Living Science – 3. Decisive experiment. Word Rem

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Living Science – 3. Decisive experiment - Word Rem

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if the water reached this temperature due to the fusion of nuclei, the radiation would kill those present.

      On the left is a diagram of the experiments of Fleischmann and Pons. 1.the walls of the vessel, 2.deuterium (heavy) water, 3.palladium cathode, 4.anode (positive electrode), 5.electric power supply Right. A possible explanation for the cold fusion experiments on the right. 1. Schematic representation of an electrode – a porous vessel that absorbs microparticles, 2. Water molecules outside the cathode. A pictorial image of a microparticle with two active levels is presented. 3. Water molecules having the same levels react and generate a cascade of resonant quanta. Heat is released without nuclear fusion. Heavy water can be replaced with tap water. Palladium is replaceable with any granular media. A variant of the addition to the reactor is the adjacent mirror plates of the resonator.

      Presumably, knowing the peculiarities of the circulation of energy in nature, you can cook a lot of porridge

      What is a «granular medium»? As a first approximation, this is sand soaked in water. The second article on the topic, the journal «Tekhnika-Molodezhi», No. 6, 2003.

      «Some fundamental laws of physics are so simple and obvious that no one doubts their validity and no one is engaged in their verification. In particular, this concerns Ohm’s law, according to which the strength of the direct current in the circuit (at least with its low density) is equal to the quotient of dividing the voltage by the resistance: I = U / R. Other electrical engineering rules follow from this. For example, according to the Joule-Lenz law, the heat W generated at the resistance R is directly proportional to the voltage drop U across it, the current I and the duration of its passage t, that is, W = R-U-1-t. Therefore, if two identical resistances are connected in series in a closed circuit, then the same amount of heat should be released on them per unit of time. It seems quite obvious that, bypassing the first resistance, electrons are not able to either acquire additional energy or lose it. But is Ohm’s law really fulfilled for resistances of all kinds at low current densities? Having become interested in this issue, I performed a series of simple experiments. I connected two, if possible, identical resistances to the DC circuit, and next to them I attached sensors of sensitive thermometers. Each resistance together with its „own“ sensor was placed in a separate thermostat. In the first experiments, I used incandescent lamps (rated for a voltage of 2.5 V and a current of 0.15 A) as resistances. Turning on the current (its source was a stabilizing step-down transformer and a rectifier connected to a household circuit with a voltage of 220 V), I measured the temperature in thermostats for an hour; then swapped lamps and repeated measurements. Five series of similar experiments showed that metal resistances emitted an amount of heat in full accordance with the classical laws of electrical engineering, regardless of where these resistances were located. I did not carry out measurements using other types of resistances, but I performed the experiment using electrolytic cells as resistance, in which ordinary tap water decomposed on stainless steel electrodes. The result, again, did not reveal any anomalies. But if the electrolysis of water was carried out in a porous, inhomogeneous medium, the picture turned out to be different. I filled the electrolytic cells with a mixture of quartz sand and tap water, acidified for better electrical conductivity with a few drops of hydrochloric acid (which, generally speaking, is not necessary). And the very first experiments gave amazing results that did not correspond to the classical laws of electrical engineering. Namely, the temperature in the thermostat located in the direction of the electrons’ movement turned out to be significantly higher than the temperature in the next thermostat! With a voltage of the current source of 220 V and its strength of 0.5 A, the difference was 90C, which significantly exceeded the error value of previous experiments. In total, I performed 10 similar experiments and noticed that the temperature difference between the cells clearly depends on the current in the circuit and can even reach several tens of degrees. I also noticed that the voltage drop on the first cell was higher than on the second (150 and 70 V, respectively), which explains the increased heat generation. But the main question remained unanswered: why does such a noticeable asymmetry arise, if before and after the experiments the resistance of the cells were the same? After all, this effect should not be! It can be assumed that in the first cell the electrons lose part of some of their internal energy and therefore in the second cell are no longer able to interact with ions as intensely. But after all, the second cell also (although not a style) heats up. True, in sand-water electrolytic cells there are many local and rather sharp drops in the resistance of the medium, as a result of which the electrons in it are either sharply accelerated, then sharply slowed down. Is this the reason for the effect I observed?..»

      In experiments with electrolytic cells, much is unclear. Either it is electrons that give their own energy, or water ions. Maybe the grains of sand themselves, sticking together, throw energy into space. What does knowledge of the process give us? For example, the fact that the battery bank, one of several, located at the anode (plus) heats up above the rest.

      The American researchers Fleischman and Pons achieved some success in extracting the "free energy". These scientists carried out the electrolysis of heavy water on palladium electrodes. The main idea is that the molecules of the hydrogen isotope accumulate in the crystal lattice of the metal, approach and interact. As a result of "cold nuclear fusion" (CNF), anomalous heat release occurs, but at the same time – no neutron radiation. In the end, the experiments, at least reproduced in other laboratories, were abandoned. However, with our theory: "Structured matter structures and releases energy", they can be put in a new way.

      The main point of such an experiment. Hydrogen atoms are collected in a small volume, and therefore they are forced to emit soft photons from their energy levels. New reactors are loaded with any, even non-radioactive substance.

      … As a first approximation, an electromagnetic energy generator may look like a suspension of magnetic microscopic balls in a foreign medium. According to the above, an ordered array should periodically change its properties, and hence the magnetic flux in time. It remains to add a coil of wire to get a perpetual generator. In the case of the kettle, this is the case. Let the table on which it is left be an ordered structure of many identical elements. The energy of boiling water will be distributed throughout the volume. Then there will be temperature fluctuations. The period of their appearance in a particular place can be calculated or organized. We put the vessel at the right time in the right place – and it heats up.

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