Shadow Lane Volume 3: The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex, B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village. Eve Howard

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Shadow Lane Volume 3: The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex, B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village - Eve Howard

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pillows, profoundly relieved that he’d cast the whip aside and charmed that she’d preoccupied him all night. Her tears subsided as he continued to make repairs to her damp face with the handkerchief. Forced to scrutinize her dear face he could not resist bestowing a kiss on her full, red mouth. As she yielded to him he drew her against his chest and kissed her hard, on her lips, throat and bosom, which he also gently squeezed through the fine, embroidered gown.

      “Your punishment isn’t over,” he told her, repressing the rising tide of sentimentality which suddenly engulfed him as he caressed her. Her passivity in his arms was intoxicating.

      “Please, Anthony, the brush and whip hurt so much. Couldn’t the remainder of my lesson be ... less stringent?” Susan requested hesitantly.

      Anthony didn’t answer immediately but continued to hold her.

      “Perhaps,” he said, at length, “we should visit the examining room.”

      Susan immediately flushed.

      “Or is that concept too humiliating?” he asked, making her look at him.

      “No, Sir.”

      “Do you think you could benefit from that sort of discipline?”


      As Anthony led Susan upstairs to the luxuriously appointed Victorian examining room on the third floor, she clung to his hand, ashamed of the ache she began to experience in anticipation of what would soon be done to her bottom.

      Once the door was locked behind them Anthony adjusted the lighting to his taste and deposited Susan in a leather armchair opposite a grand mahogany desk, behind which he then sat, in a corner of the room designated as a consulting area.

      On the wall to Susan’s right hung Anthony’s several Ivy League and conservatory diplomas, each signifying a different degree of academic and musical accomplishment. The wall behind his desk held a pair of wood trimmed glass cases filled with volumes of arcane medical lore, which he had purchased at an estate auction to lend authenticity to this examining room, which he had installed in his townhouse for their mutual enjoyment.

      “Well, young lady,” said Anthony, slipping on a pair of glasses and sternly consulting her file, “I didn’t expect to see you back at our clinic so soon.”

      “It’s been six months,” she protested.

      “Has it, indeed?” Anthony, who was gratified that the date of their last appointment in this room had fixed itself so firmly in her mind, nevertheless frowned at her.

      “Yes, Sir.”

      Susan understood that they had become characters in a fantasy. Anthony even got out a chart.

      “Now then, Miss Susan, when was the last time you engaged in sexual intercourse?” Anthony asked blandly.

      “ I have to answer?”

      Anthony slammed his pen down on the desk.

      “My dear girl, as the Director of this clinic, I assure you that all you reveal will be held in the strictest confidence.”

      “I don’t remember,” Susan smiled. “It was ages ago.”

      “I wonder how that can be when you’ve been residing with Lawyer Cooper all month.”

      “He’s been out of the country. I’ve been alone all month.”

      “Oh!” Anthony was happily surprised, this simple admission placing Susan’s absence in a different perspective.

      “So you’ve just been alone, behaving yourself all this time?”

      “I have mid-terms coming up and I’ve had some very large 18th century novels to read,” she replied. Anthony highly approved of his pet’s delicate education but could not allow the conversation to become either general or literary at this point.

      “That’s very admirable but surely a young girl like you can’t have gone this long without a lover.” Anthony returned to the character of clinical therapist.

      “Come to think of it, William made love to me last month.”

      “Really!” Anthony pretended to be shocked though he already knew of Susan’s adventure with her brother-in-law William Random.

      Susan blushed, then volunteered, “He taught me how to come with just a vibrator through my clothes. I don’t even need to have sex or anal penetration.”

      “Susan, you will always need to have sex and anal penetration. I can’t imagine what William was thinking of.”

      “Well, we did have sex. But it was from the vibrator that I climaxed.”

      “I’m making a note of that. Now, what other naughty things have you done lately?”

      “I found my first slave,” Susan coolly announced, pointing to the corner of the building where Anthony’s driver had his quarters.


      “Actually, he’s only my slave in theory so far. I haven’t put it to the test yet.”

      “I see,” Anthony gave her a look that promised an almost immediate trip across his knee, causing Susan to realize she had said a presumptuous thing. For a moment neither of them spoke, then Anthony rose to his feet.

      “So, at 20 years old you’ve decided that you need to own a slave. And you have the effrontery to select him from my household staff!”

      Susan bowed her head in embarrassment, peeking at her pacing lover from under her lashes. He frowned at her, deciding what sort of lesson her impertinence merited.

      “Your arrogance is becoming insupportable,” he declared. Susan didn’t dare meet his eyes now.

      “So you think my driver is your property, do you?” Anthony asked. Susan opened her mouth to reply but he stopped her. “Perhaps I should ask Dennis to join us so we can clear this matter up.”

      “You wouldn’t humiliate Dennis like that,” Susan protested.

      “I wouldn’t dream of humiliating Dennis. I was merely going to ask him whether, if given the choice, he’d prefer to straighten out Miss Susan’s shoe closet or fuck the living daylights out of her. We know what a slave’s reply would be.”

      Susan was taken aback by the notion that she might indeed have been mistaken in the English boy’s ardor, interpreting his lust as romantic thralldom. Yet she could not refrain from replying, almost haughtily, “Slaves are weak, especially when presented with a temptation as alluring as the one you just described. However, I know your character too well to believe that you would ever initiate so crude a litmus test.”

      Anthony was astonished at her adroit handling of his volatile suggestion and began to think there was nothing that could put this irritating girl out of countenance.

      “You realize of course that I can’t possibly keep Dennis on,” he let drop coolly.

      “But, why not?” Susan went cold with fear. If her frivolousness caused a good man to lose his job she wouldn’t be able to live with herself.

      “You can’t expect me to pay an employee to make love to my girlfriend.”

      “But he hasn’t been!”

      “Regarding you as his mistress is just as unacceptable to me,” Anthony continued.

      “But he doesn’t regard me as that. Quite honestly, I only felt I had him in my power, so to speak, for the first time today. So you see, he doesn’t know about any of this. Therefore, you have no reason to dismiss him.”

      “What you’ve told me is reason enough. What do you think this is, some B&D bawdy house? Dennis is my employee, not your personal plaything. He’s at your disposal to run errands, drive you around and guard you on the streets. Nothing more. Do you understand?”


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