Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph Polansky

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career peaks this year. Those of you who work for others will have pay rises and promotions. Those of you who are not yet in the workforce are making important and positive career choices and decisions now. Those of you who are retired and no longer in a career will be honoured (in various ways) for your past achievements and perhaps be receiving interesting career opportunities. All of you, whatever your stage, will have happy career opportunities coming to you.

      Jupiter moving across the Midheaven of the Horoscope is a classic signal of success. But the success will be proportional to your stage and position in life. The secretary or entry level person is unlikely to become president of the company, but will rise according to his or her level. The Vice-President or high executive is likely to become President or CEO of the company.

      Often with this aspect we find people getting involved (appointed or elected to) positions in government, local or national. There is more involvement in public affairs these days.

      Taurus people (in general) are not especially status conscious (your personal Horoscope cast just for you could modify what I’m saying here). You tend to be ‘bottom line’ oriented—show me the cash and you can have the glory. But this year, you are seeing that there is more to life and to a career than just money. Public and professional respect and esteem is very important and you are learning about this now. Also public esteem does eventually increase the bottom line—perhaps not right away, but in due course—and for this reason alone should be given more attention.

      Go forward fearlessly towards your career goals this year. Take the leap into the unknown; underneath are the everlasting arms. And, you might discover that you don’t need the arms but can soar. Victory, victory, victory is your mantra this year.

      Mercury is your financial planet. This year he will be Retrograde four times! (Usually it is only three.) Thus this is a year where you need to do more financial homework and be more patient, especially during those periods when Mercury is Retrograde. We will deal with this more fully in the monthly reports.

      Our regular readers know that Mercury rules communication, sales, marketing, teaching, writing and journalism. Whatever your business, communication and good marketing is very important. Professional investors should look at telecommunications, media and transportation for profit ideas.

      Love and Social Life

      Your 7th House of Love is not a House of Power this year, and I read this as something good—your marriage or partnership and social life is pretty much where you want it to be and you have no need to make drastic changes. It is a status quo kind of year. Marrieds will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single.

      By the way, status quo for a Taurus is great bliss—they are very conservative types of people. So the love life is happy now.

      The real excitement this year (and this has been so for a number of years) is in the area of friendships. New and exciting friends are coming into the picture suddenly and unexpectedly. These people are not ‘run of the mill’ types, but are highly creative, spiritual and genius-type people. Glamour people as well. The only problem is that your friendships are unstable. They can come suddenly and end suddenly. You don’t know who is going to be your friend, when, and so it is difficult to make long-term social plans. For a Taurus this kind of instability is difficult to handle, but this is the spiritual lesson of these past few years. You need to be comfortable and centred regardless of the social change going on all around you. You don’t own your friends, and possessiveness will only create pain. Sit loose and enjoy the change.

      There are dramatic events in the lives of your friends as well and this adds to the instability. Many of your friends are involved in spirituality, going deeper into it, and this is also creating much change. (If they are not involved in spirituality then there is probably excessive drug or alcohol use going on and this too will lead to dramatic events in their lives.)

      Your love planet recently made an important and long-term move. Pluto moved from the Sign of Sagittarius (where he was for over 15 years) into Capricorn. Last year he was just flirting with the Sign of Capricorn; this year he is in there for good. Existing marriages don’t seem too much affected, but singles are certainly becoming more conservative and traditional in love. They will gravitate to older, more established kinds of people. They will tend to have a very pragmatic approach to love, seeing it as another career move—a job—rather than moonlight and fireworks. The good provider is more alluring than the beefy hunk.

      With your love planet now in your 3rd House of Communication and Intellectual Interests for years to come, there is another dimension to love than just the physical and the financial. There needs to be intellectual and mental compatibility. You need to fall in love with the other person’s thought process as much as with the body and social position. Good communication is perhaps just as important as financial support and sexual compatibility. You are in a period where communication means love: if you talk to me, you love me. If you don’t talk to me you don’t love me.

      If there are problems in the current relationship, the Horoscope is showing us how they can be cleared up: focus on better communication. Take courses together as a couple. Read the same books and discuss them. Cultivate the intellectual side of the relationship.

      Those working on their second marriage have excellent prospects this year. Those working on their third are better off staying single, dating and enjoying their freedom. Marriage and love opportunities are there, but there is great instability. Those in or working on the fourth marriage have a status quo kind of year.

      Siblings are having their marriages or current relationships tested. There are near-death experiences in love. The love life is getting detoxed and it is not pleasant while it is happening. The end result, though, is good.

      Parents or parent figures who are single will have very good marriage opportunities this year; it is also a good year for business partnerships. Children of marriageable age are better off staying single for a while. If they are married their marriages are being severely tested (and this has been going on for some years now).


      Saturn has been in your 5th House of Children, Creativity and Fun for the past few years. Thus, one of the lessons was learning how to discipline children in positive and constructive ways, setting firm but fair limits. Not disciplining them, not setting boundaries, will mean that you will pay the price for it later on, in 20 or 30 years’ time. This lesson continues in the year ahead; it is difficult but it must be done. There needs to be just the right balance between justice and mercy. And discipline should never be administered in anger.

      The other lesson you’ve been learning is how to enjoy life in positive, constructive ways, without abandoning your lawful and legitimate responsibilities. This lesson is still going on for much of the year ahead.

      In October (the 29th) Saturn will move into your 6th House of Health and Work. And the cosmos is going to reorganize this whole area. You will learn how to deal with employees in a better way, to be just and fair with them, have their obedience, and otherwise manage them properly. This is also a period of hard work, as we mentioned. You are being promoted and elevated and hard work, more responsibility, is the price for it.

      This is also a period where you change your health attitudes. It is time to abandon the quick fix, the short-term solution, and focus on therapies that actually cure—long term.

      Since Saturn is also your religious and philosophical planet, it shows a need to re-organize your whole philosophy of health and healing. This is more important than most people realize, for this will determine what makes us sick and what cures us.

      The message here is that you will benefit more from metaphysical types of therapy—prayer and speaking of the word. There is a need for philosophical purity in coming years, as the Horoscope is telling us that philosophical or religious errors are likely to be the root causes of physical health problems. Your health looks good this year, but if there are persistent problems, it will be good to examine this area of life. You should also examine your relationships with co-workers or employees.


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