Shadow Lane Volume 3: The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex, B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village. Eve Howard

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Shadow Lane Volume 3: The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex, B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village - Eve Howard

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will be using a Bardex nozzle,” he told her, showing her the curious apparatus with which he was about to fill her. “This is very warm water so prepare yourself.”

      Susan hung her head and held her breath as he began to insert the rather busy nozzle that had connected to it a deflated rubber ball. Once this operation had been completed and the entire nozzle had been buried, causing Susan to feel momentarily dizzy with the magnitude of her humiliation, Anthony began to inflate the rubber ball in her bottom.

      “As you probably figured out, the inflated rubber ball just inside your bottom will assist you in retaining the enema you’re about to receive.”

      Susan’s face burned as she submitted to this clinical indignity in total silence. He kept one hand on her bottom as the other worked the hose clamp and he began to release the warm water into her bowels.

      The water felt very hot to Susan and very shocking filling her tummy rapidly. She heard him adjust the clamp and knew that the flow had stopped momentarily.

      He placed one hand under her tummy and felt its fullness. Her skin was silken to the touch. He cupped her bosom in his hand and squeezed it gently. Then he moved his hand down to her lower abdomen and pubic mound, which he placed his palm against and held firmly while releasing the clamp again.

      “Remember what I said about coming,” he warned her, paradoxically kneading her soft, blonde curls. Susan whimpered, on the very edge of a climax. Her tummy began to feel very full. He held his hand against it firmly as the hot water filled her.

      “After you’ve taken the entire two quarts I’m going to remove the nozzle, reinsert the retention plug, take you across my lap and paddle the plug. Understand?”

      “Yes,” she squirmed involuntarily at the thought.

      Anthony halted the infusion several more times to prevent sudden cramping but finally every drop had traveled down the white hose and into her bottom and he very carefully, holding her open firmly, withdrew the deflated bulb and nozzle from her rectum and lay them aside. Then he re-lubricated the rubber plug and holding her apart again, slowly inserted it deep inside her bottom. Next he lifted her off the table and carried her back to the recamier where he sat down with her across his lap and placed the hardwood spanking paddle close by.

      Anthony took time to adjust her comfortably across his lap, making sure that the retention plug was firmly and deeply lodged between her pink cheeks.

      “Your passivity is charming,” he told her fondly, bending to kiss her ear and gently caress her smooth throat. “But I’m still irritated with you for that foolishness about Dennis,” he added, taking up the small but solid paddle to begin the spanking.

      Anthony brought the paddle down on either cheek several dozen times very sharply. Susan sobbed and wriggled on his lap but accepted the pain without protest. The fullness of her tummy and the sensation of the rubber plug embedded in her bottom all but cancelled out the pain. Particularly as he ceased to punish her satiny cheeks and began to apply the paddle instead to the base of the plug which divided her buttocks.

      Susan enjoyed a shuddering climax six or eight swats into this segment of the paddling. Anthony held her fast as she spasmed, then quietly stroked and caressed her until she calmed down.

      “All right, Susan, I’m going to let you up and leave you alone for awhile. But I’ll expect you in my bedroom in one hour, freshly bathed and wrapped in that bridal gown set I sent you from Italy.”

      Less than one hour later Susan entered Anthony’s bedroom, clad in a gown and wrapper of white fairy gauze, ribbons and lace. Anthony, who had been playing Gershwin tunes on his piano, which alerted Susan that he was in a happy mood, affected a stern demeanor when she stood before him for instructions.

      “Well, young lady, what have you got to say for yourself?”

      “I don’t know,” said Susan.

      “Are you ready to give up this unseemly notion of seducing the chauffeur?”

      “Not seducing. It was never that,” she protested.

      “It was that to the highest power,” he informed her.

      “I can’t help it if Dennis adores me,” Susan said, with a good deal more presence of mind than a girl who had just endured an examining room ordeal had a right to possess. “But I won’t encourage him to do so.”

      “How magnanimous you are!” Anthony glared at her impertinence.

      “But, just for the record, I never dreamed you’d take exception to my playing with Dennis. I expected it to be a trifle, beneath your notice.”

      “Just for the record, maybe it is, you irritating brat, but I’d prefer to stick with this particular fantasy for a while, wouldn’t you?”

      Susan couldn’t resist climbing onto his lap then and covering his face and throat with kisses. He held her on his lap and suffered this attention with feigned ill humor.

      “Stop it!” he ordered, firmly setting her on her feet once more. “I’m not done with you yet.”

      Susan blushed and waited.

      “There’s still your initial error of forgetting to come home all month to be punished,” he reminded her.

      “Oh,” she meekly accepted this edict.

      “I’m afraid I’m going to have to cane you,” he told her coolly. Susan paled at this pronouncement and gazed at him wide-eyed, for he seemed serious.

      Anthony got up, selected a charmingly brocaded little hassock and pushed it in front of the fire. A crack of thunder outside announced the resumption of the rain.

      “Dispose yourself across this, Susan,” her told her gravely. When she hesitated he took her by the arm and bent her over the ottoman himself, pulling the skirt of both her robe and dainty gown up to her waist. Susan’s bottom had resumed its usual, creamy hue.

      Susan lay exposed and trembling as he hunted through several closets for the English school cane he’d been saving for an occasion. But it wasn’t where he had left it. In fact, the cane was gone. Anthony gazed at Susan’s charming form, draped so provocatively across the hassock, with her long hair rippling down her back and wondered how he could have ever thought of caning her.

      “Susan, what did you do with my cane?” he asked. Susan hung her head but made no answer. “I see,” Anthony said, pacing around her. “You either hid or destroyed my English school cane, didn’t you?”

      Susan raised her head to follow him with her eyes.

      “Well?” as he asked this question he unbuckled his belt, drew it from his trouser loops, wrapped the buckle end around his hand and administered the other to her bare bottom rather smartly several times. “What happened to the cane?”

      “I threw into the incinerator,” she admitted, craning her neck around to keep her eyes on the strap in his hand, but holding her position.

      “Why did you do that, Susan?”

      “Because I was afraid you would use it on me,” she explained.

      “All right, for that you’re getting six of the best with my strap,” he announced firmly.

      Anthony went down on one knee beside her, placed one hand in the small of her back and began to strap her bare bottom soundly and with precision. Susan began to sob at once for the licking was hard and, in the context of their little universe, deserved.

      “I’m very surprised at you, Susan. I thought you had better manners than that,” he scolded. Then he held her in position, to rub the sting away, making her feel exposed and vulnerable. The palm of his left hand cradled her sex as he caressed her bottom.

      “I went to a lot of trouble to get that school cane, Susan. The factory that made them no longer exists.”

      “I’ll get you another and take the caning if you’ll just forgive me,” Susan

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