Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Biocomposites. Группа авторов

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Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Biocomposites - Группа авторов

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Oil palm 65 — 29 — Pineapple 81 — 12.7 — Ramie 68.6–76.2 13–16 0.6–0.7 0.3 Rice husk 35–45 19–25 20 14–17 Rice straw 41–57 33 8–19 8–38 Sisal 65 12 9.9 2 Wheat straw 38–45 15–31 12–20 —

      1.2.2 Polymer Matrices

      Polymer matrices serve as bonding agents to fibers. They bond the fibers together and help in load transfer to the fibers. Also, the polymer matrices allow for good‐quality finish of composite surfaces as well as protection of the reinforcing fibers from chemical attacks. Two common classifications of polymer matrices are thermosetting and thermoplastic resins. They are subsequently elucidated.

       Thermosetting resins: Curing process (chemical reaction) occurs with this type, thus linking polymer chains and connecting the whole matrix in a three‐dimensional (3D) network. It should be noted that once curing occurs, re‐melting or reforming becomes impossible. These resins are highly stable in dimension, resist high temperature as well as offer good resistance to solvents, due to their cross‐linked 3D structure [4]. Some thermosetting resins that are used frequently in composites are vinylesters, polyesters, phenolics, epoxies, bismaleimides (BMIs), and polyamides (PAs).

       Thermoplastic resins: These resins differ from thermosetting resins, because their thermoplastic molecules are not cross‐linked and can be melted when heated and made into solids and then cooled, thus allowing for reforming and reshaping repeatedly. Apart from being generally ductile, thermoplastic resins have more toughness than their thermosetting counterparts. They are broadly used for nonstructural applications without fillers and reinforcements. Their mechanical properties, which are factors of attraction, include good fatigue and compression strength, excellent tensile strength, excellent stiffness, high dimensional stability, excellent damage tolerance, and excellent durability. Furthermore, their flame‐retardant as well as wear‐resistant features broaden their applications and make them relevant, especially in an aerospace sector [4]. Common examples of thermoplastic resins include, but are not limited to, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), polypropylene (PP), polyetheretherketone (PEEK), polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA, also called acrylic), polyetherketoneketone (PEKK), and polyetherimide (PEI).

Schematic illustration of the descriptive molecular structure of both (a) thermoplastic and (b) thermoset polymers.

      Source: Bergstrom [7]. © 2015, Elsevier

      The key elements that affect the mechanical response of natural FRP hybrid composites are subsequently identified [5]:

       Fiber selection, which includes the type, method of extraction, time of harvest, natural fiber aspect ratio, content, as well as its treatment

       Interfacial strength

       Matrix choice

       Fiber distribution

       Composite manufacturing process

       Fiber arrangement [9]

       Void presence/porosity, among others.

      Source: Sathishkumar et al. [8]. © 2014, SAGE Publications.

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