for the spread of, 50:5.7 (577.2)God’s relation to, 1:5.14 (29.4)inherent only on Paradise, 24:2.2 (266.8), 30:3.5 (339.2)is power, 81:6.9 (907.6)Jesus’ accumulation of, as a child, 127:6.14 (1405.6)superhuman, apostles’ awareness of, 161:2.7 (1786.2)talk with Ganid on the difference between wisdom, truth, and, 133:9.3 (1481.5)of the Lord, the earth shall be full of the, 131:2.2 (1444.2)of the Lord Jesus Christ, 5:4.8 (67.6)as a means of Paradise progress, 27:4.2 (301.3)opportunities for acquirement of, on morontia and spirit worlds, 44:3.6 (502.5)origin of, 132:3.2 (1459.2)Paradise techniques of impartation of, 27:6.4 (303.2)partial, definition of, 2:7.4 (42.5)possession of, only by sharing, 48:7.28 (557.12)quest for, inherent in human self-consciousness, 16:9.9 (196.5)and reason, limitations of, 102:1.2 (1119.1)relation of, to faith, 3:5.9 (51.8)a requisite for possession of, 25:4.12 (279.13)science the domain of, 101:5.2 (1110.5)spirit of, 36:5.9 (402.6)supreme, Paradise the source of, 27:5.2 (302.1)vs. truth, 132:3.2 (1459.2)unmastered on earth, necessity of acquiring under Mansion World Teachers, 48:5.7 (551.2)vs. wisdom, 81:6.13 (908.2), 160:4.16 (1780.2)wisdom, and insight, 102:3.0 (1121.3–1122.11)Kopet Daghand Adamsonite center of civilization, 77:5.10 (862.4)Koranattitude toward women of the, 82:4.3 (917.6)discussion of the evil eye in the, 87:5.5 (962.6)Kung Fu-tzeidentity of, 94:6.9 (1034.4)see also Confucius

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