Die Heilige Schrift - The Sacred Scriptures. Johannes Biermanski

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Die Heilige Schrift - The Sacred Scriptures - Johannes Biermanski

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Aliorumque IO, van der Everardi Hooght; August Hahn - 1839; Hebrew and Greek Bible - online dated 2009 to 2011, New English Bible, Louis Albrecht of 1926, Hermann Menge of 1928, Elberfeld dated 1871, Schlachter of 1905, Schlachter dated 2000, Frederick Pfäfflin, DL van Ess, H. D. Stern, Zurich, Dr. de Wette, Curt Stage, Bishop Ulfilas (Wulfilas) and others as well as explanations of the verses in the following prophetic books of Scripture: the Book of “DANIEL” and the Book of “REVELATION” by our late brother and missionary Ernst Simon, the author of the Simon Bible.

      Here is a quotation of the evangelist and scientist Prof. Walter J. Veith from South Africa:

      “The 'Book of Daniel’ is the key to the 'Book of Revelation’!”

      Any reader should study the statements made by Ernst Simon in the Book of ‘Daniel’ and the Book of ‘Revelation’, verify and think about it - also about his own short life - and finally make his decision. For God knows that a human is going to stay on Earth just very short.

      Psalm 103:15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.

      Psalm 103:16 For the wind passes over it, and it is gone; and the place of it shall know it no more.

      Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know hat they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

      Furthermore it is written that:

      Psalm 103:17 But the mercy of YAHWEH is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children;

      Psalm 103:18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

      We would like to apologize in advance to the English-speaking readers for the lack of partial translations of the declarations into English.

      The most difficult task was to reintroduce the sacred name YAHWEH in the New Testament, since “Lord” is used for both YAHWEH [for YAHWEH Elohim], the father, and for our Lord Jesus Christ/ Yahshua the Messiah [for our Master Yahshua the Messiah]. The old Bibles still contain cross-references to the Old Testament, from which it can be recognized that it is mostly the Father who is concerned. After studying the issue of Trinity and on the basis of the Holy Scripture by Dr. Martin Luther dated 1545 and the translation by Hermann Menge, I was getting clearer and clearer that in the first centuries after the death of the beloved disciple John, the system of the Doctrine of Trinity has slowly been built up and after the councils in the years 325 and 381 until 1798 any kind of resistance was restrained without remorse. This system of the human doctrine may be detected only with a preconceived body of thought when reading the Holy Scripture, i.e. be interpreted into the Holy Scripture, also the statement that Jesus Christ is God himself. So, God would have died on the cross/ torture stake and any faith would have been invalid, that is, in vain! - To put it another way: Christ, the Messiah, was only half dead, the human part died, whereas the divine part lived on. That means he was half dead! - This statement goes towards spiritualism. An intelligent man who can see things clearly and sharply will continually take offence at this pagan human doctrine and state that the removal of the name “YAHWEH” from the Holy Scripture had the only sense to support the doctrine of the Trinity with ongoing changes (distortions) in the first centuries and represent this system as a secret. The Holy Scripture, both Old and New Testament, was developed/ raised from YAHWEH’s Spirit as an overarching, toothed, interwoven system and written down in their own words by the prophets, inspired by YAHWEH’s Spirit, who were previously chosen by YAHWEH himself. It is written:

      2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation.

      2 Peter 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of YAHWEH spoke as they were moved by the holy Spirit.

      Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said to me, See you do it not: I am your fellowservant and of your brethren that have the testimony of Yahshua: worship YAHWEH: for the testimony of Yahshua is the Spirit of prophecy.

      It is curious that in the system of doctrine of the Trinity where the Holy Spirit was made to a person named “Holy Spirit”, the Father himself was even made to a SPIRITLESS GOD. For if the Holy Spirit is personalized (the Holy Spirit has done this and that) then the Father is subject to dull spiritless existence. It is strange, very strange. Still, the Holy Scripture has been written for all people by the prophets of God! The human doctrines that have been introduced since the fourth century denigrate the word YAHWEH’s in its clarity. That has been also so before the first coming of our Lord Jesus/ Lord Yahshua in Israel occupied by the Romans, as the word of God as well as the rules to be followed by the faithful were made impossible and as tightened in the interpretation of the high scholars, the Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests, that it was very difficult for the faithful to fulfill all these requirements. A system that had turned into a system of rule.

      Quote from ‘Mark of Brazil’:

      “The name YAHWEH stands for the Sabbath [Saturday, blessed and sanctified by the living God of heaven on the seventh day of creation and rising from all his works] and the Trinity [The Three-Gods-Doctrine] is Sunday!“

      Since the first century many people worldwide have been denounced for their faith, persecuted and killed because they have been accepting the Holy Scripture, the Word of God, as the only legitimate benchmark and have distanced themselves from human teachings which are contrary to the Scriptures.

       The basic principle is:

      “Whoever either kills or murders a person or gives an order for murder to state institutions, special facilities, special units is a murderer: “The spirit of Satan in this human has come to its full expression!’”

      “Human doctrines the implementation of which is enforced, are pervaded by the spirit of Satan!”

      “Whoever smokes, takes drugs!”

      Here is another remark that is not preached in the churches, like it should be:

      “Whoever SMOKES, takes drugs - including ALCOHOL, abuses and corrupts his body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit [i.e. the temple of God], will be ruined by God himself.”

       These people put themselves under the control of a different spirit coming from below, not from above.

      I Corinthians 6:19 What? Know you not that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from YAHWEH? And you are not your own;

      I Corinthians 6:20 For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify YAHWEH in your body, and in your Spirit, which are Elohim/G-d (YAHWEH).

      I Corinthians 3:17 If any man destroys the temple of YAHWEH, him shall YAHWEH destroy; for the temple of YAHWEH is holy, which temple you are.

       Smoking tobacco.

      Tobacco is a slow, treacherous, but a very vicious poison. In whatever form it is used, it has an effect on the entire body. The more it is dangerous because its effects are first slowly and barely perceivable. It excites and after that paralyzes the nerves. It weakens and befuddles the brain. Our nerves are usually attacked stronger than numbing beverages. Tobacco and its consequences are difficult to eradicate from the system. Its use awakens our thirst for strong drinks and in many cases it is the cause of drunkenness.

      The use of tobacco is detrimental, costly, dirty, stains the one who uses it and harasses other people. One can come across its followers everywhere... It is unpleasant and unhealthy to stay in a railway car or a room where air is filled with alcohol and tobacco smells...

      Tobacco use is doing unspeakable harm to children and young people. The

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