Mediterranean Tycoons. JACQUELINE BAIRD

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Mediterranean Tycoons - JACQUELINE  BAIRD

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was tempted, but quickly she squashed the idea. ‘No. No, really. I have far too much work to catch up on.’

      ‘As you like.’ He leant down and pressed a brief kiss on the top of her head. Lisa looked up in surprise.

      ‘Try not to miss me too much,’ he commanded, a gleam of mocking amusement glinting in the dark eyes above her own.

      The trouble was, Lisa realised with a sinking heart, she would miss him. ‘I won’t have time,’ she returned brightly, ignoring her innermost feelings.

      His dark gaze sharpened on her cool face. ‘Hopefully after this week your work will no longer be a problem. It is not that hard to hire a secretary. Or you could consider selling the company.’

      Lisa glanced away from his penetrating gaze, the word selling echoing in her head, her worst suspicion confirmed. Her eyes fixed on the folds of the coverlet, an icy chill penetrating her heart. ‘I have no intention of ever selling, and finding a secretary for Mary will be no problem, I can assure you.’

      ‘I certainly hope so. I have no desire to have a part time wife,’ Alex countered with devastating frankness, and left.

      So now she knew. He had suggested she sell the company. Her fingers curved convulsively in the coverlet. How long before he put himself forward as a buyer, or suggested razing the factory to the ground? she wondered on a shaky breath. And what could she do about it when he did?

      Turning the key in the drawer which held her mother’s papers, Lisa found what she was looking for. The offer to buy had been made by Xela Properties with no mention of changing the business. She debated ringing them, but decided to display caution. She searched the Internet instead and found Xela Properties, only to discover to her horror that Solomos International was the parent company to it and a host of others. Starting in alphabetical order: Alexsol Cruises, Alomos Financial Services, and, of course, at the end, Xela Properties.

      Switching off her computer, Lisa stared at the blank screen. In a way it was her own fault. She could have checked to see if Solomos International had a web page ages ago, but it had never occurred to her to do so. So much for her idea of a white knight helping her. It had been Alex who had tried to buy Lawson’s out a year ago…

      The telephone rang, and Mary answered it. She listened for a second, then covered the mouthpiece with her hand. ‘It’s for you, Lisa. Your husband.’

      Reluctantly Lisa reached out to take the call. ‘Alex. What are you calling for?’ she asked calmly, when she really felt like shouting every obscenity she could think of at him. He had been planning for over a year to get control of Lawson’s and destroy it!

      ‘I was not aware I needed a reason to speak to my wife,’ his deep voice echoed down the telephone.

      Sarcastic, devious devil, Lisa thought furiously. ‘Yes, well, I am rather busy, so unless it was something important…’ She paused.

      ‘Not really. I thought you might like to know I have arrived in New York.’

      ‘Oh, yes, great. But I haven’t time to talk; ring again some time.’ And she clashed down the phone.

      Lisa spent the rest of the day interviewing people for a job she was not sure was going to be available if Alex had his way…

      Over dinner that evening with Harold, she was surprised when he had asked her quite seriously, ‘You do love Alex, don’t you, Lisa?’ His cherubic face was rather grim.

      ‘Of course I do.’ She forced a smile. ‘What makes you ask?’

      ‘Well, your mother expected me to take care of you, and I just wanted to make sure you were happy.’

      For an instant Lisa was tempted to confide in him her fears for the company. As long as Harold voted his shares with hers, there would be nothing to worry about. He loved her like a daughter, and he loved the company and his job. But Lisa knew his one weakness was his son, Nigel. If Nigel asked him to sell, he might agree.

      ‘I miss her.’ Harold sighed wearily.

      Looking at his sad face, she hadn’t the heart to trouble him. No! She had to solve the problem herself, and, rising to her feet, she walked around the table and pressed a swift kiss on the top of his head. ‘I know you do, Harold, we both do. But life must go on.’

      ‘Yes, yes, you’re right.’ he declared emphatically.

      Lisa’s eyebrows rose in surprise at the determination in his tone, and what looked like relief on his round face. ‘Well, goodnight,’ she murmured, and went upstairs to her old bedroom. But it was hours before she slept, and when she did she dreamed of Alex.

      Tuesday was even worse. Mary reminded her. ‘You’re taking Mr Brown from Beaver Pine to lunch today.’

      Lawson Designer Glass sublet two work units, which provided extra income for the business.

      Lisa looked up from scanning the references of the girl they were considering employing and smiled. ‘Yes, I know. Keep your fingers crossed he renews his lease.’

      Two hours later when Lisa returned to the office, her face was set in a worried frown. ‘What happened to you?’ Mary asked. ‘You look like you lost a pound and found a penny.’

      ‘I have. Mr Brown was very polite, but he is not renewing his lease. He’s moving to bigger premises on the new industrial estate. He also let slip that Curly Cane is thinking of expanding elsewhere as well. I’m meeting Mr George, the boss, tomorrow for lunch. I can just see it now. Both leases run out at the end of July. Come August, the height of the tourist season, we’ll be the only firm operating; two boarded-up premises will not make a very good impression on our customers.’

      ‘No,’ Mary murmured. ‘But it shouldn’t be too hard to find other tenants.’

      Lisa hoped she was right. Picking up the references she had been reading before lunch, Lisa scanned them one more time. At the interview, Miss Clement had come across as perfect for the job. The woman’s references were excellent, but Lisa was in a dilemma. Last week she had been all for leaving Mary in charge and looking forward to a long and happy life with her husband. Now she didn’t trust her husband and she had an uneasy feeling she might not be able to hang on to the company.

      ‘Mary, get in touch with Miss Clement.’ She had to think positively, and, standing up, Lisa crossed to Mary’s desk. ‘Offer her the job.’

      Then she called Mr Wilkinson, her lawyer. She was going to ask him to put in an offer for the Lee shares. She would find the money from somewhere. Unfortunately he was on holiday until Thursday. Lisa explained to his secretary what she wanted, and the woman promised to inform Mr Wilkinson as soon as he returned. Lisa could do no more.

      Thankfully, the next day, her lunch with Mr George went well. He had looked into moving but had decided against it. He took the new lease she offered.

      Lisa returned to the office in a much happier mood than the day before, and it improved even further when Mary said Miss Clement had agreed to start on Monday.

      By Thursday, Lisa came back from a visit to her bank manager, with a loan agreed and a genuine smile on her face, to find Mary standing by her desk. ‘Good, you’re back. Wilkinson and Morgan just called. Mr Wilkinson said, would you call him back?’

      Lisa grinned. Her problems would soon be over. Five minutes later, she carefully placed the telephone receiver on its rest, her face pale beneath her tan. She didn’t see Mary’s concerned look. Her whole vision was centred internally. Mr Wilkinson had called to tell her the Lee estate had sold their thirty-five per cent holding in Lawson’s to Xela Properties. Apparently Mr Wilkinson had tried to get in touch with her to ask if she wanted to make an offer for the Lee shares, but she had been on her honeymoon and he hadn’t been able to contact her. So had Alex been honeymooning, she thought bitterly but that hadn’t stopped him buying them, the sneaky, conniving, lying bastard!

      ‘Are you okay?’ Mary’s voice cut through her rage.


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