Human Action. Людвиг фон Мизес

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Human Action - Людвиг фон Мизес

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24 Harmony and Conflict of Interests

       1 The Ultimate Source of Profit and Loss on the Market

       2 The Limitation of Offspring

       3 The Harmony of the “Rightly Understood” Interests

       4 Private Property

       5 The Conflicts of Our Age

       VOLUME 3

       PART 5 Social Cooperation Without a Market

       CHAPTER 25 The Imaginary Construction of a Socialist Society

       1 The Historical Origin of the Socialist Idea

       2 The Socialist Doctrine

       3 The Praxeological Character of Socialism

       CHAPTER 26 The Impossibility of Economic Calculation Under Socialism

       1 The Problem

       2 Past Failures to Conceive the Problem

       3 Recent Suggestions for Socialist Economic Calculation

       4 Trial and Error

       5 The Quasi-market

       6 The Differential Equations of Mathematical Economics

       PART 6 The Hampered Market Economy

       CHAPTER 27 The Government and the Market

       1 The Idea of a Third System

       2 The Intervention

       3 The Delimitation of Governmental Functions

       4 Righteousness as the Ultimate Standard of the Individual’s Actions

       5 The Meaning of Laissez Faire

       6 Direct Government Interference with Consumption

       7 Corruption

       CHAPTER 28 Interference by Taxation

       1 The Neutral Tax

       2 The Total Tax

       3 Fiscal and Nonfiscal Objectives of Taxation

       4 The Three Classes of Tax Interventionism

       CHAPTER 29 Restriction of Production

       1 The Nature of Restriction

       2 The Price of Restriction

       3 Restriction as a Privilege

       4 Restriction as an Economic System

       CHAPTER 30 Interference with the Structure of Prices

       1 The Government and the Autonomy of the Market

       2 The Market’s Reaction to Government Interference

       Observations on the Causes of the Decline of Ancient Civilization

       3 Minimum Wage Rates

       The Catallactic Aspects of Labor Unionism

       CHAPTER 31 Currency and Credit Manipulation

       1 The Government and the Currency

       2 The Interventionist Aspect of Legal Tender Legislation

       3 The Evolution of Modern Methods of Currency Manipulation

       4 The Objectives of Currency Devaluation

       5 Credit Expansion

       The Chimera of Contracyclical Policies

       6 Foreign Exchange Control and Bilateral Exchange Agreements

       CHAPTER 32 Confiscation and Redistribution

       1 The Philosophy of Confiscation

       2 Land Reform

       3 Confiscatory Taxation

       Confiscatory Taxation and Risk-Taking

       CHAPTER 33 Syndicalism and Corporativism

       1 The Syndicalist Idea

       2 The Fallacies of Syndicalism

       3 Syndicalist Elements in Popular Policies

       4 Guild Socialism and Corporativism

       CHAPTER 34 The Economics of War

       1 Total War

       2 War and the Market Economy

       3 War and Autarky

       4 The Futility of War

       CHAPTER 35 The Welfare Principle Versus the Market Principle

       1 The Case Against the Market Economy

       2 Poverty

       3 Inequality

       4 Insecurity

       5 Social Justice

       CHAPTER 36 The Crisis of Interventionism

       1 The Harvest of Interventionism

       2 The Exhaustion of the Reserve Fund

       3 The End of Interventionism

       PART 7 The Place of Economics in Society

       CHAPTER 37 The Nondescript Character of Economics

       1 The Singularity of Economics

       2 Economics and Public Opinion

       3 The Illusion of the Old Liberals

       CHAPTER 38 The Place of Economics in Learning

       1 The Study of Economics

       2 Economics as a Profession

       3 Forecasting as a Profession

       4 Economics and the Universities

       5 General Education and Economics

       6 Economics and the Citizen

       7 Economics and Freedom

       CHAPTER 39 Economics and the Essential Problems of Human Existence

       1 Science and Life

       2 Economics and Judgments of Value

       3 Economic Cognition and Human Action

       VOLUME 4






       A Treatise on Economics

      This edition of Mises’s Human Action is reproduced from the Foundation for Economic Education’s 4th edition which was a reprint of the 3rd 1966 Henry Regnery edition.

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