Mediterranean Tycoons. JACQUELINE BAIRD

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Mediterranean Tycoons - JACQUELINE  BAIRD

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      She felt his full weight relax on her, but she did not care, languorous in the aftermath of total physical satiation. She stroked her hands softly up his broad back with feline delight. He was hers. The thought registered, and with it reality. He was not hers, never had been. His reasons for marrying her were varied, but love was not part of the equation. She dropped her hands to the bed, suddenly chilled.

      Alex rolled off her, breathing hard, then as his breathing steadied he turned towards her, his head propped on one elbow, and contemplated her rosy face with a lazy smile playing around his sensuous mouth.

      ‘Now that is what I call a homecoming,’ he drawled. ‘In every sense of the word.’

      Immediately on the defensive, Lisa avoided his amused gaze and tugged at the bodice of her hopelessly crushed dress. ‘You could have waited until I was undressed,’ she said, smarting at the inelegant picture she must present and heaving a sigh of relief when she finally got the offending garment down over her hips.

      ‘Such modesty.’ He chuckled. ‘But totally unnecessary.’ And, skimming one hand down over her stomach, he followed the line of her hip and thigh, smoothing the fabric until he reached the hem. ‘Here, let me help you.’ On the pretext of straightening the top of her dress, his teasing fingers sneaked across her breast.

      Lisa swallowed hard and hastily sat up. Flinging her legs over the side of the bed, she stood up. ‘I need a shower,’ she muttered, and dashed for the bathroom, Alex’s husky laughter ringing in her ears.

      Lisa dragged the remains of her clothes off and stepped into the shower stall. ‘Damn you, Alex,’ she mouthed as she turned on the shower tap and lifted her head to the powerful spray. Alex was back, and she could not believe how easily she had fallen into his arms. Where was the cool, sophisticated image she had decided to adopt? The cutting questions she had for him regarding her company? Gone the same way as her dress, she thought bitterly, crushed to bits by her inability to resist the potent sexuality of her husband. Sighing, Lisa closed her eyes and, shaking her head, allowed the water to soothe her turbulent emotions.

      ‘Need any help?’

      Lisa’s eyes flew open and she spun round on the wet tiles. Only Alex’s long tanned arm curling around her waist stopped her from slipping to the floor. ‘No, I can manage,’ she spluttered.

      ‘But it is much more fun my way,’ Alex pronounced. With the water cascading down over both of them, his eyes were dark, slumberous as they slowly traced over her slim curves. ‘You are so perfect,’ he whispered throatily, his hand lifting to cup the underside of one breast, his thumb delicately scraping over the pert tip. ‘So responsive.’

      The slow ache deep within her began to spread, rekindling a flame of desire so potent she had to bite her lip to stifle the groan that threatened to sound her surrender once again. It wasn’t fair. No man should have this much power over her. Throwing back her head, her blue eyes clashed with brown. ‘I want…’ to talk, she had been going to say, but at that instant his other hand curved around her waist and, lifting her up, he swung her out of the shower.

      She clasped his wide shoulders, his tanned skin wet and smooth as satin beneath her fingers. She trembled when her naked body brushed in intimate contact against his as he gently set her on her feet. She swallowed hard, shamed by her body’s swift response. She lifted angry eyes to his impossibly handsome face, humiliated by the strength of her passion for the man.

      ‘I know exactly what you want.’ Alex slanted a brilliant smile of masculine satisfaction over her warm cheeks. ‘The same thing I do,’ he declared throatily, flicking a glance over the proud thrust of her breasts and back to her face.

      It was the smile that did it. Shame was submerged by sheer, ungovernable rage and she told him the truth as she saw it. ‘You have taken me for a fool long enough, Alex,’ she breathed.

      ‘I’ve taken you many times, but never as a fool.’ Alex surveyed her with the disturbing light of amusement in his eyes.

      Without even thinking about it, Lisa swung her hand and tried to hit him. Instead, shocked by the speed of his reaction, she found her wrist caught and her naked body pressed hard against him. ‘No.’ Alex controlled her easily with his superior strength. ‘This has gone far enough. I explained about Margot, she is no longer an issue, but something else has been eating you since last Friday. I made allowances because of your condition, but you no longer have that excuse.’ His black brows drew together in a frown. ‘I want the truth. What supposed sin have I committed in your mixed-up female mind?’

      His tall, muscular frame towered over her. She stared up into his black questioning eyes, her own wild with fury. ‘I know you own Xela Properties.’ Lisa planted her free hand on his chest to put space between them. This time she was not going to be seduced by his body, she vowed, adding scathingly, ‘Need I say more?’

      ‘So?’ One dark brow arched sardonically. ‘What’s new about that?’ He demanded, releasing her in a cool, almost careless manner. Catching a towelling robe from the back of the door, he slipped it on before handing her a matching one. ‘What is your point?’ he queried, his firm mouth quirking in amusement. ‘Presuming you have one, that is.’

      Lisa almost choked on his patronising words. She felt like screaming in frustration. Instead, she pulled on the plain white robe and fastened the belt firmly around her waist. He thought it was a joke. She probably was a joke to him—the naive innocent, to be used when and how he wished. Lisa curled her fingers tightly into her palms, fighting to control the rage boiling inside her. But she needed all her wits about her to confront Alex, because he had the uncanny ability to turn off his emotions with the flick of a switch.

      ‘Well, I’m waiting. I suppose waiting in bed would be out of the question?’ he said, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

      She swept her wet hair back from her face. ‘You’ve got that right,’ she snarled, and with a defiant toss of her head she glared at him. What the hell? she thought. He might as well have the whole truth; he couldn’t hurt her more than he already had. ‘I know you were behind the offer to buy Lawson’s long before we ever met.’

      ‘An oversight on my part. If I had known, the first and only time I visited the site, that the owner’s daughter was such a beauty, I would have insisted on meeting you,’ he informed her with a sexy grin.

      She couldn’t believe the audacity of the man; he still thought it was funny. He really was a heartless beast and the anger drained out of her. ‘Don’t pretend, Alex. You know exactly what I mean. I do not appreciate being married for the property I own,’ she said bitterly.

      The amusement vanished from his eyes; his mouth hardened in a thin, ominous line. ‘If that is what you really think, then perhaps it is time we talked.’ Turning, he walked back into the bedroom.

      Lisa had no choice but to follow him. He had stopped in the middle of the floor and now moved around to face her. She glanced at him, a tall, dark giant of a man with cool, remote eyes, and then quickly looked away. She saw the rumpled bed, her mouth twisting in disgust at the evidence of her own weakness where Alex was concerned. What was the point of talking? Alex hadn’t denied marrying her in an attempt to gain control of the company. There was nothing more to say…

      She half turned, but long tanned fingers closed over her shoulders and wheeled her back to face him.

      ‘You can’t throw out an accusation like that and walk away, Lisa.’ His dark eyes raked over her hostile face. ‘When I married you, the company you owned was the last thing on my mind.’ His deep husky drawl feathered along her taut nerves as smooth as silk. ‘And, if you remember, the first day I took you out I told you I was the owner of Solomos International and asked you if it would be a problem. You said no.’

      ‘But you never told me you were Xela Properties.’ Lisa snorted. ‘A very sneaky omission on your part.’

      ‘I naturally supposed you knew. It is all there on our web site, and with your love of computers I find it amazing you’re now telling me you never bothered to check

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