Долгий '68. Ричард Вайнен

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Долгий '68 - Ричард Вайнен

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роли в событиях 1968 года; см.: Le Mouvement Social, 223 (2008).


      Geoff Eley, The Crooked Line (Ann Arbor, MI, 2005), pp. 4, 53.


      TNA HO 325/104, Metropolitan Police, Special Branch Reports, 22 and 26 February 1968.


      Sudhir Hazareesingh, In the Shadow of the General: Modern France and the Myth of de Gaulle (Oxford, 2012), p. 185.


      Marc Ferro, Mes Histoires Parallèles: Entretiens avec Isabelle Veyrat-Masson (2011), p. 338.


      Eric Hobsbawm, Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life (2002), p. 250.


      Scott Hamilton, The Crisis of Theory: E. P. Thompson, the New Left and Postwar British Politics (Manchester, 2011), p. 125.


      Julie Pagis, Mai 68: Un Pavé dans Leur Histoire (2014), p. 81.


      Robbie Lieberman, Prairie Power: Voices of 1960s Midwestern Student Protest (Columbia, MO, 2004), p. 76.


      Pagis, Mai 68, p. 31.


      Nicolas Daum, Mai 68: Des Révolutionnaires dans un Village Parisien, 20 Ans Après (1988). В 2008 году эта книга была переиздана в слегка обновленной редакции, уделявшей больше внимания последующим карьерам некоторых из респондентов. См.: Mai 68 Raconté par des Anonymes.


      Myriam Chermette, Anne-Sophie Lechevallier, 'Des Droites: Postures et Récits de Réactions', Agnès Callu (ed.), Le Mai 68 des Historiens: Entre Identités Narratives et Histoire Orale (2010), pp. 159–68, p. 164.


      Annie Kriegel, Ce Que J'ai Cru Comprendre (1991), p. 710.


      Jean-Jacques Becker, Un Soir de l'Été 1942… Souvenirs d'un Historien (2009), pp. 284–305.


      Paul Veyne, Et dans l'Éternité je ne m'Ennuierai Pas: Souvenirs (2014), p. 176.


      Maurice Agulhon, 'Vu des Coulisses', Pierre Nora (ed.), Essais d'Ego-Histoire (1987), pp. 9–59, p. 37.


      Alain Krivine, Ça te Passera Avec l'Âge (2006), p. 142.


      Robert Linhart, L'Établi (1978/1981), p. 83.


      Virginie Linhart, Le Jour où Mon Père s'est Tu (2008); см. также комментарии ее тети: Le Monde, 16 May 2008.


      Antoine de Baecque, 'Reprise d'Hervé le Roux', Philippe Artières and Michelle Zancarini-Fournel (eds.), 68, une Histoire Collective, 1962–1981 (2008), pp. 271–5.


      William Waldegrave, A Different Kind of Weather: A Memoir (2015), p. 71–84.


      The Times, 25 April 1970.


      Churchill College, Cambridge, Hailsham archives, HLSM 2/22/17, Waldegrave to Hailsham, 11 June 1968.


      Thatcher Foundation website, 111380, Minutes of the Authority of Government Policy Group, 22 October 1975.


      The Times, 20 March 1968.


      Colin Crouch, The Student Revolt (1970), p. 68.


      Anna von der Goltz, 'Generations of 68ers: Age-Related Constructions of Identity and Germany's "1968"', Social and Cultural History, 8, 4 (2011), pp. 473–91.


      Andrea Mammone, 'The Transnational Reaction to 1968: Neo-Fascist National Fronts and Political Cultures in France and Italy', Contemporary European History, 17, 2 (2008), pp. 213–36.


      François Audigier, 'Le Malaise des Jeunes Gaullistes en Mai 68', Vingtième Siècle, Revue d'Histoire, 70 (2001), pp. 71–88.


      Penelope Adams Moon, "'Peace on Earth: Peace in Vietnam": The Catholic Peace Fellowship and Antiwar Witness, 1964–1976', Journal of Social History, 36, 4 (2003), pp. 1033–57.


      Robert Gildea, James Mark, Niek Pas, 'European Radicals and the "Third World": Imagined Solidarities and Radical Networks, 1958–73', Cultural and Social History, 8, 4 (2011), pp. 449–71.


      Julie Pagis, 'La Politisation d'Engagements Religieux: Retour sur une Matrice de l'Engagement en Mai 68', Revue Française de Science Politique, 60 (2010), pp. 61–89.


      Jean-Pierre le Goff, La Fin du Village: Une Histoire Française (2012), p. 182.


      Olivier Landron, À la Droite du Christ: Les Catholiques Traditionnels en France depuis le Concile Vatican II, 1965–2015 (2015).


      London, National Archives (NA) CRIM 1/5256, summing up by Humphries in trial of Paul Hoch and others for riot, 20 July 1970.


      Beate Kutschke, 'In Lieu of an Introduction', Beate Kutschke, Barley Norton (eds.), Music and Protest in 1968 (Cambridge, 2013), pp. 1–11, p. 4; Kailin R. Rubinoff, 'A Revolution in Sheep's Wool Stockings: Early Music and 1968', in ibid., pp. 237–54.


      Kostis Kornetis, Children of the Dictatorship: Student Resistance, Cultural Politics, and the 'Long 1960s' in Greece (2013).


      Yasmine Ergas, '1968–79. Feminism and the Italian Party System: Women's Politics in a Decade of Turmoil', Comparative Politics, 14, 3 (1982), pp. 253–79.


      NA FCO 7/863, minute by Braithwaite, 20 June 1968.


      NA FCO 9/252, report by Halford-MacLeod, 28

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