Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems. Группа авторов

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Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems - Группа авторов

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      where PV and solari are the solar PV installed capacity and solar power generation (in pu) for load hour of i. GF is the generation factor, having a value of (3.52/6.628) [68].

Load hour Load demand (pu) images Solar power generation (pu) [68] Load hour Load demand (pu) images Solar power generation (pu) [68]
1 0.64 0 13 0.99 1
2 0.6 0 14 1 0.9309
3 0.58 0 15 1 0.7424
4 0.56 0 16 0.97 0.5491
5 0.56 0 17 0.96 0.2827
6 0.58 0 18 0.96 0.0593
7 0.64 0.015 19 0.93 0
8 0.76 0.2143 20 0.92 0
9 0.87 0.5331 21 0.92 0
10 0.95 0.7653 22 0.93 0
11 0.99 0.894 23 0.87 0
12 1 0.9968 24 0.72 0
Biomass DG Solar PV Shunt capacitors
Cost ($) 3000/kW [60] 770/kW [60] 9/kVAr
Lifetime (years) 40 20 5

      1.5.1 Optimum Placement of RDGs and Shunt Capacitors to 33-Bus Distribution Network

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