Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Biocomposites. Группа авторов

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Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Biocomposites - Группа авторов

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SLS treatment 60.8 50 16 50 : 50, woven hybrid 10% NaOH treatment 62.0 — 50 18 10% SLS treatment — 68.0 54 21

      MFC and PLA represent micro‐fibrillated cellulose and poly‐lactic acid, respectively.

      Moreover, Thiruchitrambalam et al. [28] conducted a study on woven as well as non‐woven hybrids of banana/kenaf fiber with unsaturated polyester matrix reinforcement. They kept the fiber contents constant at 40% with equal ratio of banana and kenaf FRP composites (50 : 50 ratio) and treated the fibers with either 10% solution of NaOH or 10% of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) for 30 minutes. They observed that the SLS‐treated specimen had better improvement with respect to mechanical behavior than the alkali‐treated specimen, showing for both woven and non‐woven cases of the banana/kenaf hybrid composites enhanced impact, flexural, and tensile strengths, as shown in Table 1.5. Coconut/Cork FRP Hybrid Composites

      A natural coconut fiber, also known as coir, is usually extracted from coconut trees. These trees are mainly grown in tropical regions of Asian countries, such as Vietnam, India, and Thailand [4]. Cork fiber is usually obtained from cork oak trees (Quercus suber). There is a specific species of the tree from whose bark the cork fiber is harvested. The cork oak tree is a renewable resource, as new cork bark regrows naturally [4].

      Source: Nguyen et al. [4]. © 2017, Elsevier.

Hybrid biocomposites Fiber ratio (by weight or volume) Flexural modulus (GPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Tensile modulus (GPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Impact strength (kJ/m2)
Banana/sisal 100 : 0 8.920 57.33 0.642 16.12 13.25
75 : 25 9.025 58.51 0.662 17.39 15.57
50 : 50 9.130 59.69 0.682 18.66 17.90
25 : 75 9.235 60.87 0.703 19.93 20.22
0 : 100 9.340 62.04 0.723 21.20 22.54
Coconut/cork 10 : 44 : 44 : 2 (wt.% of coconut/cork/HDPE/coupling agent) 0.599 ± 0.02 20.4 ± 0.3
Coir/silk Alkali treatment
10 mm fiber 39.53 15.01
20 mm fiber 45.07 17.24
30 mm fiber 42.02 16.14
Corn husk/kenaf 0 : 30 (PLA 70 wt.%) 2.117
15 : 15 (PLA 70 wt.%) 1.547
30 : 0 (PLA 70 wt.%) 1.221
Cotton/jute 23.7
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