Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis. Eleftheria Papadimitriou

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Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis - Eleftheria Papadimitriou

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where f is the actual (unknown) PDF,
is its kernel estimate and E[•] denotes the expected value. Starting from MISE, Silverman (1986) derived the simplified score function of the form:


Kijko et al. (2001) showed that for the normal kernel function, [1.2], the score function becomes:


      and the bandwidth that minimizes M1(h) is the root of the equation:

      When the random variable, for which the distribution functions are to be estimated, X, is defined over a finite or semi-finite interval, or its density is sharply zeroed outside a finite or semi-finite interval, the estimation of the distribution functions is modified according to Silverman (1986). Suppose that either X ∈ [x*, x*], or the PDF, fX(x), is not continuous in x* and x*, and fX(x) = 0 for x < x* and x > x*. To get the kernel estimates of PDF and CDF, the original data sample, {xi}, i = 1,.., n, is mirrored symmetrically around x* and x* resulting in the sample {2x*xi, xi, 2x*xi}, i = 1,.. n. Based on this sample, a density

is estimated and the desired estimates of PDF and CDF are:

      When the interval [x*, x*] is semi-finite,

then the original sample is mirrored around
and the sample
or the sample
is used to estimate
The desired estimates of PDF and CDF are:

      The mathematical model in PSHA can be formulated, e.g., as the following expression for the probability that the ground motion amplitude parameter, amp, at the point (x0, y0), during D time units will exceed the value a(x0, y0):

      Pr[amp(x0, y0) ≥ a(x0, y0), D] =


      where r(x0, y0) is the epicentral distance of an earthquake to the receiving point (x0, y0), M is the earthquake magnitude, N(D) is the number of earthquakes in D, Pr[amp(x0, y0) ≥ a(x0, y0)|M, r] is the probability that amp will exceed a due to the earthquake of magnitude, M, being distanced from the receiving point of r, fr is the PDF of epicentral distance, f(M|N(D) ≠ 0) is the probability density of earthquake magnitude, M, conditional upon earthquake occurrence in D and ℳ is its domain. fr is straightforwardly linked to the two-dimensional probability distribution of earthquake epicenters, fxy(x, y). fxy(x, y) and f(M|N(D) ≠ 0) represent the properties of seismic source (source effect), and Pr[amp(x0, y0) ≥ a(x0, y0)|M, r] represents the properties of the vibration transmission from the source to the receiving point (path and site effects).

      The conditional probability of source magnitude, f(M|N(D) ≠ 0), can be evaluated from the probability mass function (PMF) of the number of earthquakes in D time units, Pr[N(D)=n], and the unconditional PDF, fM, and the CDF, FM, of magnitude:

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