MADE IN ESSEX. Laura Ziepe

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MADE IN ESSEX - Laura Ziepe

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use it so you can get started,’ he said.

      Jade looked at her Michael Kors watch. It was six forty-five already. ‘How long will it take?’ she asked, dreading the answer.

      ‘To show you the whole thing so you understand?’ Tony thought for a few seconds. ‘Maybe two hours? Two and a half tops?’

      Kelly and Jade looked at each other, thinking the same thing: they both had plans.

      ‘Only one of you needs to stay,’ he added quickly when he saw their concerned expressions.

      ‘Babe, I’ll stay,’ Kelly offered kindly, ‘I’ll learn the computer stuff easy-peasy, honestly.’

      Kelly started pressing the computer screen, while Jade and Tony sat there, baffled.

      ‘Kelly, what are you doing? It’s not a touch screen!’

      Kelly started to giggle, ‘I thought I was using my iPhone for a minute! Need to get my brain into gear.’

      Jade stifled a giggle. It was sweet that Kelly had offered, but she could hardly even use her own laptop and always needed help with the simplest things, like how to turn it on! She even remembered the time Kelly had complained her laptop was stuck and wouldn’t open, not realising she had it the wrong way round when she was trying to lift the screen up. She doubted she’d ever have any clue about technical stuff. She knew Kelly hated computers and offices, one of the reasons she’d become a beautician.

      Jade took a deep breath. ‘Kelly, it’s lovely of you to offer, but I’ll stay and learn it.’

      ‘After seeing you do that, Kelly, I’d have to agree.’ Tony laughed. ‘I promise I’ll be as quick as possible, Jade.’

      Kelly nodded, knowing that was definitely the most sensible thing to do. ‘If you’re sure, Jade? I’ll stay too if you like?’

      ‘It’s fine; it only needs one of us. Honestly, you go.’

      ‘I’m sorry I can’t make it another day,’ Tony said, looking guilty, ‘it’s just I really think you should get it up and running ASAP.’

      ‘That’s okay,’ Jade said lightly, secretly worrying about letting Sam down again. ‘I’m going to drop Kelly off and then quickly drive to Sam’s and tell him I can’t make tonight. Would it be okay if I came back in about forty minutes?’ she asked Tony.

      ‘Perfect,’ Tony said, rubbing his hands together and getting out of his seat.

      After dropping Kelly off home to get ready to go out with Billy, Jade pulled into Sam’s drive. For the first time since they’d been a couple she actually felt a little nervous about his response.

      ‘Hi,’ he grinned, opening the front door and kissing her.

      ‘Bad news,’ Jade said as she walked into his bedroom and sat on his bed.

      Sam’s smile vanished. ‘You can’t come?’ he guessed, looking disappointed and making her feel terrible.

      ‘I’m so sorry,’ Jade said, ‘I’ll be done in a few hours and can meet you after if you like? I could co—’

      Sam interrupted her. ‘I’ve already bought the tickets for the cinema and booked a meal. Is there no way you can get out of it?’ he asked, unable to control his irritable tone.

      Jade shook her head, bit her lip and looked at the floor. ‘Tony is going on holiday for two weeks so it has to be done tonight.’

      Sam nodded, looking even more unimpressed now she’d mentioned his name. ‘Right.’

      ‘I can meet you after?’ Jade asked hopefully.

      ‘Don’t worry about it,’ Sam said curtly, looking away. ‘My mates are going to Sugar Hut tonight and I blew them off because I wanted to see you, but I’ll tell them my plans have changed. There’s no point in you rushing around for me when you have work to do.’

      Jade nodded, knowing he was angry. ‘Tomorrow?’

      Sam raised his shoulders. ‘I have a football match late afternoon and then I said I’d help my cousin move out.’

      ‘I can help you?’ she offered, desperate to make it up to him somehow.

      There was a long pause. ‘No, it’s going to be lifting loads of heavy things. Thanks anyway though.’

      Jade felt awkward. He was being slightly cold towards her and it hurt. She felt like he wanted her to leave. Sam was never like this normally; he was always so affectionate and loving. ‘Are we okay?’ she asked, her voice slightly shaky.

      He nodded and cleared his throat. ‘Fine.’

      ‘Okay, well I’d better be getting back to Tony,’ Jade told him, standing up and swinging her bag over her shoulder.

      ‘Of course,’ he said blankly, opening his bedroom door with an unreadable expression.

      Jade sighed sadly. ‘Speak to you soon then. Have a nice night.’

      As Jade left Sam’s flat, she felt unsettled. Was her business ruining her relationship?

      CHAPTER 3

      Adele was bored as she waited for her nails to dry. She grabbed her laptop from the dressing table and switched it on. As she waited for it to come alive, she thought about what had happened that day. She couldn’t believe she’d bumped into Kelly and Jade at last. She hadn’t seen them since Marbella and had been dying to go out with them on a night out. She’d been gutted when she realised she didn’t get their numbers after the holiday, even if things didn’t end on the best note. They always looked like they had fun when they went out and she knew they lived close to her, so it would be perfect to use them for that reason. She’d wanted to send them both a friend request on Facebook, but had worried that they wouldn’t accept it because of what had happened in Marbella. Surely they were over her stealing their junk from the market to sew on their swimwear? Adele couldn’t handle the thought of them rejecting her friend request, she was far too proud for that, so in the end she had stopped herself. Kelly, Jade and Lisa had all looked like such good friends today; Adele wanted to be included in their plans and go out for girly nights, lunches and shopping trips. They were nauseatingly pretty though; could she really handle being around them all the time and having to fight for attention? She cursed herself for thinking that way. Of course she could – she was easily as attractive as them, if not more so. She’d heard that Jade was going out with Sam now. She absolutely hated the thought of them together and could kick herself that her plan to split them up in Marbella hadn’t worked. Oh well, Jade was welcome to her sloppy seconds, Adele thought nastily. She’d already been there, done that and got the t-shirt.

      She was going to Sugar Hut tonight with an old friend from school called Donna. They’d become really close recently and Adele loved going out with her because Donna was a bit on the heavy side, which meant she ended up stealing all the limelight. Donna did everything she said too and Adele loved it that she always got to pick where they went out. Adele liked being in control; she had to be, in fact. They were friends at school, but had lost contact when Donna went to college and then off to university.

      Adele had contacted Donna after her mum had bumped into Donna’s mum and told her Donna worked for Mulberry in the head office. Why couldn’t Adele land an amazing job like that? She didn’t even want to think about the discounts she must get, which Donna was very tight-lipped about. Some people just had it so lucky. So what if Donna had a degree in fashion and marketing? She didn’t exactly look the part, being a size sixteen (though secretly Adele thought she looked more like a size eighteen and that maybe she was lying). Adele would be much better suited to a fun job like that, and it angered her that sometimes life was just so unfair. She was hoping Donna could get her in the company somehow, but so far she’d been nothing but useless, saying some crap about how she couldn’t and she’d have to go through the normal hiring process. Whatever! Everyone knew that if

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