Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph Polansky

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increase now.

      Health improves after the 22nd but still needs watching. Enhance your health by giving more attention to the heart (all month) the colon, bladder and sexual organs (until the 16th) and the liver and thighs (after the 16th). Safe sex (and sexual moderation) is important until the 16th. Regular thigh massage is good after the 16th.


      Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26

       Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 10, 11, 17, 18

       Best Days for Love: 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 26, 27

       Best Days for Money: 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28

       Best Days for Career: 2, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 30

      The forward momentum of the planets is even stronger than last month. Until the 20th ALL the planets are moving forward (highly unusual); even afterwards, the percentage is still high—90 per cent moving forward. So the pace of life is quick and progress is rapid. For you the only challenge is deciding on what you really want. The Retrograde of Mars (from the 20th onwards) is stronger on you than on most people—it is the Lord of your Horoscope. You seem directionless on a personal level, but success is still happening. On the 21st the Sun enters your 10th House initiating a yearly career peak. Many other beneficial planets are crossing your Midheaven as well—Mercury on the 5th and Venus on the 25th. There are pay rises and promotions in store. This can be with your present company or with another. You are in demand now.

      Push forward boldly towards your career goals—reach for the stars now. Let family and emotional issues go for a while. Career opportunities are coming in many ways now—through friends in right places, through attending the right parties, and through good sales, marketing and promotion. (Of course old-fashioned hard work is also part of the equation, but it’s not the total picture.)

      Health needs more attention all month, but especially after the 21st. Rest and relax more, this is the main thing. Don’t allow yourself to get overtired. Enhance your health by giving more attention to the liver and thighs (until the 5th) and to the spine, knees, teeth, bones and skeletal alignment afterwards. If you feel under the weather a visit to a chiropractor or osteopath might be a good idea. Give the knees more support when exercising.

      You are not only advancing career-wise this month, but we also see much spiritual growth. Jupiter and Neptune (two spiritual planets in their own right) will be conjunct most of the month. This shows inner revelation, spiritual and religious breakthroughs, an active dream life and supernatural-type experiences.

      Love is happy this month—especially later on in the month. Venus (your love planet) and Saturn (your career planet) are in mutual reception (each is a guest in the other’s Sign and House—a very positive aspect). Again this shows an office romance. Your career and love life blend together very well. You tend to socialize with people of high status and prestige—those above you in status. You find love as you pursue career goals, and the reverse is also true. Career opportunities can happen at parties or as you pursue your social goals. For marrieds this shows your spouse’s cooperation with your career and also your spouse’s career success.


      THE BULL

      Birthdays from 21st April to 20th May



      Ruling Planet—Venus Career Planet—Uranus Love Planet—Pluto Money Planet—Mercury Planet of Health and Work—Venus Planet of Home and Family Life—Sun Planet of Spirituality—Mars Planet of Travel, Education, Religion and Philosophy—Saturn

      Colours—earth tones, green, orange, yellow

      Colours that promote love, romance and social harmony—red–violet, violet

      Colours that promote earning power—yellow, yellow–orange

      Gems—coral, emerald


      Scents—bitter almond, rose, vanilla, violet

      Quality—fixed (= stability)

      Quality most needed for balance—flexibility

      Strongest virtues—endurance, loyalty, patience, stability, a harmonious disposition

      Deepest needs—comfort, material ease, wealth

      Characteristics to avoid—rigidity, stubbornness, tendency to be overly possessive and materialistic

      Signs of greatest overall compatibility—Virgo, Capricorn

      Signs of greatest overall incompatibility—Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

      Sign most helpful to career—Aquarius

      Sign most helpful for emotional support—Leo

      Sign most helpful financially—Gemini

      Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships—Scorpio

      Sign most helpful for creative projects—Virgo

      Best Sign to have fun with—Virgo

      Signs most helpful in spiritual matters—Aries, Capricorn

      Best day of the week—Friday

      Taurus is the most earthy of all the Earth Signs. If you understand that Earth is more than just a physical element, that it is a psychological attitude as well, you will get a better understanding of the Taurus personality.

      A Taurus has all the power of action that an Aries has. But Taurus is not satisfied with action for its own sake. Their actions must be productive, practical and wealth-producing. If Taurus cannot see a practical value in an action they will not bother taking it.

      Taurus’ forte lies in their power to make real their own or other people’s ideas. They are generally not very inventive but they can take another’s invention and perfect it, making it more practical and useful. The same is true for all projects. Taurus is not especially keen on starting new projects, but once they get involved they bring things to completion. Taurus carries everything through. They’re finishers and will go the distance so long as no unavoidable calamity intervenes.

      Many people find Taurus too stubborn, conservative, fixed and immovable. This is understandable, because Taurus dislikes change—in the environment or in the routine. They even dislike changing their minds! On the other hand, this is their virtue. It is not good for a wheel’s axle to waver. The axle must be fixed, stable and unmovable. Taurus is the axle of society and the heavens. Without their stability and so-called stubbornness, the wheels of the world (and especially the wheels of commerce) would not turn.

      Taurus loves routine. A routine, if it is good, has many virtues. It is a fixed—and, ideally, perfect—way of taking care of things. Mistakes can happen when spontaneity comes into the equation, and mistakes cause discomfort and uneasiness—something almost unacceptable to a Taurus. Meddling with Taurus’ comfort and security is a sure way to irritate and anger them.

      While an Aries loves speed, a Taurus likes things slow. They are slow thinkers—but

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