Living Science – 3. Decisive experiment. Word Rem

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Living Science – 3. Decisive experiment - Word Rem

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microparticles that move towards us or away from us) bypass their sensitive surface and pass further, like X-rays.

      Therefore, the stars seem to us to be points.

      Thus, the Mössbauer effect manifests itself not only in the conditions of first-class laboratories, with frozen crystals and gamma-quanta, but also on the table of the amateur experimenter and everywhere in life.

      Perhaps the experiments seem naive. Perhaps, in such a setting, they are generally incorrect. But they have Grain in them.

      An experience with disc transmission. 1. A translucent disk capable of rotating with a linear velocity of 10 ms. 2. Projection of a spot of light. 3. Light passing through the disk (for clarity, it is shown rotated 90º). 4. Lamp 5. Tube 6. Platform 7. Light flow. 8. Photographic material – photographic paper or photographic film. 9. Translucent area. 10. Electric motor. 11. The area of the spot that becomes lighter when rotating. 12. The fragment of the spot is darkened in comparison with the one distant from the axis.

      An experiment with the transmission of an unevenly heated translucent screen. 1. Light source. 2. Screen. 3 and 4. Heating and cooling devices creating a temperature gradient. 5. Semi-transparent screen that regulates the intensity of the light flux. 6. Light sensitive material.

      … The movement of the screen can be replaced by a heated screen. The atoms of the barrier fluctuate faster. This experiment is described in detail in the publication "TM" No. 5, 2000. – "Temperature and radiation". The light stream passes through the glass with a gradient from 200 C to room temperature. The photographic paper located behind the screen captures the appearance of dark stripes longitudinal to the gradient. The heated area becomes more transparent. Thus, the idea that photons with a non-standard speed are less likely to be captured by matter is confirmed.

      … The emission and absorption of radio waves are collective. Different groups of microparticles are involved in the process. In metals, these are free electrons with high intrinsic velocities. Therefore, radio waves, "superluminal" and "before light" more easily manifest themselves. Experiments on the radar of celestial bodies, such as Venus, carried out by American and Soviet astrophysicists in 1961, show that the speed of an electromagnetic wave is added to the speed of the planet itself. SRT supporters argue that relativistic calculations are necessary for the functioning of the global positioning system satellites. This is not true. The adjustment of the position of the stations in orbit is carried out according to the "reference points" on the Earth, without the Lorentz formulas, tensors and "time dilation".

      We are surrounded by streams of hidden light particles that can be detected. Light substance is capable of creating structures that have zero speed relative to atoms and molecules.

      Zero-velocity photons are capable of creating «clouds» of information structures.

      We measure the speed of light. At home

      Based on the materials of the author’s articles in the TM magazine, No. 10, 2001 and No. 3, 2002.

      …In a household fluorescent lamp, the plasma temperature is on the order of tens of thousands of degrees. This corresponds to the movement of charged particles at a speed of about 100 km / s. Photons emitted by ions flying with a speed V must have a speed C + V, directed along the axis of the lamp parallel to the photographic film, in accordance with the classical ballistic principle of the addition of velocities (and not with the SRT formulas). If this is the case, then the spot will be displaced in the direction of movement of the ions emitting light. But if the second postulate of SRT is true, then the light spot will not shift. The speed of the light source V will not add to the value C. The course of the experiment. I use a miniature neon lamp with a glass sheath that is transparent to UV radiation. At a pressure of about 0.1 mm Hg, a distance between the electrodes of 1.7 mm and an operating voltage of 220 V, inert gas ions are capable of acquiring a speed comparable to the speed of light C. Light from such a radiator passes through a narrow diaphragm (or camera obscura) and hits the screen, located parallel to the plane of the emitter electrodes at a distance of 0.8 m. The direction of the current in the lamp can be changed using a diode. After switching on, a lamp image appears on the projection screen. Both electrodes and the gas discharge column between them are clearly visible. When the direction of the current is changed, the image is displaced in the direction of the movement of positive ions by 11 mm with an absolute error of 0.2 mm. This means that the speed of light C is added with the speed of movement of its source V according to the classical, «ballistic» principle, and not in accordance with the SRT formulas. The only thing is that it is possible to calculate the speed of the radiation source from a ray of light, outside of spectral analysis, which is no longer in the spirit of the Theory of Relativity. The exact value of the speed of movement of ions in a neon lamp is difficult to determine. According to indirect estimates, it is on the order of 2000 km / s. This is in good agreement with the results of the performed experiment. It follows from this that either the second postulate of SRT is incorrect, or its physical meaning needs some special clarification.

      Screen, collimator (obstacle with a hole), neon lamp, electric circuit with a diode – switch for the direction of movement of «accelerated» photons

      The light sources used in the experiment are an ultraviolet or the most common 18 W lamp. Option – a halogen bulb.

      Scheme of the second experiment with a light accelerator. Screen, prism, collecting lens, collimator, neon lamp, electrical circuit with switch diode

      Diagram of the experiment of Italian physicists. A neutrino generated by an atomic reactor travels at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

      Scheme of the experience of Siberian scientists. Accelerator. A tube for the removal of light from accelerated particles. Glass plate, «analogue of the world ether», detector

      A hypothetical plasma antenna pushing radio waves – a method of accelerated space communication

      As the saying goes, "Ein Versuch ist kein Versuch" (search-search), and therefore I put on a second experiment with a neon lamp, fundamentally changing its conditions. The main element is now a glass prism, which deflects light rays of different wavelengths in different ways. If the speed of light is greater than C, the spectrum shifts towards the violet side. If less than C, a "redshift" occurs, as when observing a receding radiation source. But, this is not the Hubble effect. I place the neon lamp so that the plane of the electrodes is perpendicular to the pinhole screen. When the lamp is turned on, a spot of light appears on the screen. After polarity reversal, the beam is shifted by 24 arc minutes. Rejection error 4 minutes. Using well-known formulas, we calculate that in this case the change in the speed of light is 520 km / s, with an error of 85 km / s.

      … Scientists from the OPERA group in Gran Sasso, Italy, in contrast to the author of the article, have the ability to directly measure the speed of microparticles. Neutrino either does not have rest mass, like a quantum of light, or it does. Like a photon, it rushes at speed C. The speed of the source itself does not matter. At least that's what is commonly believed. Using synchronized detectors, Italian physicists discover the existence of "small neutrons" moving at a speed exceeding C by 7.5 km. with. The possible error is three orders of magnitude lower than this deviation. The publication will take place in 2011, and immediately attracts a flurry of criticism. Experimenters have to make excuses

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