Living Science – 3. Decisive experiment. Word Rem

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Living Science – 3. Decisive experiment - Word Rem

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material («Konica», 400 units).

      Professor Myshkin’s experiment

      Kozyrev’s experience

      The idea of one of the experiments to detect "hidden" light. Rays (waves) of coherent light, slightly displaced relative to each other by an interference grating, should fold in antiphase and disappear. In the "folded" form, they do not interact with matter. Therefore, having divided by themselves, the rays should appear behind the screens – which is interesting in itself. A diagram of the possible disappearance of rays is presented. Of the two components of the electromagnetic wave, vectors B and E, only one is shown.

      The next figure is a diagram of the installation for obtaining "black rays" (for clarity, the convergence angle of the rays is greatly increased). The light that appeared behind the screen – aluminum foil, should have been fixed with photographic film for several hours. However, neither an increase in exposure nor a change in the length of the tube gave a positive result. An ambiguous result was shown by experiments with detectors from sheets of photographic paper folded together. In the course of this work, the feeling arose that the dark zones in the beam alignment were not formed by the addition of light waves. They appear due to the fact that the direction of the photons is determined by the interference grating itself. What is an interference grating? A set of identical stripes. The stripes lay out the light, even if the light is not coherent. They are like the strings of a grand piano, responding to each other's vibrations. Are they unique? Any mutually similar objects illuminated by a point source become synchronized. Note that the beams of individual lasers, equal in wavelength and amplitude, directed to one point, do not add up. There are no such cases. Perhaps the laser atoms themselves feel the presence of twin microparticles in another object, and do not send photons to where, having formed in antiphase, they could violate the law of conservation of energy.

      A superluminal or pre-light quantum exists, obeys the ballistic law of addition of velocities, but it is rather difficult to weed out and register. “Catching” a superluminal signal with a conventional sensor is the same as trying to record X-rays with an electronic camera.

      Let us turn to the article by V. Belyaev, published in "TM" No. 9, distant 1980. The author reproduces the experiments of Professor N. Myshkin (and also William Crookes), made at the beginning of the twentieth century. It turns out that the disk, suspended on a thin thread, for no apparent reason, periodically turns to one or another angle. These movements correlate with solar activity, the position of the moon, even when the scales are in the basement. As a first approximation, the torsion balance is the sensor for the hidden component of the light beam. In contrast to the semitransparent petal, which measures the pressure in the experiments of Academician P. Lebedev, our light recorder is a rather massive screen.

      What else might sensors that are tuned to «hidden» light look like? Let us turn to the experiments of astrophysicist N. Kozyrev to determine the path of a star in the sky. Let’s discard the theory about the «influence of Time on physical processes», let’s leave the experiment. The academician directs the telescope to a distant star. A thermal resistor is located along the eyepiece axis. The change in the resistance of the sensor occurs not in a thin surface layer like a photocell, but throughout the entire volume. Therefore, the signal is recorded along the traversed path of the star. Option – already known to us torsion scales with a screen. This is how the detector detects «superluminal» and «pre-light» photons.

      Energy returns. Is always

      … How to return the energy dissolved in the bustle of microparticles? Probably, there are natural processes that increase its quality to its original value. Everything happens by itself. For clarity, a boiled kettle placed on the table gives energy to the table. it cools down. High-order energy is replaced by a uniform background. Is the reverse process possible? Will heat pulses be transmitted from the medium to the kettle? Will it boil for no apparent reason, on the kitchen table? The question is strange. But this should happen if there is a circulation of energy in nature from the beginning of time. One of the first publications of the author on the topic – an article in "TM", No. 4, 2000:

      …«What is the difference between an object of the macrocosm – a monolith – from a cloud of dust obtained as a result of its long grinding and subsequent shaking? It is well known: the area of contact with the medium of another phase, for example, with a gas. That is why those chemical reactions take place in powders that do not affect monoliths at all – iron filings burn in the air, while an iron nail, perhaps in pure oxygen… But the question is – what happens when a monolith is ground or, conversely, sticking together dust back into a monolith with an emission-absorption spectrum? Let’s call on the laws of quantum physics to help. In a monolith, the spectrum runs through all energy levels, which, theoretically, are as many as there are atoms in the body. In a gas, however, individual atoms radiate independently, at several levels. But when atoms-neighbors appear, the levels shift so as not to repeat each other – the exclusion principle, introduced at the beginning of the 20th century, works. Wolfgang Pauli: there can be no interconnected atoms, the energy parameters of which are the same. But powder is an intermediate state between gas and solid. Apparently, it is impossible to draw a sharp boundary at which the properties change abruptly. And accordingly, the spectrum of the dust cloud, as the particles are fragmented, will approach the spectrum of the gas. But what happens if you thicken it to the volume of the original monolith? When, say, one hundred particles merge, each energy level will take one hundred atoms at once. To restore the order accepted in the microworld, each of such oversaturated levels will tend to split into a hundred isolated lines of the spectrum. The most natural way to restore the energy hierarchy for the atoms of the newly formed monolith is to emit a certain amount of electromagnetic quanta. Consequently, the thickened cloud of dust will generally become colder than the environment.

      Our magic teapot

      Aren't we humans the same hubs? Why are our cells not isolated "specks of dust" separated by membranes? But the membrane permeability is constantly changing. And are not many properties of living organisms that are not amenable to modern science associated with such a combination of many millions of "dust particles"? "

      Continued in the article "Energy Concentrators", "TM" No. 6, 2002, based on the materials of experiments. Two vessels, one with a porous medium, the other with a solid one, are located in a thermostat. We measure the temperature of the internal environment every 20 minutes using sensors. It turns out that the temperature in the container with the granular medium (wet sand) changes abruptly. A continuous medium produces a flat temperature graph.

      Granular matter has the ability to collect energy. The temperature in the anomalies rises by tens of degrees. By organizing matter, you can achieve a predictable release of heat in certain areas of it.

      The collection and separation of dust particles of inanimate matter and the interaction of cell membranes, with the release of energy, are phenomena of the same level.

      Experiment with granular and homogeneous media. 1. cabinet with thermal insulation 2. Dewar vessels 3. continuous medium (water) 4. porous medium 5. electronic thermometers. 6. temperature sensors.

      Experience with the passage of direct current through granular cells

      Fleischmann and Pons experience. The cathode, absorbing nuclei of hydrogen from heavy water, releases an abnormally large amount of energy

      Experiments of Fleischmann and Pons in practice

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