The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(197.10), 17:8.1 (205.2)Gabriel’s relation to superuniverse mandates related to, 33:4.6 (370.3)God’s relation to a, 4:2.1 (56.5), 32:4.0 (362.5–364.2)government, destiny of Melchizedeks in, 55:10.11 (635.2)during absence of Michael Son, 21:2.11 (237.1)Immanuel not subject to, 33:5.3 (371.1)headquarters, creator and creative personalities residing on, 32:3.5 (360.7)direction of spirit ministry from, 56:3.3 (639.3)location of Associate Inspectors on, 24:4.2 (268.6)personalization of Infinite Spirit on, 23:1.8 (257.3)return of bestowal Son to the, 52:5.6 (596.4)Universe Mother Spirit never leaves the, 34:4.7 (378.1)independence of time and space of Creator Son and Divine Minister when in administrative union in their, 34:3.6 (377.2)joint rulership of, 15:0.1 (164.1)judicial system of, beginnings of, 50:2.5 (573.6)the laboratories of the Supreme’s deity evolution, 116:4.7 (1272.6)law, place of origin of, 39:3.3 (432.4)of Nebadon, attainments following morontia ascension of, 6:6.4 (78.7)relation of, to Sagittarius, 15:3.11 (168.7)Salvington the capital of the, 15:7.7 (174.7)supervisory administration of, by Master Spirit of Orvonton, 17:0.12 (197.12)Urantia part of the, 0:0.5 (1.5)Paradise advisers to rulers of, 15:10.16 (179.3)Paradise Sons’ revelation of the Universal Father in the, 7:7.3 (89.2)participation of finaliters in conduct of, 31:3.3 (347.6)pattern of a, dependence of the, upon the power centers and the Creative Spirit, 116:5.13 (1274.3)pervasion of, by Master Spirits, through function of Creative Mother Spirits, 25:2.4 (275.4)prayers belong to the, 5:3.2 (65.4)provision in the, for experience for descending personalities, 116:4.11 (1273.3)relation of Associate Inspectors to, 24:4.2 (268.6)components of, to settledness in light and life, 55:11.1 (635.3)a Creative Spirit to, 9:8.4 (106.2)requisites for admission of, to superuniverse confederation, 15:9.15 (177.14)rulers, Gabriel chief executive of, 33:4.6 (370.3)self-government, highest type of, in the, 35:2.2 (385.5)service of Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit in the, 9:8.24 (107.12)Most High Assistants in a, 37:4.4 (410.2)settling of, in light and life, and administrative readjustments, 55:10.4 (634.4)requisites for, 32:3.2 (360.4)sovereigns of the, 1:5.5 (28.2), 15:12.2 (180.3)sovereignty, 21:3.0 (237.3–239.6)stage of light and life, 55:10.0 (634.1–635.2)training regime, Melchizedeks’ relation to, 35:4.2 (389.1)worlds, provision for skipping, 26:3.2 (288.2)Unions of Days as Trinity ambassadors to, 18:6.6 (213.1), 21:1.4 (235.3)Universal Father’s presence in, technique of, 32:4.3 (363.1)rule in the, 3:0.1 (44.1)unlimited function of Solitary Messengers in, 23:2.18 (259.4)Local-Universe(s) Ascensionascension scheme, 73:6.8 (826.5)ascent, former men and women aiding each other throughout the, 84:6.6 (939.1)birthplace of ascendant finaliters, 56:8.2 (643.5)Corps of Perfection, destiny of Spirit-fused mortals, 37:5.3 (411.1)language, mastery of, by seventh-stage world mortals before translation, 55:6.6 (631.2)and morontia phases of ascension, 14:5.1 (158.4)Mother Spirit, spiritual embrace of, giving eternal life to Spirit-fused mortals, 40:5.10 (446.1)participation of finaliters in conduct of, 31:3.3 (347.6)Spirit-fused mortals’ confinement to, 40:9.9 (451.5), 40:10.1 (452.1)Local-Universe(s) Creation and Organizationcapital(s), astronomer colonies on, 30:3.5 (339.2)broadcasts from, Jerusem receiving stations for, 46:3.1 (522.1)reflection to superuniverse headquarters from, 17:3.8 (201.6)circuits, 15:9.2 (177.1), 34:4.0 (377.5–378.7)creature mind originates in, 1:3.6 (25.6)decimal construction of, 42:7.4 (477.6)differences in, 25:3.7 (277.4), 32:1.3 (357.7)in the material order of sonship in the, 51:1.2 (580.5)energy charge of each, 15:4.6 (169.6)energy-mass center of, the location of Salvington, 32:2.4 (359.1)evolution of, 4:2.6 (57.3), 7:6.4 (88.2), 32:0.0 (357.1–365.5)headquarters, functioning of power centers on, 29:2.16 (321.8)tree of life native to, 73:6.3 (825.8)headquarters world, time of beginning of work on, 32:1.5 (358.2)individual languages of the, 44:4.3 (503.3)intelligence corps’ intercommunication, 39:2.4 (429.8)Master