Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis. Eleftheria Papadimitriou

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Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis - Eleftheria Papadimitriou

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      © ISTE Ltd 2021

      The rights of Nikolaos Limnios, Eleftheria Papadimitriou and George Tsaklidis to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2020950512

      British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

      A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

      ISBN 978-1-78945-037-8

      ERC code:

      PE1 Mathematics

      PE1_13 ProbabilityPE1_14 Statistics PE1_20 Application of mathematics in sciences

      PE10 Earth System Science

      PE10_7 Physics of earth’s interior, seismology, volcanology


       Nikolaos LIMNIOS1, Eleftheria PAPADIMITRIOU2 and George TSAKLIDIS2

       1Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées de Compiègne, University of Technology of Compiègne, Sorbonne University, Compiègne, France 2Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

      The study of earthquakes is a multidisciplinary field where geodynamics meets mathematics, engineering, etc. In these approaches, the randomness is present in a natural way.

      Stochastic studies (probabilistic modeling, stochastic processes and statistics) can have different types – black box (one state), white box (multi-state system), simulation of different aspects, etc.

      One of the positive points of this multi-author volume is that it provides many of the previous aspects by authors from different institutions around the world, known for their earthquake-specific approaches.

      Topics such as statistical non-parametric and parametric methods, multi-state systems approach, simulators of earthquake, post-seismic activity models, ETAS branching-type models, time series Markov models with regression, scaling properties and multifractal approaches, self-correcting models, linked stress release model, Markovian arrival models, Poisson models based detection techniques, change point detection techniques on seismicity models and, finally, semi-Markov models for earthquake forecast are presented in this volume.

      The present volume is organized as follows.

      Chapter 2, by Rodolfo Console and Roberto Carluccio, deals with earthquake simulator development and applications. Especially, this chapter deals with the concepts which earthquake simulators have been built upon and gives examples of the applications of such simulators to real fault systems, comparing them with observed seismicity. An example is given of the application of a simulator to the Nankai mega-thrust fault system, with particular emphasis to the study of the stress evolution on the fault surface during numerous repeating earthquake cycles.

      Chapter 3, by Peter Shebalin and Sergey Baranov, deals with the statistical laws of post-seismic activity. In particular, this chapter discusses the ETAS model (a branching-type model with two empirical exponential laws), which is widely used in seismology for describing the clustering features of the earthquake process, and to what degree this model can explain the foreshock generation and the Båth’s law. The authors comment further on research results that have already been published.

      Chapter 4, by Jiancang Zhuang, deals with the ETAS model, which is a branching-type model, widely used in seismology for describing the clustering features of the earthquake process. Based on the ETAS model, this chapter shows that the magnitude distribution of the largest descendant from a given event determines the foreshock probabilities and deduces the Båth’s law from the asymptotic form of this magnitude distribution, both of which are close to the values of actual seismicity data. The author also comments on some results from previous works.

      Chapter 5, by Eugenio Lippiello, Giuseppe Petrillo, François Landes and Alberto Rosso, deals with the genesis of aftershocks in spring slider models. The main purpose of this chapter is to review the main assumptions and analytical steps proposed to explain the temporal behavior of aftershocks, in terms of both a time-dependent friction and afterslip dynamics. As a final step, we present how the two approaches can be combined. The two models are schematically presented in the figures of the chapter. The mathematical analogies between the two interpretations, and at the same time their very different physical implications, are stressed. The two descriptions are illustrated in a model with two blocks, with a different rheology interacting between each other.

      Chapter 7, by Georgios Michas and Filippos Vallianatos, deals with scaling properties, multifractality and a range of correlations in earthquake time series. The authors provide a mini-review on some of the collective properties of earthquake populations in the time domain, and based on these properties, we discuss whether earthquakes occur randomly in time or not. This topic is quite important for earthquake physics and ultimately for earthquake predictability. Their approach is based on the statistical physics of earthquakes that aims to elucidate the general physical mechanisms of seismogenesis, which produce the collective properties of earthquake populations that are empirically observed in nature. The earthquake occurrence is modeled by a point process in space and time, marked by the magnitude of the event and investigating the correlation properties of the waiting time (or interevent time) series between successive events.

      Chapter 8, by Ourania Mangira, Eleftheria Papadimitriou and Georgios Vasiliadis, deals with self-correcting probabilistic models in seismology. The Stress Release Model (SRM) that belongs to this category considers elastic strain being accumulated due to slow tectonic loading, which is suddenly released when it overpasses the strength of a fault, during an earthquake. The real situation is more complicated, and for this reason, improved versions of the model have been developed, like the Linked Stress Release Model (LSRM), where interaction between different sub-areas is allowed by stress transfer, and the Independent Stress Release Model (ISRM), where the study area is divided into smaller independent parts without interaction. Results of the model applications in areas of Greece

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