Glimpses of Glory. David Adam

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Glimpses of Glory - David Adam

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is a good way to bring to God all that is in your heart, knowing it is already in his heart, so your heart and his heart are one, you abide in him and he abides in you. Often intercession is an opening of our heart to God and so getting a glimpse of glory. I believe that deep intercession begins in the heart. Go out from your prayer knowing that God is in your heart and in the hearts of all that you meet: return to your prayers with all that you have met and experienced in your heart to be joined to the heart of God. It is amazing how many situations are suddenly washed with a new brightness when we know that God is there and that God cares. Intercession is a method of stopping and getting glimpses of the hidden glory of God.

      This book is to help you rise above the gloom and enter into glory. It is not a running away from reality but seeing that there is a greater depth to reality than we normally notice or feel. It is written for you to use at home or at church and so enrich your own prayers. I would hope that each week you follow the suggestions from the Bible readings and extend your own prayers. The readings at the head of each Sunday are from the Common Worship Lectionary as used by the Church of England, the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Church in Wales, and other churches within the Anglican Communion. This is very close to the Common Lectionary of the Roman Catholic Church, and is used by other denominations. The Lectionary is designed as a three-year cycle and this book is for use with the third year, designated as Year C; Clouds and Glory is for Year A and Traces of Glory for Year B. In each book, for each Sunday, I have written a collect, that is, a prayer to collect and centre our thoughts, a list of intercessions, an offering of the peace and a blessing. As each week stands it could be used for a short service in a house group or in your home. The intercessions follow the pattern of many books of prayer: we pray, in order, for the church, the world, our homes and loved ones, the sick and the needy, and remember the saints and the departed. If you add the readings from the Lectionary to the prayers, spending some time in quiet and meditation, it will transform your worship at home and in church, and will transform you also. Use this book as a means of opening up to the presence. May God give you a glimpse of glory.


       The First Sunday of Advent

      Jeremiah 33. 14–16: Ps. 25. 1–10: 1 Thessalonians 3. 9–13: Luke 21. 25–36

      Come, Lord God, change us and we shall be changed.

      Come, increase our awareness of your presence.

      Come, strengthen our love for you.

      Come, fill our hearts with holiness.

      Come, awaken us to be ready and watchful for your coming.

      Come, Lord God, change us and we shall be changed;

      through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

      one God, now and for ever. Amen.

      Holy and Mighty God, we long for you and your love.

      Fill your Church with your grace and goodness,

      that we may grow in holiness and in hospitality,

      that we may reach out in mission and love,

      that we may reveal your light and your glory.

      Lord, make us active in service and joyful in praise.

      Lord, show us your way

      and teach us your paths.

      We pray for the nations of the world and for righteous dealings.

      May the resources of the earth be neither hoarded nor squandered, but used to the benefit of all and the relief of those who need.

      Strengthen all who strive for justice and integrity in world trade;

      may vulnerable peoples be freed from oppression and abuse.

      May we all have compassion and concern for the poor.

      Lord, show us your way

      and teach us your paths.

      Come, Lord, fill our homes with your light and love.

      Make us sensitive in our dealings and gentle in our actions.

      Keep us alert to the needs and hopes of others,

      that our homes may reflect your presence and your glory.

      Lord, show us your way

      and teach us your paths.

      God of freedom and peace, we remember before you all who are captives to sin, vice or addiction, all who are damaged by oppression, violence or abuse .....................

      We pray also for friends and loved ones who are ill, especially .....................

      Bless all who seek to rescue and restore those who are in need or distress.

      Lord, show us your way

      and teach us your paths.

      We give thanks for all who have passed beyond trouble and darkness and are now at peace in your kingdom.

      We rejoice in the fellowship of the saints and pray we may follow their way of holiness and love.

      Lord, show us your way

      and teach us your paths.

       THE PEACE

      The Holy One comes to you in peace and love, that you may increase and abound in love.

      The peace of the Lord be always with you

      and also with you.


      Put off the works of darkness, put on the armour of light.

      Know that God comes to you in power and in peace.

      Be steadfast in your hope that the Lord may find you ready at his coming;

      and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be among you and remain with you always. Amen.

       The Second Sunday of Advent

      Baruch 5. 1–9 or Malachi 3. 1–4: Benedictus: Philippians 1. 3–11: Luke 3. 1–6

      Holy God, we look for you, we long for you.

      Let us see that you come among us;

      make us aware of your presence

      and grant us a glimpse of glory;

      through Jesus Christ our Lord,

      who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

      one God, now and for ever. Amen.

      Good and gracious God, we give you thanks for all who have told us of your love and your presence among us.

      We give thanks for John the Baptist preparing the way for our Saviour.

      We give thanks for the Apostles and Evangelists.

      Mighty God, guide and empower all preachers of the word and

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