Shadow Lane Volume 3: The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex, B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village. Eve Howard

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Shadow Lane Volume 3: The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex, B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village - Eve Howard

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more to you than an employee I will dismiss him immediately.”

      “I understand.”

      “I’m very angry about this and you’re going to have to be severely punished.”

      Susan hung her head though her heart was racing.

      “Take off your gown,” he ordered, opening several drawers in the oaken cabinetry lining one wall and removing a polished wooden box from one and an antique black medicine bag from another, pausing to check on Susan in one of the mirrors as he did so. She looked worried, which satisfied him. “I said remove your gown,” he repeated sternly and she quickly slipped it over her head, fully revealing her petite, exquisitely formed body.

      “Come here,” he told her, seating himself on a graceful Directoire recamier, affording ample room to sit with a girl across his lap. He made Susan stand still before him as he took various objects from the medical bag and polished wooden case and spread them out on an inlaid mahogany drum table to his right. From the medicine bag he drew items such as a thermometer, Vaseline, suppositories and a premixed douche. While from the box he extracted several polished wooden dildos and one small, solid wooden paddle.

      “You see all this?” he asked. She nodded, feeling that familiar ache between her legs. “This is to assist your rehabilitation. Once you’ve been disciplined and trained by all of these devices, you’ll remember, in spite of yourself that what you really like best is to be submissive.”

      With that he took Susan across his lap and after positioning her comfortably, examined her bare bottom thoroughly.

      Susan didn’t dare argue as he lubricated her and then inserted the thermometer into her bottom.

      She gasped as this was done.

      “Don’t fuss,” he warned her, slapping her thigh rather sharply. Susan laid still, her face burning with shame, feeling like a helpless little girl. One hand held her by the waist, the other rested on her bottom. She buried her face in her arms. Presently he removed the thermometer and informed her that she was running a bit of a fever. Perhaps some melted ice would help to bring it down.

      He instructed her to bring him some ice from the small pantry adjunct to the examining room where he kept various supplies in a refrigerator. Susan found a small ice bucket inside it filled with spherical ice cubes. She brought this to him on a tray with the tongs which he had also requested and allowed him to take her back across his lap. But this time he placed a thick white towel across his trousered legs before arranging her for maximum access to her flawless bottom. Separating her buttocks firmly, he inserted a harmless glycerin suppository between her cheeks and well up into her bottom. She squirmed, sobbed and whimpered in extreme embarrassment. He held in front of her face the first wooden dildo he had selected for her edification. This was a polished teak rod, with rounded ends, one inch around and about 7” in length. Anointing the slim wooden shaft with lubricant, he spread her cheeks and inserted one end into her anus, and holding her firmly apart, he slowly pushed most of this object into her rectum. He then allowed her bottom to contract around it and commanded her to lie completely still, which she found very difficult to do in the frenzy of excitement to which this methodical insertion had driven her. Tormenting her with minute adjustments in the angle and depth of insertion, he finally seemed satisfied with its positioning and proceeded to enhance its effect upon his pretty young lady by spanking her smartly. She began to pinken immediately. He stopped and selected the second solid wooden dildo, this one somewhat thicker around, and showed it to her. Then, without disturbing the first, he gently spread her thighs and inserted the larger, manlier object into her highly lubricated sex. The ache became unbearable as this long, cool rod slid slowly up into her pussy until only an inch or so depended from that snug, curl fringed orifice. Now, thus lewdly filled, Susan whimpered in shame as he adjusted the objects that penetrated her so deeply and fussed about the two separate points of entry. Because Susan was so wet and growing more so by the moment, the larger dildo began to slip out every few seconds and had to be pushed firmly back into that soaking, pulsing glove.

      Then he tried something different. Telling her to lie completely still, Anthony gently relieved her of the slim rod that had been lodged so deeply in her bottom and laid it aside. Then he pulled towards them the bucket of ice cubes she’d brought him. The dildo he’d placed in her vagina remained where it was.

      Spreading her bottom open, he inserted one of the melting ice cube balls into it, then simply held and stroked her firmly as she gasped in shock.

      “That’s okay, you need cooling off,” he informed her, dividing her cheeks again to pop another ice cube through her anal ring. Susan wriggled on his lap and ground against his thighs. He noticed this and slapped her hard. “Did I not tell you to lie still? If you dare to have an orgasm before I give you permission, I’ll cane you. Do you understand?”

      “I can’t control that,” she protested, forcing herself to lie still.

      “I told you to lie still,” he spanked her. “That doesn’t mean clench your bottom. It means no motion.”

      Susan felt deeply humiliated when her extreme lubricity caused the dildo to slip out of her vagina. He did not replace it, but punished her with a half dozen very hard smacks on either cheek to demonstrate his disapproval.

      “Why did I even bother to treat you like a grown-up?” he asked, again separating her buttocks to insert another ice cube inside her bottom. The sensation provided by the melting balls was indescribably erotic to Susan, who also enjoyed the restraint of being made to hold still.

      The next thing he showed her, in front of her face, was the disposable enema, which was a basic pint of mineral water in an applicator tipped plastic bottle.

      “You’re getting this next. And after that, another one. I’m taking your bottom tonight and I want it to be perfect.”

      Susan heard these words of love with trembling and passion but had little faith in her own ability to postpone her orgasm much longer. Particularly when he held her apart for the nozzle of the enema bottle and began to squeeze the liquid into her bottom. This did not take long and once the entire amount had been infused, he sealed the operation with a 5” rubber retention plug, which he inserted to the hilt and held in place with the palm of his hand.

      With her tummy now slightly full, she couldn’t help but begin to squirm across his lap. He held her firmly in place by the waist and did not let her wriggle for long.

      “I told you to be still,” he scolded, spanking her across the plug and also on either cheek. “Just this once you’re going to learn to obey,” he warned her, continuing to alternate between spanking her luscious buttocks and spanking the plug ever deeper into her bottom. This was not an unduly severe spanking, but it was a deeply humiliating one.

      “Oh stop!” she begged. “I’m going to come if you don’t.”

      “I told you you weren’t to.” Several hard smacks followed. “All right, I’m going to withdraw this plug and allow you to visit the commode.”

      Susan had to make her mind a complete blank in order to avoid succumbing to an orgasm as he withdrew the retention plug. Then she was allowed to leave him for a time.

      When Susan returned, Anthony had set up an enema bag on an IV stand on wheels and he had placed it to the side of the leather upholstered examining table. It appeared very full to Susan.

      “Get up on the table, Susan. I want your head down, your knees apart and your bottom uppermost. Immediately.”

      Susan timidly obeyed the command to mount the table and assume the specified position.

      “Legs apart as far as they’ll go,” he told her, separating her knees firmly. He also pressed down in the small of her back to increase the upward thrust of her well-rounded buttocks. Next, he re-lubricated her anus, very gently, mindful of the activity which had already visited this sensitive region as well as the rest of the night’s agenda.

      “As you know, I’m not naturally inclined to be this strict with you, Susan, but your willfulness must be corrected.”

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