The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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of, comparison of the, with that of the Supreme, 117:3.6 (1282.1)experiences of, meanings and values of, eternal character of the, 117:5.10 (1287.1)finding of God by, 5:0.1 (62.1), 56:10.3 (646.4)frog the ancestor of, 61:2.6 (695.4), 62:3.9 (705.8), 65:2.6 (732.4)full-grown, of the spirit kingdom, Jesus’ desire to instruct the apostles as, 142:7.17 (1605.2)and God, equalizing tension between, 0:11.13 (15.3), 107:0.5 (1176.5)religion’s purpose to blend, 101:10.5 (1116.6)to God, Jesus’ mission of leading, 127:6.16 (1406.1)Jesus the new and living way from, 129:4.7 (1425.6)mortal’s evolution from, 109:1.5 (1196.2)God becomes, 2:1.7 (34.6), 120:4.3 (1331.3)lives within, 2:5.6 (39.5)the great mortal dilemma of, 111:6.2 (1222.1)had arrived on planet 606 of Satania, 62:7.7 (710.6)at his best in life of Jesus, 16:9.6 (196.2)ignorant, believers to be patient with, 178:1.14 (1931.5)increasing control of physical forces by, effect of, on his viewpoint, 118:10.14 (1306.3)the indwelling spirit of, 0:5.9 (8.9), 26:11.5 (297.2)Jesus’ revelation of God to, 16:9.6 (196.2), 186:5.6 (2002.7)understanding and love of, and ability to manage, 141:7.14 (1594.8)the last indispensable link connecting God with, 51:6.5 (587.3)lives, moves, and has his being in God, 1:1.2 (22.5)the lowest type of universe personality containing a fragment of the highest reality, 117:3.9 (1282.4)made in the image of God, the truth of the statement, 117:3.5 (1281.7)-made traditions, disregard of, by Jesus, 149:2.10 (1671.5)mammalian ancestry of, 62:1.2 (703.3)-managed affair, Jesus’ death a, 186:5.1 (2002.2)mark of a noble, 131:1.9 (1443.5), 131:9.4 (1453.2)material nature of, 6:6.4 (78.7)mind of, as compared with that of the animal, 130:4.9 (1435.1)mortal, levels of mind perception of, 6:6.1 (78.4)music the universal language of, 44:1.15 (500.6)natural, normal attitude toward self-preservation of, 136:6.3 (1518.2)a natural dreamer, 99:7.5 (1093.3)of Nazareth, the ideal of mortal creatures of Nebadon, 186:2.11 (2000.3)nearest approach of, to God, 3:4.7 (50.5)not mechanistic, 195:7.15 (2079.10)ought always to pray, 144:2.4 (1619.2)in partnership with God, 132:7.9 (1467.5), 186:2.9 (2000.1)personality of, 0:5.11 (9.1), 12:7.7 (138.2)a potential son of the universe, 133:7.8 (1479.8)power, necessity for the release of, 81:2.1 (901.4)vs. woman power, influence of science on, 84:5.7 (937.4)primitive, the Father’s recognition of emotions of, 155:6.17 (1733.5)influence of the discovery of fire on, 81:2.8 (901.11)a mythmaker, 4:5.1 (59.6)privilege of, regarding the destiny of personality, 112:5.4 (1232.5)proposes but God disposes, according to Amenemope, 95:4.3 (1046.4)real, Jesus a, 129:1.15 (1421.5), 140:8.20 (1582.1)reality of, and self-consciousness, 16:9.4 (195.10)relation of angels to, 40:5.2 (445.3)responsibility of, for his eternal self, 5:6.8 (71.3)righteous, the Lord’s pleasure in the multiplication of, 131:7.2 (1451.2)seeking God and