The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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bestowal, divine heart not moved by prayer to, 194:3.20 (2065.8)the bliss of infinite, enjoyed by the unselfish in heaven, 131:3.7 (1447.4)of Jesus, 126:2.7 (1389.2), 139:5.6 (1556.6), 140:8.30 (1583.4)of the Lord of prayer, 131:4.4 (1448.3)Liberalizationof the Nazareth family’s religious practices, by Jesus, 127:4.9 (1402.2)Liberalizinginstruction of Dalamatia teachers, and ancient man’s slavery to mores, 68:4.4 (767.4)Liberatedfaith sons of the living God, prerequisite to the fellowship of, 179:5.2 (1942.1)sons of God, believers elevated to status of, 141:2.2 (1588.5)vs. bondslaves of the flesh, 141:2.2 (1588.5), 143:2.4 (1609.5)Jesus’ substitute for kingdom, 170:2.24 (1861.6)those who walk in the light shall become, 174:5.13 (1904.4)Liberationof all nations, an eventual result of gospel preaching, 178:1.9 (1930.6)of mankind, eventual success of efforts of Jesus to achieve, 174:5.12 (1904.3)Universal Father’s, disclosure of, 9:0.1 (98.1)provision for, by universe Sons, Conjoint Actor and his children, 10:0.1 (108.1)woman’s first, cause, 84:3.8 (934.7)Liberty(ies)enduring, basis of, 54:1.2 (613.4)of enlightenment of truth, may be enjoyed in the mind, 180:5.2 (1949.4)false, definitions, 54:1.2 (613.4), 54:1.6 (614.1)finality of, ultimate self-realization of, 39:4.11 (435.4)in Jesus’ gospel, 162:2.7 (1792.1), 174:5.3 (1902.4)of living, vs. licenses of sinning, 147:6.6 (1655.2)minus self-conquest, a definition, 54:1.5 (613.7)personal, fallacies of, one path to error, 35:10.5 (395.1)limitations to exercise of, 54:1.9 (614.4)of woman as compared with man’s, 84:5.8 (937.5)proclamation of, to captives, 97:5.3 (1066.7), 123:5.11 (1363.4), 126:4.2 (1391.6), 138:3.6 (1540.9), 140:3.2 (1570.3), 148:5.5 (1662.2), 150:8.9 (1686.1), 190:5.4 (2035.1)progress of individual, result of enhanced self-control in ideal state, 71:3.7 (803.7)with regulation, the goal of social evolution, 81:5.7 (906.5)a right of Urantia mortals, 70:12.5 (798.4)and self-assertion, Satan’s advocacy of, 53:2.2 (602.5)self-motivated, characterization of, 54:1.5 (613.7)of the soul, vs. outward subjection to another’s rule, 162:7.2 (1796.4)spiritual, proclamation of, 138:3.6 (1540.9), 140:3.2 (1570.3), 153:2.4 (1710.2)theft of, 54:2.0 (614.6–615.2)true, compatibility of, with love and mercy, 54:1.8 (614.3)definitions, 54:1.2 (613.4), 54:1.3 (613.5), 54:1.6 (614.1), 54:2.5 (615.2)and false, 54:1.0 (613.3–614.5)of the truth of sonship with God, entrance into, 174:5.7 (1903.4)a unique type of, a possession of man, 111:6.2 (1222.1)without license, man someday to learn how to enjoy, 89:3.7 (977.2)possession of, a mark of high civilization, 48:7.8 (556.8)restrictions, characterization of, 81:5.7 (906.5)Library(ies)Alexandrian, description, 130:3.4 (1432.4)founder of, 74:8.12 (838.4)Jesus’ and Ganid’s visits to, 130:3.4 (1432.4)Shinto manuscripts new to, 131:7.1 (1451.1)Dalamatia, name and description, 66:5.9 (746.7)Greek and Latin, in Rome, location of, 132:0.2 (1455.2)living, 25:4.15 (280.3), 25:5.1 (281.2), 26:3.5 (288.5), 27:5.1 (301.6), 