Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world. Andrey Prudkovskii

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Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world - Andrey Prudkovskii

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how money works. But the knife is neither evil nor good! With a knife, you can take life, or you can cut the umbilical cord of a newborn.

      But let’s go back to my wanderings. By witchcraft of UYY, I was deprived of choice. I ended up in the magic ferry of demons hovering between worlds. There was no day or night. There was neither sky nor ground. Two demons burned my clothes and washed me with sacred moisture. So in the white sanctuary I was accepted into the demons’ circle and, to my horror, under the symbol of the number two!

      Leaving the white sanctuary, I entered a residential hut inside the ferry, there were four sacred cubes. With my eyes full of tears, I bent over to the sacred cube; I stroke its perfect facets. One of the demons says:

      “Look, he clearly liked our chair.”

      Mentally, I get the meaning of the words of demons, I understand that they are resting and gaining power from these sacred objects. So, the demons recognize the power of good, the power of the number four!

      I notice that there are three demons on the ferry. So that’s why I was necessary! Four sacred cubes for sitting show that there were four demons in the ferry before. If one disappeared and destroyed the magic of the number four – the ferry wouldfell down. I am the fourth, so the ferry is flying again!

      I am learning demonic words. A demon named Aleksandr is teaching me. There is no evil in him. I ask him if the demons know the truth. He is clearly confused. He replies that some may know. But his thoughts shout to me: “No! No! No! The world of demons is full of evil!”

      I’m scared again! What awaits me?

      The world of demons thinks it caught me, but it is mistaken. The one who is devoted to the four truths is not so easy to be caught!

      In my free time, while demons sleep in different corners of the hut, I hug the sacred cube and ask him to teach me my wisdom. And the cube penetrates me, and I penetrate the cube. The sacred cube becomes my protector. He will save me from the evil of the land of demons.

      But the ferry crashes into the wall surrounding the land of demons. A terrible roar is heard, everyone is tossed around. This goes on for quite some time – about two hundred beats of my heart, how thick this wall must be?! Then, silence, we arrived. The door opens; behind it I see the blue sky of the land of demons. All the three go outside, but not me. I cling to the cube and ask him to protect me from the land of demons. I merge, merge with the cube. Now I myself have become a cube. I am a cube! I am a sacred cube! Nobody will touch me until the ferry flies back!

      Demons can’t see! They will not be able to find me, and I will remain inside the ferry. I thought I was saved! How wrong I was!

      “Who are you and where from?!” a thunderous voice sounded loud in my head.

      “I am Raa from Dhana.”

      “You’ve arrived without permission to planet Earth. I have to take your life.”

      “Who are you?”

      “I am Radogast, the one who monitors compliance with the comart.”

      “I did not get here of my own free will, but by evil sorcerer UYY.”

      “Yes, I see. And you didn’t manage to cope with such a simple witchcraft? Look at your brain! You see a black eyelet sticking on the right? That’s all magic.”

      I looked at myself carefully and on my third body revealed everything that Radogast told me about. Now it was easy to unravel the loop and break the spell of UYY. Indeed, it was very simple.

      “Well done!” Radogast praised me. “But there are the rules to be followed! I still have to take your life!”

      “How will you kill me?”

      “I have no right to kill. I will deprive you of protection, and what will kill you I won’t care. Look, there is a nebulous cloud is glowing overhead. This cloud is called the Guardian-Angel, all living beings have it as a protection. Now I will magically remove it. Now you’re unprotected and a first danger might kill you. There is no salvation and you can do nothing with it.

      “And if I do nothing and stay over here?”

      “The ship will be sanitized in an hour, and you will die.”

      “Then I’ll try to run.”

      “Do whatever you want. Without protection, no one survives for more than a week.”

      “And maybe my Guardian-Angel can return?”

      “Yes, in a week or two, depending on your luck. I will make sure that this will not happen!”

      “Can you tell me if there are exceptions in your law?”

      “No! The law is one for all on this planet! And there is no place for outsiders here!”

      I realized that not everything is lost: the powerful demon Radogast did not know the influence of the FOUR TRUTHS, but acted according to the law of one. He said that the first danger I meet would kill me, but the one who knew the truth of the four could not be killed by the first danger, but only by the fourth. I realized that I can fight. I had to run, and I did so.

      Scary predatory animals rushed at me from all sides, stunning with loud noises. Now I know that they were dogs. Fear sharpened my abilities. I remembered: rescue from any danger lies in taking its shape. And now I am running on four paws in the shape of a dog. It was a failure: these predators were not deceived by my fake body and continued to pursue me. Ahead there was the fence and the gap in it. In between there was a terrible-looking demon with some kind of stick in his hands. Now I know that it was a murder weapon. If I knew this then, I would surely be scared and die. But I did not know and fearlessly ran straight at the unfamiliar demon. He didn’t even try to stop me; he stepped aside and growled after me his demonic spell: “Again they were at odds over a bitch!” The spell was weak and had no effect on me. Dogs were catching up. One nearly locked his jaws on my throat. I dodged and rushed down into the blackness of a ravine.

      Ra’s first death at the bottom of the river.

      Water covered my head; a strong current dragged me down into the cold and darkness. It was a river, but not the same as on Dhana, not a shallow and tender one. It was a terrible, deadly river without a bottom. I did not know how to be saved. I moved all my four paws, yelling; turning into a man again, swallowed some water and… drowned. So the spell of Radogast worked for the first time.

      Chapter 3. 30 – 29 years uew

      Raa and the death spell of Radogast

      From the Red Book of Dhana

      And the demons took Great Raa to another reality in which only demons live and from which there is no coming back. The demons do not know the FOUR TRUTHS. And the Sun shines on the demons with its round yellow eye. Because the demons are cruel and kill all those, who appear in their land.

      Having got to know that Great Raa had arrived in the land of demons without permission, the main demon Radogast decided to take his life, and not just to take it, but with the help of his great witchcraft. But the young demoness saw Great Raa, and she wanted to have a son from him. Therefore, she hid him in her cave and gave birth to a son from him, whom she named RaDem, since his father was Raa, and his mother, Dem, was a demoness. And Great Raa lived with her for eight years, and taught his son wisdom in the spirit of the FOUR TRUTHS. And his son surpassed all human wisdom, despite his young age. At the end of the eight-year term, his main demon found him at that demoness’ place, fought with them and defeated them. He killed the demoness with his magic lightning, and Raa hid from him in a dense forest under the guise of a tree. For a whole year Raa was hiding in the forest, and then secretly entered the magic ship of demons

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