Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis. Eleftheria Papadimitriou

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Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis - Eleftheria Papadimitriou

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of the first order, ℳ(k), k = 1,.., B, and estimate the kernel CDF-s from these samples,

       – Step 3. From every first-order bootstrap sample generate BB smoothed bootstrap samples of the second order, ℳ(k,j), k = 1,.., B, j = 1,.., BB, and estimate the kernel CDF-s from these samples,

       – Step 4. For every first-order bootstrap sample, ℳ(k), and its offspring second-order samples, ℳ(k,j), j = 1,.., BB, estimate the linked bias-correction parameter:



       – Step 5. Calculate the orders of percentiles, α1 and α2:


      where Φ() is the standard normal CDF, and and z1-α are percentiles of the standard normal distribution.

       – Step 6. Sort in ascending order, The estimate of the confidence interval of length 1 − 2α for magnitude CDF is:

      When we assume that the seismic process is Poissonian and that the exact rate of earthquake occurrence, λ, is known, we readily obtain the confidence intervals for the exceedance probability and the mean return period. For the exceedance probability, R(M,D) (equation [1.17]), it is:

      and for the mean return period, T(M) (equation [1.18]), it is:

Graph depicts example of interval kernel estimation of CDF and related hazard parameters.

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