Mediterranean Tycoons. JACQUELINE BAIRD

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Mediterranean Tycoons - JACQUELINE  BAIRD

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so that he could examine her delicate features. ‘You’re a very passionate young woman who has suddenly realised the enormity of marriage after playing at it for a few weeks.’ His smile was stunningly sensual and she almost groaned. ‘And perhaps you are running a little scared. That I can understand. So, go to your computer agape mou.’ The endearment rolled off his tongue.

      Lisa felt the effect to her toes, and his fingers on her chin tightened momentarily. She stared dumbly up at him, noting the glint of what looked almost like tenderness behind his grin. Her shoulders tensed against the potent spell of the fierce sexual chemistry he exuded without even trying. He reached out to brush a stray tendril of hair from her brow. She shivered, and his hard lips thinned. ‘Suddenly I frighten you, Lisa, and I don’t know why. Care to tell me?’ he queried silkily.

      Lisa took a deep, steadying breath. ‘You’re imagining things, Alex.’

      ‘If you say so.’ His expression did not change, but she could sense his anger. ‘I have work to do myself,’ he said casually, but something hardened the depths of his eyes. ‘However, do not make the mistake of thinking you can avoid our bedroom tonight. You have no excuse.’

      There was no mistaking the silent warning in his gaze, and it took all Lisa’s considerable control to reply lightly, ‘As if I would, Alex.’ and she even managed a chuckle. She was discovering she had quite a talent for acting, smiling on the outside when inside she wanted to rage at her arrogant husband.

      ‘Good girl.’ And before she knew what was happening his dark head swooped down and his mouth caught hers. Warmth coursed through her veins, and helplessly she opened her mouth to accept his kiss. When he finally raised his head she stared mutely up at him.

      ‘See you later, in our bed.’ Alex said, his chiselled mouth curving in a confident grin at her all-too-obvious surrender to his kiss.

      As it happened, Lisa did not see him again that night. At midnight she crawled into bed, and the effect of the last forty-eight hours finally caught up with her. She went out like a light, and when she woke up in the morning the only hint that Alex had shared the bed was the indentation of his head on the empty pillow beside her.

      Sunday was a repeat of Saturday; the only difference was that the house they viewed was on the outskirts of Banbury. Luckily for Lisa, this time she did not have to pretend uninterest in the property, because she hated it on sight. A huge, very new redbrick mansion, from the outside it reminded Lisa of a supermarket. It did have one saving grace: it was so horrific, Lisa found herself laughing with Alex over the various rooms. Consequently she managed to get through the evening without the tension that had marred the past two days. They watched a video of the latest blockbuster film, and when Lisa went to bed Alex simply said he would join her in a while; he had a few calls to make.

      Lisa closed the bathroom door behind her and crossed to the bed. She pulled back the covers, and climbed into bed, tugging down the bottom of her crisp white cotton nightshift, and closed her eyes. She felt the light brush of warm lips against her own and sighed; she was in that hazy period before sleep, and lazily she opened her eyes. A naked Alex was bending over the bed.

      ‘What are you doing?’ she asked stupidly.

      ‘Hush, Lisa,’ he murmured, lifting the coverlet and sliding in beside her. She edged back along the bed, but a long arm reached out and curled around her waist. ‘I simply want to hold you.’ Drawing her against his hard body, he covered her face with countless little kisses.

      Her startled gaze met a pair of amused brown eyes. ‘But…’

      ‘Hush, I know,’ He whispered with mocking humour, continuing to press kisses to her cheek, the curve of her ear. His fingers brushed the pulse at the base of her throat and she sighed. Her lips parted and finally his mouth claimed hers.

      The trouble was he knew her too well. She was helpless to resist the tenderness of his embrace, the curling of his tongue against hers, the delicious pleasure as his hand trailed down to cup the underside of her breast. He had a magic touch, Lisa thought dreamily.

      A second later he lifted his head, ‘What on earth are you wearing?’ he demanded with a chuckle.

      With the dim glow of the bedside light illuminating the room, Lisa stared up into his shadowed face. She had succumbed to him so easily she was ashamed. His dark eyes smiled down into her own, deep and lazily humorous, and his hand lifted to trace the soft contours of her breasts again, over the soft cotton of her nightshift. She felt a needle-sharp quiver of delight pierce her body, and she burst out, ‘Get off,’ and brushed his hand away. ‘This is a genuine Victorian antique I bought in Bath.’

      His roar of laughter would have wakened the dead.

      ‘You can laugh, but it was very expensive. I had to search…’

      ‘Shh.’ He brushed his thumb over her lips. ‘I’m sure it is lovely.’ She could hear the lingering trace of laughter in his voice. ‘And I know you’re not well. But later, when you know me better and you are not quite so shy, I will teach you ways to make love that know no boundaries, ways you’ve never dreamed of.’

      His deeply evocative words made the heat flood through her body, even as she reminded herself he did not love her, it was only sex on his part.

      ‘But not now,’ Alex husked, noting the flush of embarrassment on her lovely face. Replacing his hand with his mouth, he nipped at her lips, and she opened her mouth in ready acceptance of his tender, possessive kiss. ‘I simply want to kiss you goodnight,’ he whispered against her lips. ‘We have had our first argument as man and wife.’ His lips trailed to her throat and he laved the pulse that beat frantically in her neck. ‘It should not have happened.’ He raised his head and brushed her lips briefly with his own. ‘And we will never argue again.’

      It was so Alex! So arrogant. We will never argue again. He said it as if it was a done deal, Lisa thought, a wry smile curving her mouth.

      Alex’s dark eyes narrowed on her face. ‘What is so amusing?’

      ‘You… “We will never argue again.” Some hope,’ she jeered.

      ‘You don’t agree? But there is no reason to fight. To build a good marriage one must learn to compromise.’

      ‘You sound like you are quoting from a marriage guidance book. Some people like to fight.’ Alex being one of them, she privately thought.

      ‘Rubbish. It’s a ridiculous waste of energy.’

      ‘Alex, are you arguing with me?’ Lisa asked sweetly, and her smile broadened at the look of exasperation on his handsome face.

      ‘You’re a witch. Close your eyes and go to sleep before I change my mind and ravish you.’ And with one hard kiss on her laughing mouth, he rolled over on to his back and hauled her into his side. With his free hand he switched off the bedside light.

      In the darkness, curved into Alex’s large body, the warmth and comfort of him enfolding her, Lisa closed her eyes, and within minutes was fast asleep.

      It was déjà vu, she thought lazily, the brush of warm lips against her own. But the voice shouting, ‘Wake up, woman,’ was not. Her eyes flew open and rested on Alex. He was standing by the bed, shaved and dressed in an immaculate grey silk suit with a white shirt and conservative grey and blue striped tie, apparently ready to leave.

      ‘What time is it?’ she demanded, dragging herself up into a sitting position.

      ‘Coffee time.’ He indicated with a tilt of his dark head the bedside table, where a large cup of steaming coffee was standing. ‘Also time I left for the airport.’

      ‘Oh, well, thanks for the coffee. I have to get going myself. I said I would be in Stratford by ten.’ Lisa tried for a light tone. Which was no mean feat, considering for the first time since their marriage, she had just spent the night very comfortably in Alex’s arms without making love.

      ‘It is not too late for you to change your mind, Lisa, and come with me to New York,’ he offered casually. ‘I

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