MADE IN ESSEX. Laura Ziepe

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MADE IN ESSEX - Laura Ziepe

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out on the bed. She’d done the odd couple of shifts in her mum’s boutique in Ongar, but apart from that, nothing. She was getting slightly bored, she had to admit. Money was never an issue, her dad made sure of that, but she did feel the need to do something with her life, other than going shopping, getting her hair done and just sitting around and looking pretty. She wondered if she should try modelling or acting or something interesting like that and told herself she’d look into it on Monday.

      Maybe she should text Jade and ask her to come out tonight? See if Kelly and that other Lisa girl wanted to come too? It was sometimes a bit boring being with just Donna and Adele imagined it would be much more fun with a group of them. She took her phone from her dressing gown pocket.

       Hey babe. How are you? Fancy coming out tonight? I’ve got a table with champers? On me of course Xx

      The reply came back almost instantly.

       Busy, sorry x

      Is that it? Adele thought, infuriated. No, ‘I’m fine thanks’, ‘how are you?’ or ‘thanks for the offer’. There was no need to be so short; it was just plain rude! Who did Jade think she was, treating her like unwanted rubbish?

      Adele logged into her Facebook account miserably for a browse. Donna would be round soon and she’d have to start on her hair. She noticed that one of her friends had ‘liked’ a company called Vajazzle My Bikini. Intrigued, she clicked on it and when the image of Jade and Kelly appeared on her screen, Adele couldn’t believe her eyes. So they had decided to make their customised swimwear into a business had they? She looked at the company information and read that they were making special and unique swimwear, perfect for pool parties. She assumed it had just been a little hobby when they were away, but they were actually taking it further! She felt a wave of anger and jealousy wash over her. Why hadn’t she done that? Adele would love to have her own business and make swimwear! She’d wasted so much time doing nothing, when she could have been creating her own business and getting there before those two airheads. At the bottom of their company information something caught her eye. It said ‘website coming soon’. So they didn’t have a website yet then? Maybe she could do the same thing and get there first? Adele’s heart beat faster as ideas raced around in her mind. She needed to speak to her dad who owned a very successful property development business; he’d be able to help her and put her in touch with the right people. Picking up her phone, she called him.

      ‘Hello,’ came her dad’s gruff voice down the phone.

      ‘Hi, Dad. Really quickly. If I wanted my own website as I have a really good business idea, how quickly could you get it done do you think?’

      He paused. ‘I’d have to speak to Martin, he takes care of that side of things for our business. He’s usually pretty quick. He did our website in just over a week, but it’s fairly simple and I suppose it depends on what you want? Why, what’s your idea?’

      ‘I’ll come over tomorrow and tell you. We can talk then,’ Adele said happily, smiling from ear to ear.

      ‘Okay, darling. Look forward to seeing you then,’ he said fondly.

      ‘Okay, bye, Dad.’

      This was perfect, Adele thought ecstatically! Her dad would get Martin to build Adele her very own website and then she’d make all the bikinis. It wasn’t exactly hard was it? Sew on a couple of beads and diamantés here and there, big deal. Adele had seen lots of Jade and Kelly’s creations in Marbella and they didn’t look that difficult to copy. She could undercut their prices too so people would use her website instead. She couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces the next time she bumped into them. They always treated her like she was a bad smell or something. She’d soon show them, and they’d be sorry for ever underestimating her.


      Sam felt irritated. All he wanted was to spend some quality time with his girlfriend, but lately it was proving impossible. He loved that she was starting her own business with Kelly; it was ambitious and he’d always found independent women irresistible. His idea of hell was a money-grabbing gold digger, and there plenty of those in Essex, that was for sure. Sam had been surprised by how quickly he’d fallen for Jade. After Marbella, they had literally never left each other’s sides and the more he got to know her, the more he fell in love. She was down to earth, loyal and thoughtful as well as being beautiful. He thanked God every day that Adele hadn’t managed to keep them apart with her vicious lies about Jade being easy. He’d never really understand why she lied and kissed him that night in Marbella so Jade would see; Adele didn’t have feelings for him, so what was her problem with him being with Jade? Adele really was a bigger bitch than he’d ever realised. A serious psycho that one, and he’d had a very lucky escape.

      He wondered when he’d become so attached to Jade. Love was funny like that. One minute he’d been acting cool and casual, and the next, he couldn’t imagine his life without her. He hadn’t told her he loved her yet, but he knew he did. He’d never said it to anyone before and if he was honest, it was because it terrified him. He would be putting his heart on the line and it was a huge step. Say she didn’t reciprocate? He had these worries in his head, though he knew deep down that she was just as keen on him. They were so happy together and he knew that he loved her the first time she made him really laugh. He couldn’t even remember what she’d made him laugh about now, but it wasn’t just a giggle; it was a deep, throaty, stomach-aching laugh that made tears run down his cheeks. He loved that Jade had a sense of humour and didn’t take herself too seriously. But now she was busy all the time, letting him down constantly. Excuse after excuse – and it was hurting him more than he cared to admit. Surely there was still room for him in her life? Was there really no way she could fit him into her busy schedule? When was he going to come first? He understood she was preoccupied, but did she realise how she made him feel when she simply forgot they were meeting and arrived forty minutes late? Was he that easy to forget? Sam hated that their otherwise perfect relationship was being jeopardised by her new job. He did want to support her, but it was hard when it was at their relationship’s expense. He was as understanding as the next guy, but tonight he felt nothing but angry, let down and disappointed.

      Sam switched off the TV, unable to concentrate on anything apart from Jade. Maybe he was a bit harsh with her earlier? Jade knew he was being offish and had felt like she had to leave. Perhaps he should be more understanding at times? It was a busy time for her at the moment and it wasn’t always going to be like this, he told himself. He picked up his phone to call her. Maybe he would meet her a bit later after all.

      ‘Hello?’ came the unfamiliar male voice down the line.

      Sam frowned and checked the screen on his phone to make sure he’d dialled the right number. ‘Err … hello, is Jade there? Who’s that?’

      ‘Sorry, it’s Tony. Jade’s left her phone here and has just popped out to pick up a takeaway for us. Shall I get her to call you back?’

      ‘No, leave it,’ Sam said starting to feel angry again.

      ‘Okay, bye.’

      Sam hung up, fuming. So she was out buying a takeaway for the two of them was she? How cosy. The last thing he wanted was to call his girlfriend and hear another man’s voice at the end of the line. He imagined them together, laughing and joking as they ate their meal. He knew he was being insecure, but he couldn’t help it. His friend Steve, who was single, had suggested Sugar Hut earlier that day and at the time, he had actually felt quite relieved that he was spending the night with his girlfriend he loved. Sam had been thankful that he didn’t still have to go out on the pull and wake up the next day with a hangover, but perhaps he shouldn’t get too comfortable, he told himself, as he pulled on his True Religion jeans. Maybe Jade was too busy for a relationship? Maybe she’d end up marrying Tony, the bloke she was spending her Saturday night with, he thought jealously. He cursed himself; Jade would never cheat and he needed to grow up, thinking thoughts like that. What was with him? He usually wasn’t the jealous kind. He needed to stop getting so angry.

      Reluctantly, he pulled on his All Saints t-shirt and thought about his night ahead. He always got attention

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