finding him, 120:2.8 (1328.5), 155:5.10 (1729.5), 194:3.13 (2065.1)self-inflicted afflictions of, 148:5.3 (1661.5)shall not live by bread alone, 136:6.4 (1518.3)the son of God, 145:3.4 (1632.3), 148:4.8 (1660.7)of sorrows, 100:7.13 (1103.1), 129:4.4 (1425.3), 159:3.10 (1766.6), 181:1.8 (1954.5)the Spirit in, 34:6.0 (380.2–381.7)a spiritual child of God, 101:10.4 (1116.5)the temporal, transmuting of, into man the eternal, 103:7.2 (1137.7)of this world, concern of, over temporal matters, 142:7.17 (1605.2)time-and-space handicap of, 23:3.2 (260.6)true destiny of, 12:9.1 (141.2)and union with God, 1:7.2 (31.2)view of the Trinity by, 10:6.18 (115.2)and women, confusion of, over life and its problems, 133:3.7 (1472.6)Manapractices of the Melanesians, 91:0.5 (994.5)Managementof universes, Universal Father’s relation to the, 4:1.6 (55.4)ManassehJudah’s fate under the rule of, 97:9.23 (1074.5)Mandate(s)for automatic extinction of rebels during Michael’s final bestowal, 120:1.5 (1326.2)of Cosmic Supremacy, 29:4.35 (328.4)of Deity, character of, 0:11.8 (14.6), 2:2.2 (35.6), 2:3.2 (36.7), 3:5.1 (50.6), 3:6.7 (53.5), 6:3.2 (75.7), 42:0.2 (467.2), 102:5.1 (1123.7), 105:1.7 (1153.4)of dissolution of sin-identified being, source of, 2:3.3 (37.1), 15:12.2 (180.3), 37:3.7 (409.4)of the Divine Minister concerning disclosure of rebellion, 54:5.11 (617.11)of the Father, "be you perfect," 1:0.3 (21.3), 7:4.7 (86.1), 56:0.1 (637.1)see also Perfect, be youfor these revelatory presentations, 0:0.2 (1.2), 0:12.11 (16.8), 2:0.3 (33.3), 31:8.2 (350.5), 31:9.2 (351.3), 31:10.22 (354.8), 72:12.3 (820.1), 77:8.13 (865.6), 101:4.2 (1109.3), 121:8.1 (1341.2)see also Urantia—;Religion and Revelationfor Satan’s confinement, 54:4.8 (616.7)of Sonarington forbidding leaving of human offspring by Paradise bestowal Sons, 120:3.8 (1330.3)of the Trinity for the creative plan of the seven superuniverses, 19:7.1 (222.5)from Uversa for fusion of a soul and its Adjuster, 110:7.2 (1212.3), 112:7.5 (1237.7)MandrakesJesus’ denunciation of a belief in, 150:3.12 (1681.7)Mangerinfant Jesus laid in a, 119:7.6 (1317.2), 122:8.1 (1351.5), 122:8.5 (1352.1)Mangusa Roman centurion, experience of, with Jesus, 147:1.1 (1647.3)Manhoodacquirements of, Jesus’ childhood involvement in promoting, 124:1.13 (1368.2)courageous, demand of the service of the kingdom for, 143:1.6 (1608.3)early, of Jesus, 128:0.0 (1407.1–1418.6)day of entrance upon, for the savage, 82:3.4 (915.7)of Jesus, character of, 127:5.1 (1402.4), 128:6.2 (1415.2), 141:3.6 (1590.1), 187:4.5 (2009.4)young, Jesus’ transition to, 124:5.1 (1373.1), 124:6.1 (1374.1), 126:0.1 (1386.1), 126:5.9 (1393.6), 126:5.12 (1394.1), 127:1.1 (1395.5), 127:6.15 (1405.7), 157:6.3 (1749.2)Manitousuperstitions of the North American Indians, 91:0.5 (994.5)Mankindgovernment, American Federal Union an illustration of, 134:5.13 (1489.4)function of, in attainment of the brotherhood of men, 134:5.10 (1489.1), 134:6.2 (1490.5), 134:6.13 (1491.7)innocence of moral guilt of, before God, 186:5.7 (2003.1)is on the march toward