Architect’s approval of space site for, 31:9.14 (352.7)Master Spirits’ connection with shaping and organization of, 16:4.3 (189.4)material organization of, association of Father-united Creator Son and Creative Spirit in, 17:6.6 (204.2)number of, in major sector, 15:13.1 (181.1)in minor sector, 15:13.4 (181.4)origin of, 32:0.1 (357.1)physical aspects of the, 41:0.0 (455.1–466.5)power centers, functions of, 29:2.16 (321.8), 41:1.2 (456.1)primary divisions of a, 43:0.1 (485.1)reflectivity operative within, 9:7.1 (105.1)Salvington the headquarters of our, 6:1.5 (74.4)spiritual gravity circuits, adverse influences affecting, 7:1.7 (82.6)stabilization and unification of, 14:6.29 (162.4)superuniverse power directors, functions of, in creating a, 32:1.2 (357.6)tongues, mastery of by interpreters and translators, 48:3.12 (546.5)twofold creation of, 14:2.2 (154.4)Local-Universe(s) Personalitiesangelic corps of, make-up of, 38:0.2 (418.2), 39:1.1 (427.1)Associate Inspectors’ field of operations, 37:8.5 (413.8)a Bright and Morning Star in each, 33:4.2 (369.5), 37:1.9 (406.11)celestial artisans’ activities on headquarters worlds of the, 44:0.1 (497.1)citizens, permanent, and ripening of authoritative wisdom, 40:10.6 (453.1)Creative Spirits, 17:0.8 (197.8), 17:6.0 (203.4–204.6)fathers, Paradise Creator Sons as, 0:2.6 (3.19)mercy ministers of the, 39:2.5 (430.1)Michael Son as God in a, 5:3.6 (66.2)ministering spirits of, 26:1.14 (286.2), 38:0.0 (418.1–425.6)Morontia Companions’ headquarters in, 48:3.3 (545.4)Mother Spirit, about, 34:0.0 (374.1–383.3)becoming a bona fide person, occasion of, 17:6.7 (204.3)bestowal of adjutant mind-spirits by a, 17:7.1 (205.1)creation of Morontia Companions by, 48:3.1 (545.2)function of the, 8:4.4 (94.6)relation of, to Master Son, 37:0.1 (406.1)see also Creative, Mother Spirit; Mother Spirit(s), Local Universenumber of Vorondadeks in, 35:5.2 (389.6)permanent assignment of spirit beings to, 37:8.1 (413.4)citizens of the, 37:9.0 (414.6–415.4), 40:9.9 (451.5)Personalities, Nebadon Corps of, sponsors of, Parts II, Part IIIpersonalities of the, 37:0.0 (406.1–417.1)Sons of God, 20:1.5 (223.10), 35:0.0 (384.1–395.2)constellation rulers embody highest wisdom and loyalty of, 43:3.1 (488.3)default of any, where adjudicated, 33:7.5 (372.9)origin of, 35:0.2 (384.2)Trinity Teacher Sons, an enormous corps assigned in each, 19:1.3 (214.12)Locustsedible, part of the diet of John and Ezda, 135:3.1 (1497.7)world-wide distribution of, 59:5.7 (680.9)Logicof adulthood, man’s need to use the, 101:2.2 (1106.1), 102:6.9 (1125.4)the attempted technique of philosophy, 101:2.2 (1106.1)clever, nondependence of religion on, 101:2.15 (1107.5)a definition, 101:2.2 (1106.1), 103:7.6 (1138.4), 103:7.13 (1139.5)of despair, vs. conviction-faith, 101:0.3 (1104.3)vs. experience with God, 1:6.6 (30.5)functioning of, dependent on one’s desire for following truth, 103:7.5 (1138.3)the incontrovertible, of religious living, 103:9.12 (1142.3)lucid, of Jesus, 141:3.4 (1589.5)man’s obscuring of, by self-interest, 86:2.4 (951.6)men’s, vs. women’s, 84:6.4 (938.8)of philosophy, assurance of religion’s transcendency over the, 101:0.3 (1104.3)the proof of philosophy, 101:2.8 (1106.7)and reality of God, 1:2.7 (24.5)and reason, response of the mind to, 154:6.8 (1722.4)ultimate universe reality not grasped by, 1:7.5 (31.5)Lonelinessof Adam and Eve, 74:3.2 (830.5), 75:1.4 (839.5)of John the Baptist, 135:11.1 (1506.6)private, Jesus’ experience of, 182:3.10 (1969.5)Longevityof the calcium atom, 41:6.2 (461.6)gravitation of Adamic offspring toward human norm of, 51:1.8 (581.5), 76:4.3 (851.1)Longingsinner, Father’s judgment of man by his, 140:3.19 (1571.6)noble, human, provision for the satisfaction of, 44:8.3 (508.1)Longs Peakmountain activity as illustrated by, 60:4.4 (692.2)Long-sufferingthe Eternal Son and his Sons as, 6:4.9 (77.2)a fruit of the spirit, 34:6.13 (381.7)God is, 2:4.1 (38.1), 2:6.3 (41.1), 131:2.3 (1444.3)Jews, reaction of, after five hundred years of overlorship, 97:8.3 (1071.1)Lordattributions of man’s unusual impulses to the, 156:5.4 (1738.3)fear of the, 149:6.0 (1675.2–1677.1)the first Christians the followers of a living,
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