Global Drought and Flood. Группа авторов

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Global Drought and Flood - Группа авторов

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Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites and the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) of the Suomi National Polar‐orbiting Partnership (NPP). (a) The drought in New England that put crops and businesses under stress. (b) The drought that reduced food production and increased famine in the Greater Horn of Africa.

      (Courtesy: NASA’s earth observatory:

      Van Loon and Van Lanen (2012) described different scenarios of snow related drought according to their development: (a) rain‐to‐snow season drought, (b) cold snow season drought, and (c) warm snow season drought. Rain‐to‐snow season drought is developed due to a shortage of rainfall in the rain season (spring, summer and/or autumn) and ends in snow season (winter) with precipitation being in the form of snow. Consequently, soil moisture, streamflow, and groundwater remain relatively low until the upcoming melt season. Cold snow season drought is a result of abnormally low temperature in the snow season and a possible coincidence with below‐average precipitation that can be categorized into three subtypes of A, B, and C. Subtype A describes climates with continuous snow cover during winter and below zero temperature. Early beginning of the snow season is the main driver of this drought type. Subtype B has the same climate as A, however, delay in snowmelt due to low temperature at the end of winter drives this type of snow drought. Subtype C is climate with a temperature around zero and limited snow accumulation in winter. Snowmelt often provides recharge to groundwater and streamflow during snow season. An abnormal temperature drop in winter results in an intermediate shortage of water for a few weeks to months duration.

      Harpold et al. (2017) divided snow drought into two categories: (a) warm snow drought, where accumulated precipitation during October–March is larger than the long‐term average and SWE on 1st April is less than the long‐term average; (b) dry snow drought, where accumulated precipitation for the same period is less than the long‐term average and SWE on 1st April is less than the long‐term average SWE.

      Snowpack is often characterized in terms of snow albedo (SA), snow depth (SD), SWE, DPS, snow covered area (SCA), and fractional snow‐covered area (fSCA) (Kongoli et al., 2012). Remote sensing can effectively describe the relationship between snowpack dynamics and climate variability (Guan et al., 2012). Using remote sensing techniques and retrieval algorithms to measure snow‐related variables may provide insight for real‐time snow drought monitoring. The following provides a very short review of different remote sensing data and products that can be used to characterize snowpack.

      Snow possesses a strong spectral gradient that ranges from high albedo in visible wavelengths to low reflectance in middle infrared wavelengths. Therefore, a commonly used method such as the band ratios can be utilized to map and monitor snow cover (Lettenmaier et al., 2015). The Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) is one that shows the presence of snow on the ground. The NDSI algorithm distinguishes between snow and most cloud types, therefore, it better characterizes the snow cover areas than fSCA. The NDSI utilizes the reflectance ratios to detect snow and is described as the normalized difference between green and SWIR reflectance (R GreenR SWIR2)/(R Green + R SWIR2) (Hall et al., 2002). Hatchett and McEvoy (2018) suggested using NDSI in conjunction with data from ground‐based observation networks to monitor snow drought. In forested regions, however, the NDSI has shown poor snow identification accuracy and the recently developed Normalized Difference Forest Snow Index (NDFSI) can produce higher identification accuracy. The NDFSI utilizes near‐infrared in place of the green band, which has a higher reflectance that is useful when there is snow in a forested area (X. Y. Wang et al., 2015).

Schematic illustration of a below-normal snowpack observed by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite. (a) Percent of fractional snow cover on 25 January 2016. (b) Below normal conditions in 29 January 2018.

      (Courtesy of NASA’s earth observatory:

      Snow water equivalent is a critical parameter for hydrological applications and the characterization of snowpacks, and is commonly estimated using passive microwave signals utilizing empirical relationships or radiative transfer models. Well‐known limitations of spaceborne passive microwave data, such as coarse spatial resolution, saturation in deep snowpack, and signal loss in wet snow, however, present major drawbacks for passive microwave retrieval algorithms. Brodzik et al. (2016) developed high‐resolution passive microwave brightness temperature data that can be used to improve the SWE estimate in mountainous regions with complex physiography.

      Peak SWE is an important variable in snow hydrology, traditionally,

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