Anna and the Black Knight: Incorporating Anna’s Book. Fynn

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Anna and the Black Knight: Incorporating Anna’s Book - Fynn

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my nos under the shets and I lissen to the bird sing in the tree and wunder why bird sing wen the day is so bad.

      So then I thort I would like Mummy to make me warm and I thort I wold like to kis Mummy, but it was so cold I did not want to go out of my bed. And I thort soon Mummy will cum out of bed and cum to kiss me, so I wate and think of Mummy to cum to put her arms rownd me and to kiss me and I think how nice it is. So all my tows kirl and so do I like a bal so I wate.

      Then I here a funy thing and it go swiss, swiss, swiss. It is like the wind but it is not the wind. Then a sonbem cum in the windo and hit me in the face, so I jump out of bed and see a sunbem rite up from the clowds and on the sunbem was a man. The man was showting Were is lazy Anna? were is lazy Anna? and all the bird and all the rabit and all the bear say it too and I wonder becase I am Anna, but I am not lazy and then the man slid down the sonbem rite in my room and say, There is lazy Anna! Then I see the man is Mister Vrach, so I say I am not lazy and you must not say that becase we are friends. You are lazy say Vrach. You must com with me. And then I say, I wate for Mummy so I cant come. Yes you will com and Vrach pickt me up and went all up the sunbem again. Wen we got to the top of the sunbem Vrach say, This is a lazy werld for lazy children and you are lazy and wen you are not lazy I will take you home again. And then he went away.

      It was very cold and I was very lonly, so I sit down becas I was sad. And then I here a lot of peple talking but it was not peple, so I luk, but it was not there, and then I know the talking is in the grownd and in the air. So I put my eer on the grownd and lissen and I here it say It is very cold today so I wont grow today. So then I say Who is talking in the grownd? And it say Who is that? and I say It is Anna. Who is talking in the grownd? And it say I am a little flowre seed. Why dont you want to grow today? Becase it is too cold and I am warm in my bed, so I will grow two times as much the nex day. But it will be cold the next day too. Then I will stay in bed again, say the little seed. But if all the seeds stay in bed there will not be any spring and a little seed cant grow two times as much in one day. But he did say noting becase he gon to sleep agan and I thort the seeds are sily and lazy.

      Then I went to walk but all the things was stil and lazy. The tree wuld not grow and the leeves would not open and the bird would not sing and it was a very sad werld.

      Them I cum to a river that was not going, so I say River why are you not going? and the river say Becase I am lazy. And soon I cum to a waterfal, but the water do not fall, but stay in the air and I say Waterfal, why do you not fall? and the waterfal say Becase I am lazy. But you must fall, say Anna, becase a waterfal must larf and play and go gugle gugle gugle and if you dont then how can you be a waterfal? O, says the waterfal, I did not think of that and he start to cry and sum little drips of water fall down and mak a little pule and so I cry. O plese mister waterfal, dont cry becase waterfal is hapy thing, not sad thing. So then he stop and say, O Anna if you culd mak me larf then I wuld be a reel waterfal agan. So I thort very hard and said Mister Waterful I will tell you a funy story. Say wen you are redy. And the Waterfal say I am redy. So I begin.

      Once upon a time and the Waterful go Gug gug gug gugel gugel gugel and start to fall down and start to larf so much I am splosht with all the water and the waterfal say Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! Ho! Anna! that is a very funy story! But I do not know what it is to larf at becase I have not start the story yet. So I say I have not start the story yet. But the waterful larf mor and more. Then a little bear com out of a hole and say Mister Waterful Wat do you larf about? and the waterful say Ho! Ho! Ho! little bear Anna has told me a very funny story. And the little bare say Wat is the funy story? tell it to me, so I can larf too. So the Waterful say, Anna say Once upon a time. Then the little bare larf and larf and larf til he fall over and roll on the grownd and say Ho! Ho! Ho! Anna say Once upon a time! Then a little bird start to larf and then a little rabit start to larf and the little flowr seeds com out of the grownd to see why all things was larfin for. And then all the trees and flowrs larf and larf and say, Anna say Once upon a time! and all the forest tingl with larfin, but I do not know why.

      So I sit on the gras. I am a maze. Then a lot of angels cum dansing and singing in the Forest and all the Forest was a-wak and was not lazy any mor, so I get up and say to the angel Eccuse me, if you plese, why is all thing larfin? So the angel say Becase you tell a funy story. But I did not start it even. I only say Once upon a time. Then the angles say That is what is funy, you see, Anna. You can not be twise upon a time. Then the angle dans away, but I stil do not think it is funy. So I sit down agan and I think and think and think and then I know. Of cors you can not be twice upon a time becos you can not do two thing at a time.


      So I get up and ran and call Mister Vrach I am not lazy no mor. And then ther was a swiss, swiss, swiss and Mister Vrach say Ho! Ho! Ho! Anna you are not lazy no more. Wat did you lern? and so I say I lern I was lazy becase I wanted to kiss Mummy but I was too lazy to get from my bed becase it was cold but wate for Mummy to come to me. Then Mister Vrach say Becase you have lern very good I will give you a pressant Anna. Wot wuld you like? So I say Mister Vrach will you take me back to the very beginning? So Mister Vrach take me to the top of the sonbem and smile a very big smile and kiss me and then puss me very hard down the sonbem and I was going fast and fast and fast and I was most brethles and then ther was a bump and I was in my bed agan.


      Then I open my eye and it was just becuming ligte and I hear drip, drip, drip and then a sonbem com in the winder so I ran to the winder and see a man on the sonbem and he wave to me and all the little bird sing and then my tows get very cold, becas it is very cold, but I am very warm inside and I want to kiss Mummy very much and I do not care how cold it is. So I ran to Mummy room and jump to bed with Mummy and kiss her very much becase I am full up of love and Mummy hug me very tite and I am very happy and then Mummy say, Anna it will be a very nice day and I say Yes Mummy! and larf becase it neerly was not.

       The Tree

      I saw a lovly tree today

      So lovly that it made me pray

      The lets was all harts and lovly gren

      The most lovly tree that you have ever seen

      It made my hart sing and my hed go hummy

      So I tuk some off to gift to Mummy

      And wen I did it make her smile

      And I think that is very werth while

      And do you know that Mister God

      Made a big smile and gift his hed a nod


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      Growing up in our little street meant only one thing – getting to the top of the railway wall. A red brick wall nearly ten feet high. Getting to the top of that wall was one thing all the boys wanted to do. It was then that you were grown up. Grown up enough to get a job and earn some money. Grown up enough to stay out late and have a girl friend of your own. It was almost like some sort of ceremony, attempting that wall. Everybody watched you and groaned in sympathy when you failed, which was most likely, and cheered on those very few occasions when somebody managed to get to the top and sit astride the wall. There were a number of ways to get to the top, like swinging from the lamp post to the top. It was not more than four or five feet away.

      You could also climb out of Norman’s top window.

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