Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world. Andrey Prudkovskii

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Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world - Andrey Prudkovskii

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into something else too, but I only write about what I know. He never taught me this craft, but later on his teaching helped me to master some transformations, which I will discuss later.

      Lovers Ra and Siegle in the forests of Dhana.

      But back to my father’s youth. Imagine laughing Raa and his wife Siegle in a wild forest on the planet Dhana. And later, riding on ants… The ant is not a horse, just merging with it mentally; you can inspire him to run to wherever you want. No weapons are required though – the terrible stings of ants will tear apart any predator, and the armored head and chest are perfectly protected from any attack from the front.

      That way Raa and Siegle lived to twenty years, and twenty years is a special age. Let me explain: the first year that a person was born does not count – he lies and sucks the breast, then four-year-old is a child, he is nursed and taken care of. At five, he becomes an adult. If you multiply five by four, you get twenty. At twenty years old, if you were recognized as a “person of substance”, then a man – must accomplish a feat, a woman must give birth to a first child. Twenty years can also be multiplied by four is eighty. At eighty years old, if a man has completed a sufficient number of feats, he becomes a wiseman and he can educate young people, and a woman, if her children have all become “people of substance,” also becomes a wisewoman and can teach young women how to raise children, the art of picking herbs and treating diseases. But eighty years can also be multiplied by four – we get 320. But what happens to those who live to this age, I do not know, and my father did not know that as well. But something will certainly come!

      So Raa said to Siegle:

      “It’s time for me to accomplish a feat; will you come with me to witness it?”

      “Is it far to go?” asked Siegle.

      “I want to go around the whole world on flying mushrooms. No one ever has done that before. Come on with me.”

      “No,” said Siegle. “I will not fly with you. I’m having a baby on the way.”

      And Raa found a huge mushroom, quite mellow and ready to take off. He scaled up on it, and the weeping Siegle cut the stipe with a wooden (metal was not mined at Dhana yet) knife. Then the mushroom released a stream of its spores and took off like a rocket into the sky. For many years now she would not see her beloved! And the mushroom flew through the air. And Raa covered some of the nozzles in front with his cloak – the mushroom winged even faster.

      Scary evil sorcerer UYY.

      The next thing Raa knew was that he floated above the Deadly Swamp. Then night fell, and it was unknown where the mushroom was flying and whether there was a chance of salvation. By the morning the mushroom was tired, its spores were exhausted, and it began to decline – and around the swamp there is bog, and swamp monsters were wambling everywhere in the bog, blowing bubbles, waiting for someone to eat! And Raa fell into the imminent swamp, and prepared for a nasty death. But! He tested the bottom under his feet, and all of the sudden touched a trail, even though dirty, but passable. And he went on and on for four days and four nights and came up to the black hut under a high hill.

      And on the hill grow sacred Ir-trees. The evil sorcerer UYY came out the black hut. Raa heard the wicked thoughts of the sorcerer, and he started trembling, but it was too late. The sorcerer has casted a spell on him, and Raa should have done everything that the sorcerer wanted. And he began to work for a sorcerer and worked for four days and four nights: he cut down four sacred Ir-trees by order of UYY and made a great magic fire on top of the hill. And the sorcerer UYY began to throw magical herbs into the fire and cast unknown spells. And the demons appeared from heaven in a thunder and lightning on their demonic flying ferry. And UYY sold my father to the demons for ten amulets: two knives, two iron torches, two battery-powered electric torches, two mirrors and two lighters. There were two pieces of all objects, and this is no accident, because the villain UYY did not recognize the light of the FOUR TRUTHS, but professed the power of the number TWO. He said: “The Sun-Khan and the Earth – Dhana – there are two of them. I am one and all other people are two, good to people and evil to me – again two.” And so on. Listing all this is a sin, and hearing about it is harmful either. That’s what my father taught me.

      From the memoirs of Aleksandr Zotov, the commander

      of the first reached Dhana spacecraft

      Famously, in the fiftieth year uew, the wandering star P666 approached our solar system, and a planet was discovered next to it.

      There were three of us. In the year of 30 uew, our spaceship approached an unknown planet. Having entered a circular orbit, we found that it resembled the Earth, its atmosphere was oxygen-nitrogen, dense forests, rivers, lakes, but there were no seas and oceans – instead there were huge swamps. No mountains either. On one of the hills they noticed a great bonfire, it was a sign of civilization. The spaceship made one last circuit and landed right next to the fire. And what was discovered?! Yes, there was a living being, but what a strange one. His appearance, his dirt evoked in my mind some terrible tales of trolls. Oddly enough, there was no language barrier. He seized ours meaning at once, and sometimes without words at all. For some reason, we understood him either. He was a true savage, he longed for gifts and promised to thank. For some reason, he asked for everything in duplicate. We gave him a couple of small things. Immediately the idea arose to take him to Earth for further research. He smiled creepy and pulled some dirty aboriginal from the bushes. The native himself climbed into the ship without requests and violence. Then our time was over, and we blasted off.

      The aborigine was washed, dressed, and we saw that he was a young, handsome lad, thin, dark-skinned, height was below average, with iridescent eyes: at first they were black, then brown, and sometimes, when he laughed, they were gray or even blue.

      In a month, he learned some words and was able to communicate with us. He said that their planet was called Dhana, and the star was Khan, that his name was Raa, and the terrible one who sent him is the sorcerer UYY.

      We all loved Raa and coddled of him as best we could during the flight. Unfortunately, after landing, we did not find Raa on the ship.

      Now we are being treated by psychiatrists. They say that all these are the things of that sorcerer from Dhana. That there was no young lad Raa, and we just saw a colorful dream lasting four months. Who knows, but until I believe this, I will be staying in the hospital.

      Raa’s notes on life in the land of demons

      UYY is evil! Evil is defined by the number two! Are demons evil or not?

      No answer! There is no constancy in demons nature, evil and good, numbers two and four are intertwined in their nature. Four main rules of the demons:

      – writing;

      – reading;

      – pencil;

      – paper.

      Writing allows one to preserve the wisdom of the current day for ages.

      Reading allows one to restore what was previously saved.

      Pencil and paper are two magical items that allow you to read and write. Pencil is a symbol of wood and coal; and coal is the black soul of the earth. Paper is the pure white soul of sacred trees. Now the viciousness of the demons is clear. The numbers four and two are always replacing each other. All adult demons comprehended the first two rules: writing and reading, but there are very few who can create pencils and paper. And without these two amulets, neither writing nor reading is possible. The demons did not want to teach all the four rules, but they took shrewd. The demons came up with money – a magical amulet, with which you

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