higher evolutionary destinies, 71:8.15 (807.11), 99:1.1 (1086.4)modern, division of, into three classes, 81:4.10 (905.1)ManlikeGod not, 1:2.1 (23.4)Mannaand the bread of life, 152:3.1 (1702.2), 153:2.8 (1710.6)in the wilderness, 136:6.6 (1518.5)Manotiacourageous conduct of, during the war in heaven, 53:6.0 (606.4–607.1)identity of, 39:0.9 (426.9)the story of the Lucifer rebellion experience of, 53:6.3–5 (606.6–8), 53:7.6 (608.2)Manovandet Melchizedekpresenter of Paper 53, 53:9.9 (612.1)Mansantmission and time of, 45:4.4 (513.7), 64:6.29 (726.1)Mansion world(s)Adjuster fusion on, 40:8.1 (449.4)arrivals, social companions of, 48:3.8 (546.1)arts of Havona on the, 44:0.14 (498.5)ascenders, technique of transfer from world to world of, 48:2.17 (543.11)ascenders’ contact with Imports of Time on the, 28:6.12 (315.5)ascending mortals’ achievement on the, 43:8.4 (494.3)by-passing of the, by certain of the secondary modified orders of ascension, 49:6.15 (570.4)circumstance resulting in a soul’s direct translation to the, 110:5.2 (1208.1)and death, 38:2.2 (419.2)definition, 48:1.2 (541.5)educational pursuits on the, 39:4.10 (435.3)system, efficient conduct of, by advanced cherubim, 48:5.5 (550.6)field of the mind planners, 39:2.6 (430.2)the fifth, 47:7.0 (537.1–5)finaliters’ eventual taking over of, 47:0.3 (530.3)the first, 47:3.0 (532.7–534.4)ascenders’ status on, 47:9.5 (539.2)correction of biological deficiencies on, 47:4.7 (535.3)guardian of destiny proceeds to, 113:6.2 (1246.6)and the Michael memorial, 189:1.9 (2021.8)Morontia Companions’ headquarters on, 48:3.3 (545.4)morontia-mota teaching on the, technique of, 48:7.1 (556.1)residents, visits of, to first of the transition worlds, 47:5.2 (535.6)of Satania, "Michael Memorial" in the court of the resurrection halls of, 188:3.11 (2015.7)translation of probation children to, occasion for, 47:2.8 (532.6)the fourth, 47:6.0 (536.2–5)graduates, Jerusem celebration at arrival of new class of, 47:10.1 (539.3)spirit companions of, 39:4.17 (436.3)location of, 47:0.1 (530.1)modified function of, as settlement in light and life of systems and universes progresses, 48:3.17 (547.2)Morontia Companions’ contribution to ascenders’ enjoyment of the, 48:3.18 (547.3)of morontia detention, 15:7.5 (174.5)Morontia Power Supervisors’ headquarters on, 48:2.11 (543.5)Nebadon education on, 37:6.2 (412.2)number of, in local systems, 30:4.16 (341.6)opportunities of ascending mortals for compensating experiential deprivations, 45:6.3 (516.1)passing of, by ascenders from advanced evolutionary worlds, 47:7.1 (537.1)possible achievement of fusion on any one of the, 112:7.3 (1237.5)reassociation of earthly working groups on, 39:3.5 (432.6)relation of mortals to seraphim on the, 38:2.6 (419.6)repersonalization of sleeping survivors on the, 49:6.7 (569.2)resurrection following material death, 73:6.8 (826.5)the second, 47:4.0 (534.5–535.4)the seven, 47:0.0 (530.1–540.4), 48:6.23 (553.4)the seventh, 47:9.0 (538.6–539.2)the sixth, 47:8.0
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