27:5.5 (302.4), 28:5.7 (310.9), 37:8.7 (414.2)synagogue, Capernaum, Jesus’ use of, 129:1.9 (1420.6)at Nazareth, Jesus’ presentation of Greek scriptures to, 126:5.6 (1393.3)use of, 126:3.8 (1390.3)working, of school shops in the continental nation, 72:4.1 (812.3)License(s)of conception, utilized to give finite minds an idea of Trinity relationships, 6:0.4 (73.4)for evil doing, men of ideals not to distort spiritual teaching into, 147:4.2 (1650.3)and liberty, 48:7.8 (556.8), 54:1.5 (613.7), 67:5.1 (758.6), 89:3.7 (977.2), 118:7.4 (1301.1), 147:6.6 (1655.2)personal, civilization’s granting of few, 81:5.3 (906.1)sex, among primitive peoples, consequences, 82:2.2 (914.8)rulers usually permitted, 82:5.7 (919.3)transition from, to restriction, 82:2.3 (915.1)and wives, under primitive marriage taboos, 82:2.5 (915.3)Licensingof commercial activities, by cities in the continental nation, 72:7.3 (815.3)of traders and money changers in the temple, 173:1.3 (1889.1), 173:2.3 (1891.4)Licentiousnessof Hebrews, after contamination with Canaanite practices, 96:7.1 (1060.1)Liegethe most northerly Danubian settlement, 80:8.4 (897.2)Lifebestowal of, through the Paradise Creator Sons, 3:0.1 (44.1)the bestowers of, 42:1.5 (468.2)constantly poured forth by the Father, 4:1.6 (55.4)-creation era of Creative Spirit’s career, 17:6.7 (204.3)of the Father, presence of, in his Sons, 196:3.35 (2097.3)the Father, the source of all, 11:1.4 (119.1), 165:3.4 (1820.3)in the Garden, 74:7.0 (835.4–836.13)the gift of the Son, 176:3.2 (1916.2)giver, God our, 131:4.4 (1448.3)-impartation ministry of the Seven Master Spirits, 65:0.1 (730.1)initial spark of, Spirit the source of, 36:6.3 (404.1)for a life, 70:10.9 (795.6), 89:6.7 (981.4)of loving service, Jesus’ requirement of a, 191:5.3 (2043.1)man’s understanding of protoplasmic forms of, vs. ability to produce, 36:6.1 (403.6)material, the biological unit of, 49:1.2 (560.1)in Mesopotamia, 76:3.0 (849.4–850.6)mobilization and transmutation of universal energy by, 41:2.5 (457.4)parental, restatement of, in offspring, 48:6.33 (555.1)patterns, responsiveness of, to adjutants and other spirit ministries, 36:2.18 (398.5)physical, intellectual life based on, 36:2.16 (398.3)planned construction and appearance of, 36:0.1 (396.1)plasm, original, of evolutionary world, potential of, 36:2.17 (398.4)pleasant, of humans on Urantia, a result of apparently fortuitous protections, 58:2.4 (666.1)realization, inherent in the Spirit, 36:6.7 (404.5)river of, source of the, 42:1.5 (468.2)service, common motive for, a possession of believers, 141:5.3 (1592.1)of service, true religion a, 100:6.5 (1100.7)source of, 2:2.1 (35.5), 36:6.2 (403.7)transmission, vehicles of, 36:2.14 (398.1)universe, source of the streams of, 3:6.3 (53.1)Unqualified Absolute’s overcontrol conditioned by presence of, 0:11.8 (14.6)useless forms of, on evolutionary planets, reason for, 36:2.17 (398.4)value of, 130:4.7 (1434.6)Life-Definitionsbasic evolutionary material, 65:0.1 (730.1)a definition, 36:6.6 (404.4), 112:1.13 (1227.3), 112:2.20 (1229.7)effect of bestowal of, on material-energy systems, 118:7.6 (1301.3)energy manifestations