Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph Polansky

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and foreign travel (for many years to come); career and the parents; friendships and group activities.


      (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical. But in these times there could be quite a difference. For the medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health professional.)

      As we mentioned, health was good last year and should stay good in the coming year. Most of the long-term planets are kind to you. Vitality and energy seem good.

      The main change that is happening is Saturn’s move into your 6th House of Health on October 29. This is a major transit. Saturn will stay there for the next two and a half years. His move into your 6th House is basically a good thing. As we mentioned, he will tend to make you more serious about health, tend to make it easier to take on disciplined health regimes, and make you take a long-term perspective on health—you are not looking for a quick fix, but for a long-term cure. In general Saturn tends to make people more conservative when it comes to health. Thus in many cases you will feel more comfortable with orthodox medicine. But even for those of you who don’t believe in orthodox medicine, you will seek out the more traditional therapies in the alternative field, therapies that have stood the test of time and that have been well researched. You are not into experimenting with your health for the next few years.

      Saturn’s move into your House of Health also shows that you can improve your already good health by giving more attention to the spine, knees, teeth, bones, gall bladder and overall skeletal alignment. There are many natural and drugless ways to do this. There are yoga postures that are excellent for the spine. Regular back massage is good. Foot and hand reflexology is wonderful—see our chart later on. Seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis might be a very good idea—it is very important that the vertebrae be kept in alignment. If you are involved in vigorous exercise, give the knees more support. The Alexander Technique is an excellent therapy for keeping the posture right, and it helps the spine. There are many other therapies not mentioned here, but which are excellent.

      Reflexology Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side (as well as the soles) of the feet.

      With Venus as your health planet, giving more attention to the kidneys and hips will also enhance your health. Regular massage of the hips is good.

      Venus is a fast-moving planet. Every month she will be in a different Sign and House (usually). Thus there are many therapies that are effective for the short term. And these issues are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      Our regular readers already understand that disease might wind up in the physical body but never begins there. Always it has its origins in other areas, other more subtle bodies and realms of the mind. The beauty of the Horoscope is that it shows us where these spiritual root causes of disease tend to be and thus we can address them. In your case (should problems arise) there is a need to examine your love life (Venus), your self-esteem (Venus, the Ruler of your Horoscope) and your use of power and authority (Saturn). If you can bring these areas back into harmony, correcting the mistakes, the chances are that your health problem will dissolve of its own weight. And even if the services of a health professional are needed, the healing will go much faster and quicker.

      Your health planet will make one of her rare Retrogrades this year from March 6 to April 17. This is a period for a review of your health and health regimes to see where improvements can be made. It is not a period for making drastic changes in the diet or important health decisions.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th House of Home and Family is not a House of Power this year, Taurus. Thus you seem satisfied with the status quo and have no need or burning desire to make major changes here. You can if you want to—you have more freedom here than usual—but you don’t seem to have the desire.

      Your 4th House will become more important later on in the year as Mars spends an unusual amount of time there (from October 16 well into 2010). This augers some major renovations at home—heavy construction work. In some cases it will be just renovation, but in other cases, it shows the actual construction of a home. During this period it would be wise to improve the safety of the home. It is good to have working smoke detectors, burglar alarms and things of that nature. There is a tendency to accidents in the home with this transit, so in general be more careful. If there are young children at home, keep things like matches or other flammable items away from them.

      On February 9th there is a Solar Eclipse in your 4th House. Every Solar Eclipse tends to affect the home and family—this is because the Sun is your family planet—but this one will be even stronger as it is occurring in the 4th House as well. Thus the home will get tested. If there are hidden flaws there, they will be revealed so that you can make corrections. The same applies to the family relationship. Hidden flaws, things beneath the surface, are exposed, so that you can correct them. Emotions in the family tend to run high under this aspect. They are more temperamental than usual. So be patient and keep calm. These transits can be likened to being on a drug—people behave differently under the influence of certain drugs; so too under certain transits. When the drug (or transit) passes their behaviour normalizes. Understanding these things is a big help.

      A parent or parent figure is prospering this year and next—he or she is now in a cycle of prosperity—thus they can move. Whether or not they actually move, they will be travelling more this year and the effect will be like a move. When Mars moves into Leo on October 16, the marriage (or business partnerships) of the parents or parent figures will get a severe testing. The problem is a power struggle. If the relationship is fundamentally sound it can survive and actually get better, but not right away.

      Siblings (or people who are like siblings to you) are feeling cramped at home (especially after October 29) but a move seems unlikely—many delays and obstructions involved there. They are better off making better use of the space they have, re-organizing the home in a more efficient way.

      Business partners are moving this year and otherwise investing and prospering from the home. The spouse or current love would probably like to move, but it takes two to tango, and it is not likely this year.

      Children of appropriate age are having a status quo home and family year. They might continually upgrade the home or install high-tech kinds of gadgetry, but an actual move is not likely.

      If you plan to make heavy renovations in the home—or to embark on major construction work—after October 16 seems best. If you merely want to beautify the home on a cosmetic level, July 22 to September 20 seems best.

      Finance and Career

      Your 2nd House of Finance is not a House of Power this year, Taurus, and I read this as a good thing. You seem satisfied with finances and have no need to make major changes. You have more freedom in this department in the year ahead as the cosmos neither pushes you one way nor another.

      Of course, there will be periods in the year ahead where finances DO become very important—from April 19 to May 20 and from May 31 to July 12. You will be focusing more on finance in those periods and they will tend to be your yearly financial peaks. But in general, finance doesn’t seem a big issue in the year ahead.

      This is probably the major financial headline this year—that money per se is not that important. For a Taurus this is saying something! (I have seen this tendency for the past few years, and perhaps many of you are scratching your heads about this.) However, if you were prosperous last year, you will be prosperous in the year ahead.

      Really, this year is about career, about public recognition, about attaining to status and prestige in your chosen profession and industry.

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