Josephine Cox 3-Book Collection 2: The Loner, Born Bad, Three Letters. Josephine Cox

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Josephine Cox 3-Book Collection 2: The Loner, Born Bad, Three Letters - Josephine  Cox

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her head. ‘You two!’ she laughed. ‘You get worse.’ No one in the whole wide world could ever know how much she loved them.

      Over breakfast, they talked of this and that and Beth told her husband how Judy had fooled her. ‘Said she had a terrible nightmare,’ she tutted, ‘and all the while she was taking the mickey out of my singing.’

      ‘Oh, she heard it then?’

      ‘Said it were like the divil himself was after her.’

      ‘I know just how she feels.’ Tom gave his daughter a sideways wink. ‘Did you know that when your mam starts with the wailing an’ screaming, you can actually hear the wild creatures run for cover?’

      ‘Hey!’ Beth warned him. ‘You got your two slices o’ bacon today, but I wouldn’t count on ’em tomorrow, if I were you!’

      ‘Oh, and why’s that?’

      ‘Because it’s Sunday, and I’ve promised myself a lie-in.’

      ‘What!’ Tom was wide-eyed. ‘That’ll be the day. I’ve never known you have a lie-in through all the years we’ve been wed.’

      ‘That’s what I mean,’ she retorted. ‘So, like I say, you’ll have to get your own breakfast, because it’s time I gave myself a little treat … wouldn’t you say, Judy?’

      He caught her giving Judy a sly secret grin. ‘Up to your old tricks again, are you?’ he chided. ‘If you’re not careful, I’ll turn you over my knee and slap your bottom!’

      ‘Promises, promises. You’ll be asking me to marry you next.’ The kitchen was in uproar as father and daughter laughed at Beth’s hilarious attempt to feign the shy maiden.

      Afterwards, tucking heartily into their breakfasts, Tom asked Judy, ‘How are you getting on at work, now you’ve been promoted?’

      ‘I’m really enjoying it,’ she answered. ‘When I first started I was only allowed to show people in and out and take them to the fitting room … oh, and I got to work at the till that day Mrs Gregory was ill. But I was never trusted with anything too responsible.’

      ‘And now she trusts you with all manner of things, isn’t that right?’ Beth was proud of her daughter’s humble achievements.

      ‘That’s right.’ Judy’s excitement shone through. ‘I get regular hours at the till, and help advise the customers while they’re trying things on. Miss Maitland, the vicar’s daughter, she told Mrs Gregory that I was an asset to her, and that she values my opinion because I seem to know what suits her best.’

      ‘Good grief!’ Beth was astounded. ‘It’s well-known what a difficult woman Miss Maitland is. I’m surprised she even noticed you.’

      ‘Well, she did, and now Mrs Gregory lets me help her do all the things I’ve never been allowed to touch before. I get to dress the window with the new stock, and she’s trained me up to create displays inside – and oh, we’ve just taken delivery of two new dummies. They have arms and legs that move, and Mrs Gregory lets me put them in any position I want.’

      Tom burst out laughing. ‘Is that so?’ he said. ‘It’s just as well your mam isn’t let loose on ’em, then ’cause she’d have the poor things standing on their heads, showing their knickers and all sorts!’

      Beth chuckled at that, because it was true. She was ham-fisted, had no sense of style and she wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

      ‘Some time over the next month or so, Mrs Gregory is taking me to a trade show in London,’ Judy went on. She had never spent a night away from home before, and the prospect of being taken to London had thrilled her. She knew her parents would take a little time to get used to the idea, so had waited until now before bringing up the subject.

      Tom and Beth were delighted at the news, but worried all the same. ‘London, eh?’ Never having been to the big city, Beth imagined all kinds of horrors. ‘How are you getting there?’

      ‘We’re going on the train.’

      ‘And what happens at a trade show?’ All Tom knew was farming and delivering milk.

      Judy recalled what Mrs Gregory had told her. ‘There’ll be all the fashion people showing off their new designs and such, and all the buyers will be looking to takeaway samples or place orders. Mrs Gregory says if you don’t keep up with the new fashions, you’ll fall behind, and the customers will go elsewhere.’

      ‘Important stuff then, eh?’ Tom was impressed with the way his daughter was getting on.

      ‘I’ll pack you some sandwiches for the journey,’ Beth announced with authority. ‘We can’t have you going hungry, now can we?’

      ‘I won’t go hungry, Mam.’ Judy imparted her other bit of news. ‘Mrs Gregory says she’s taking me somewhere posh for lunch.’

      ‘Ooh! Posh now, is it?’ Beth’s eyes opened like saucepan lids. ‘By! It sounds like she’s giving you the full treatment, lass.’

      ‘You know what?’ Tom was that proud. ‘The way things are going, I reckon your Mrs Gregory sees you as a future partner. I mean, you’re enthusiastic, and willing to learn, and there’s nothing you won’t take on. She could search the world over and she’d not do better than you.’

      The girl’s face broke into the widest smile. ‘A partner? D’you really think so, Dad?’

      ‘Well, she seems to have taken a shine to you, that’s for sure. So, let’s look at the facts.’ He put his thinking cap on. ‘We all know she’s coming up to a certain age; her husband got killed on the railways some years back and as far as we know, they had no children. According to that nosy old bugger, Mavis Taylor, who cleans the surgery, Mrs Gregory is in to see the doctor almost every week for this and that.’

      Beth reprimanded him. ‘That’s none of our business, Tom, and I’ll thank you not to discuss other folk’s problems.’

      ‘All right, all right, I’m sorry. But it’s only the truth. Look now, she’s already taken our Judy on because she couldn’t manage on her own any more, and here she is, taking her to London, to the very heart of her business, and offering to treat her to a slap-up lunch.’

      He now addressed himself to Judy. ‘I didn’t mean to be disrespectful to Mrs Gregory, but you do see what I’m saying, don’t you, lass? She obviously sees you as someone she can trust. So, that said and done, she must be thinking along the same lines as I’ve said – training you up – and happen, if you meet with her expectations, she just might consider making you a partner at some time in the future.’

      But the girl wasn’t comfortable with her father’s speculation. He was going much too fast for her. ‘You’re wrong, Dad. Mrs Gregory is not thinking of taking me on as a partner.’

      ‘But why wouldn’t she?’ Tom was reluctant to relinquish the idea.

      ‘She just wouldn’t, that’s all. She’s very proud of what she’s achieved, and she isn’t about to share it with anyone – especially a girl not yet seventeen. She’s just training me, that’s all. She knows I love what I do, and she’s showing me how it all works, so I can be even better at my job.’

      Tom would not be dissuaded. ‘Say what you like,’ he told her with a wink, ‘but you mark my words, lass, one o’ these days – happen it’ll be next month and happen it’ll be some years from now – when she feels the need to take a back seat, I’ve a feeling your boss will be looking at you to take over the reins.’

      Afraid to tempt providence and worried that she might soon be given her cards and sent on her way, Judy refused to discuss it further.

      ‘I was thinking of going round to see Joe in a while,’ she said instead. ‘Unless you need me for anything, Mam?’

      Beth gave her a reassuring smile. ‘No, lass, there’s nothing

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