Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis. Eleftheria Papadimitriou
Читать онлайн книгу.of hypocenter in a local spherical system} (Lasocki and Orlecka-Sikora 2020) or four dimensional – {interevent time, interevent distance, hypocentral distance from the main shock and magnitude} (Lasocki 2014), to mention only a few. Figure 1.8, taken from (Lasocki 2014), shows an example of the use of transformation to ED. The transformation to equivalent dimensions is also available on the IS-EPOS Platform (, Orlecka-Sikora et al. 2020).
Figure 1.7. An example of the transformation to equivalent dimensions. The first column – raw data, and the second column–transformed data. The first raw – the polar angles of hypocenter in a local spherical system of coordinates, and the second raw – magnitude. For a color version of this figure, see
Figure 1.8. Changes in time of the total distance to centroid of the groups of 100 seismic events from the North Aegean area in Greece, preceding an Mw6.4 mainshock from July 26, 2001. The data was from a 100 km radius circle, centered at that mainshock location, and froma an 11.5-year period from January 1, 1981 to July 25, 2001. The events were represented by the interevent time, interevent distance, hypocentral distance from the main shock and magnitude, all transformed to equivalent dimensions. The black line represents the result for the actual time series of events, and the gray lines represent the results for 10 random permutations of the actual series. From about 3 years before the mainshock, the distance to the centroid exhibits a systematic decreasing trend. This result significantly differs from the results obtained from the permuted time series. This means that the mainshock was preceded by an increasing clustering of smaller events in the considered parameter space. Reprinted from Lasocki (2014, Figure 6a).
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