not, 29:4.24 (326.6), 36:6.1 (403.6)man’s, phenomenon of, 195:7.9 (2079.4)the meaning and value of, 130:4.7 (1434.6)nature of phenomena of, 133:5.5 (1476.7)non-gravity responsiveness of, 36:6.6 (404.4)organized, phenomena of, uninfluenced by activities of space, 58:3.4 (667.3)personality’s influence on, 112:1.13 (1227.3)powerlessness of scientists to create, 42:1.4 (468.1)reality of, assumed by science, 103:7.11 (1139.3)secrets of, impossibility of discovery, 65:6.1 (737.1)spirit the essence of, 42:1.1 (467.3)springs only from life, 36:6.2 (403.7)the two types of, 36:6.1 (403.6)vehicle, morontia type of, 42:10.5 (481.2)Life-Experimentation and Modification-experiment planets, adjutant spirits’ isolation on, 65:7.3 (738.6)midway creatures’ universal appearance on, 38:9.2 (424.2)registry, placement of Urantia on the, 57:8.8 (661.2)-modification world, desire of Caligastia to be planetary ruler of a, 66:1.3 (741.5)Nodite race an unforeseen development of Urantia’s use as a, 77:2.8 (857.5)patterns, of Nebadon, efforts to improve, in Satania system, 62:7.5 (710.4)Urantia the sixtieth opportunity for modification to, 58:1.1 (664.2)Life-of Jesusaccomplishments of Jesus, vs. those of his death, 171:4.9 (1872.6)of the bestowal Son, purpose of, 52:5.4 (596.2)bestowals, of the Paradise Sons, significance, 106:2.3 (1164.6)a Creator Son’s power to lay down his, 189:0.1 (2020.1)and death, Jesus’ desire to manifest his power over, 167:4.2 (1837.1)and death of Jesus, proof of vindication for goodness and faith, 194:3.2 (2062.11)earth, interpretation of Jesus’ teachings by his, 149:2.1 (1670.2)Jesus’ forty-day isolation in preparation for the new phase of his, 136:3.2 (1512.6)human conflict as to his course of conduct during his, 136:4.11 (1515.5)subjection to the will of his Father in his, 129:3.5 (1423.7)Michael’s ideal, and practical help to his fellow men, 120:3.2 (1329.3)Immanuel’s counsel a guide for, 120:2.0 (1327.1–1329.1), 120:3.0 (1329.2–1330.6)in the flesh, of Jesus, a bestowal of the bread of heaven, 153:3.2 (1712.2)Jesus’ living his, to show men how to become God-revealing, 193:0.5 (2053.1)a normal, full, and average, 129:4.3 (1425.2)perfected, a revelation of God, 182:1.9 (1965.3)preparing to yield up his, 182:1.4 (1964.1)Jesus’, aim of, in regard to self-respect, 140:8.20 (1582.1)a purpose of, 136:6.3 (1518.2)Jesus’ declaration of intention to lay down his, 171:0.6 (1868.1)desire to learn his fellow men’s reaction to, 132:4.1 (1460.5)learning the mastery of the lowest intelligent form of, 128:1.1 (1407.6)present unifying of, 100:7.18 (1103.6)teaching from, 149:3.1 (1672.4)of Jesus on earth, characteristics of, 195:10.2 (2084.2)glorious, and his death so triumphant, 188:5.10 (2019.3)stages of, the four, 157:6.3 (1749.2)Michael’s mortal, purpose of, 120:2.7 (1328.4)mission of Jesus, Hebrew scriptures’ misapplication to the, 122:4.4 (1347.6)his growing consciousness of, 124:2.1 (1368.3)John the Baptist’s conviction of being a part of the, 127:3.12 (1400.4)manifestation of his love and devotion to, the cross the final, 188:5.11 (2019.4)not to be
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