MADE IN ESSEX. Laura Ziepe

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MADE IN ESSEX - Laura Ziepe

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remember exactly what he looked like? She’d met Alex in London after work one night, but had been quite tipsy when they’d exchanged numbers. Hopefully he’s as nice as I remember, she thought. Lisa had lost count of the amount of times she’d given her number to men and agreed to meet them – only to be greeted by someone she didn’t find one bit attractive. She was learning that alcohol, dark bars and clubs were definitely not a good mixture when it came to dating. It was so much fun though, and getting to meet new people all the time was exciting. She had no one else to worry about apart from herself. It was a weird feeling at first, but one she was really enjoying. She couldn’t believe she had really thought at one point in her life that Jake was the one. She’d have missed out on so much!

      She was so happy since her friend, Nicola, had joined the television company she worked for. She, too, was single and lived in Essex and they had hit it off straight away, often having to work together on projects and new TV shows. They were always out after work meeting new men and Nicola had just asked her earlier that day to move into her new flat. After picturing how much fun they would have together, Lisa had known she couldn’t say no and she was planning on telling Nicola her answer on Monday morning.

      She dialled Jade on her car phone. She wanted to show off Cupcake as soon as possible. Getting the dog had been a slight spur of the moment thing after her parents had finally agreed, and she’d seen the advert online only yesterday. The girls had no idea about it.

      ‘Hi Lisa,’ Jade answered in her friendly voice.

      ‘Hi babe. Where are you at the moment? At home?’

      ‘Yeah. Me and Kelly are just doing a bit of work before our meeting in an hour. Why?’

      ‘Just wanted to check you were in. I have a surprise for you both.’

      ‘Really?’ Jade replied excitedly and Lisa could tell she was smiling.

      ‘Yep. Will see you in five.’

      Not long after, Lisa was standing on Jade’s front doorstep with Cupcake safely in the bag, which was half zipped up so the girls couldn’t see straight away.

      ‘Hi, come in,’ Jade said as she answered the door, not noticing the bag.

      Lisa followed her upstairs to the office where Kelly was sitting.

      ‘You alright, hun?’ Kelly smiled fondly when she walked in.

      Lisa looked around the office and couldn’t believe the transformation. ‘Wow. Love what you’ve done in here, girls.’

      ‘It was Kelly,’ Jade nodded in her direction.

      ‘I’d never have guessed,’ Lisa smiled warmly.

      ‘Come on then, what’s the surprise?’ Kelly beamed.

      No sooner had she asked, Cupcake started to cry, unfamiliar with her new surroundings.

      ‘Oh my God. What’s that in your bag?’ Kelly asked eagerly, standing up.

      ‘Girls,’ Lisa pulled the puppy out of her bag, ‘meet Cupcake.’

      ‘Oh she’s gorgeous!’ Jade said in shock, her voice high pitched as she moved nearer to stroke the dog.

      ‘Oh. My. God. Shut up! I’m in love! Where did you get her? Please say she’s yours? She is beauts!’ Kelly practically grabbed her out of Lisa’s hands.

      ‘My mum and dad finally agreed to let me get a dog!’ Lisa said happily, ‘which is quite strange actually, because I’ve just decided to move in with Nicola.’

      ‘What? Where to? It better not be anywhere far away?’ Jade asked quickly, slightly worried.

      ‘It’s not. Nicola has bought a flat in Chigwell and it has a spare room I’m going to rent.’

      ‘Hello, gorgeous little girl,’ Kelly was saying in a squeaky baby voice as she stroked the dog lovingly.

      ‘She’s so cute!’ Jade said, tickling her behind her ears, ‘let me have a hold.’

      ‘So when are you moving?’ Kelly said, passing the dog reluctantly to Jade.

      ‘Well I think Nicola is moving in straight away. So I suppose I can go as soon as I want. I haven’t even told my parents yet, but I’m sure they’ll be fine about it. She only asked me today and I’ve decided to definitely do it.’

      ‘What’s the flat like?’ Jade enquired, her eyes remaining firmly on the puppy.

      ‘I don’t even know yet. I think it’s meant to be quite big though. Nic’s bought it and I’ll be paying her rent each month.’

      ‘That’s great,’ Kelly said before she turned back to look at the dog, ‘you can have a moving-in party. Jade, let me hold Cupcake again please.’

      ‘You two won’t need to fight over her, don’t worry,’ Lisa grinned wryly. ‘I thought you two could dog-sit during the day when I’m at work, seeing as you’ll both be working from home. What do you think?’

      Jade and Kelly looked at each other.

      ‘I think yes!’ Kelly almost screamed. ‘You don’t understand how much I’m going to spoil her. There is this amazing dog’s boutique down Queens Road in Buckhurst Hill. We can get her some gorgeous little Juicy Couture outfits and diamanté collars.’ She looked at the dog and put on her baby voice again, ‘You’re going to make all the other dogs jell, aren’t you, Cupcake? In fact, I’m going to call her Princess Cupcake. She’s far too important to just have one name.’

      ‘Will she be okay here all day do you think?’ Jade asked, slightly concerned. ‘Won’t she get bored?’

      Lisa waved her hand casually. ‘She’ll be fine. All they do is sleep and sit on your lap the lady said. Apparently they’re really easy to house train too, so she’ll be clean in no time. Oh, I’m so glad you’ll have her. I didn’t know what to do otherwise!’

      Kelly hugged the dog to her chest. ‘Babe, we’re going to love having her all day, aren’t we Jade? I’ll dog-sit anytime! Can’t believe how amazing she is!’

      ‘Thanks. I can’t stay long,’ Lisa explained, ‘I have a date tonight.’

      ‘With the same bloke you went out with the other night? James?’ Jade asked.

      Lisa looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully and then finally answered ‘James? Oh no, not him. I’ve gone off him since he turned up to the date bright orange.’

      ‘What?’ Jade cried.

      ‘He’d clearly had a spray tan,’ Lisa shook her head remembering it, ‘and not a very good one either.’

      ‘Lisa, there’s nothing wrong with a man having a healthy-looking glow with the help of fake tan,’ Kelly chipped in. ‘Do you have his number? I’ll text him to come to me next time.’

      ‘Trust me. He was the colour of a tangerine and he was wearing a white shirt that made it look even worse!’ Lisa exclaimed, closing her eyes as if trying to block out the memory.

      They laughed.

      Lisa continued. ‘I’m going on a date with this guy called Alex, and for once he’s not from Essex. He lives in Hertfordshire and I met him in London.’

      ‘What’s he like?’ Jade enquired.

      Lisa exhaled. ‘That’s the problem. I’m not too sure. He’s got dark hair and blue eyes … or were they brown?’

      ‘Well, good luck with him,’ Kelly said kindly. ‘What are you doing tomorrow?’

      ‘Nothing,’ Lisa replied, ‘why?’

      Kelly’s eyes gleamed with excitement. ‘We’ve a hundred per cent got to go shopping for Princess Cupcake.’

      ‘We’ve got a meeting with Tony tomorrow, remember?’ Jade reminded

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