Долгий '68. Ричард Вайнен

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Долгий '68 - Ричард Вайнен

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D4490/48, Powell to E., 17 May 1972.


      Raymond Marcellin, L'Ordre Public et les Groupes Révolutionnaires (1969).


      Я благодарен Лизе Болд за то, что она ознакомила меня со своей неопубликованной работой по этой теме.


      NA PREM 13/2563, Reilly to FO, 29 May 1968.


      Ibid., Reilly to FO, 22 May 1968.


      Peter B. Levy, The New Left and Labor in the 1960s (Urbana, IL,1994), p. 90.


      FCO 13/58, memorandum on losses to the British Institute in Paris, Francis Scarfe, 22 June 1968.


      NA MEPO 2/10962, statement by Sergeant Terry Lelly to Metropolitan Police, 22 August 1967.


      Gareth Stedman Jones, 'History and Theory: An English Story', Historein, 3 (2001), pp. 103–24.


      Laurent Chollet, 'Le LSD, les Hippies et la Californie', Philippe Artières, Michelle Zancarini-Fournel (eds.), 68, une Histoire Collective, 1962–1981 (2008), pp. 80–85.


      Guy Hocquenghem, L'Amphithéâtre des Morts (1998), p. 53.


      Tony Benn, Office without Power: Diaries, 1968–1972 (1988), p. 151. Запись от 25 февраля 1969.


      Crouch, The Student Revolt, p. 57.


      NA PREM 13/2653, Reilly to FO, 22 May 1968.


      Yair Auron, Les Juifs d'Extrême Gauche en Mai 68: Une Génération Révolutionnaire Marquée par la Shoah (1998).


      Catherine Simon, Algérie, les Années Pieds-Rouges: Des Rêves de l'Indépendance au Désenchantement (1962–1969) (2009).


      Hayden, Reunion, p. 207.


      John Keane, Vaclav Havel: A Political Tragedy in Six Acts (1999), p. 184.


      Michael Zantovsky, Havel: A Life (2104), p. 109.


      Richard Neville, Hippie Hippie Shake (1995), p. 151.


      Edgar Morin, Journal, 1962–1987 (2012), pp. 852–3.


      Gerassi, Talking with Sartre, p. 68.


      Rosie Germain, 'The British and American Reception of French Existentialism, 1939–1972' (PhD, Cambridge University, 2013).


      NA FCO 21/215.


      Crouch, The Student Revolt, p. 72.


      Guy Hocquenghem, Lettre Ouverte à Ceux qui Sont Passés du Col Mao au Rotary (1986), p. 15.


      Nancy Mitford, The Spectator, 30 May 1968.


      Robert Gorman, Michael Harrington: Speaking American (New York, 1995), pp. xviii, xxi.


      Adrian Laing, R. D. Laing: A Biography (1994), p. 140.


      Alain Schnapp, Pierre Vidal-Naquet, The French Student Uprising, November 1967–June 1968 (New York, 1971).


      Mary Ann Caws (ed.), Maria Jolas, Woman of Action: A Memoir and Other Writings (Columbia, SC, 2004). О деятельности Джолас см. также: London National Archives HO 325/104, report by Special Branch, 26 February 1968.


      Gael Graham, Young Activists: American High School Students in the Age of Protest (DeKalb, IL, 2006), p. 5.


      Sidney Tarrow, Democracy and Disorder: Protest and Politics in Italy, 1965–1975 (Oxford, 1989), pp. 88–89.


      Alain Peyrefitte, C'était de Gaulle (2002), p. 1289. Приводимая здесь цитата взята из обращения де Голля к членам кабинета министров от 11 мая 1966 года.


      Philip Short, Mitterrand: A Study in Ambiguity (2013), p. 248.


      Juliette Minces, 'Réflexions Autour du "Journal de la Commune Étudiante"', L'Homme et la Société, 16, 1 (1970), pp. 149–59.


      Timothy S. Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties: The Anti-Authoritarian Revolt, 1962–1978 (Cambridge, 2013), p. 80.


      Sheila Rowbotham, Promise of a Dream: Remembering the Sixties (2001), p. 166.


      Luisa Passerini, Autobiography of a Generation: Italy, 1968 (Hanover, NH, 1996), pp. 23, 28.


      Sheila Rowbotham, 'Cleaners' Organizing in Britain from the 1970s: A Personal Account', Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 38, 3 (2006), pp. 608–25.


      Nicholas Hatzfeld, 'Les Morts de Flins et Sochaux: De la Grève à la Violence Politique', Philippe Artières, Michelle Zancarini-Fournel (eds.), 68, une Histoire Collective, 1962–1981 (2008), pp. 322–5.


      Nicolas Daum, Mai 68: Des Révolutionnaires dans un Village Parisien, 20 Ans Après (1988); см. интервью с респондентом по имени Мишель: pp. 89–104.


      Nuno Pereira, Renate Schär, 'Soixante-Huitards Helvétiques:

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