Glimpses of Glory. David Adam

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Glimpses of Glory - David Adam

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also with you.


      The peace of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the blessed Virgin Mary, abide with you, in your heart and in your home; and the blessing ...

       The First Sunday of Christmas

      1 Samuel 2. 18–20, 26:Ps. 148. [1–6] 7–14: Colossians 3. 12–17: Luke 2. 41–52

      Lord of all power and might, let us not just suppose you to be in our company, but seek you out until we find you and rejoice in your presence; through Jesus Christ our Saviour, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

      We rejoice that we are created in your image, that we are called to be your sons and daughters.

      May the church at all times reveal your glory and lead many to the glorious liberty that is for the children of God.

      We pray for all who teach the faith and each of us as we are called to share the faith.

      We pray for all who are seekers, all who long for you and for a glimpse of your glory.

      Lord, we seek you and your love.

      Come, be known among us.

      We pray for all young people in their search for truth and meaning, that they will not be led astray or directed in wrong paths.

      Guide and direct all who influence the minds of young people through broadcasting, music and publishing.

      We pray for young people who have left home and for parents anxious for their well-being.

      Lord, we seek you and your love.

      Come, be known among us.

      We give thanks for our own homes and loved ones,

      for those who have sought us out when we have gone astray,

      for those who accepted us even when we ignored their advice.

      We pray for all families where there is tension and lack of trust,

      for all who are anxious about loved ones at this time.

      Lord, we seek you and your love.

      Come, be known among us.

      We remember those who have gone astray and cannot find their way back.

      We pray for street children and those separated from loved ones through war.

      We pray for children in care or in hospital,

      for all who feel unloved or unwanted.

      We remember especially any who have lost a child or a loved one this week.

      Lord, we seek you and your love.

      Come, be known among us.

      We rejoice that you will bring us home to your eternal kingdom where sorrow and pain are no more.

      We pray for loved ones departed.

      Lord, we seek you and your love.

      Come, be known among us.

       THE PEACE

      Clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

      Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.

      The peace of the Lord be always with you

      and also with you.


      Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him; and the blessing ...

       The Second Sunday of Christmas

      Jeremiah 31. 7–14: Ps. 147. 12–20: Or: Ecclus. 24. 1–12: Canticle: Wisdom of Solomon 10. 15–21: Ephesians 1. 3–14: John 1. [1–9] 10–18

      Eternal light, scatter the darkness from our hearts and minds; enlighten our lives with your glory, and give us the power and wisdom to live as sons and daughters of God; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

      Mighty God, empower all who seek you to find you:

      may your church proclaim your saving power, reveal your eternal love, and abide in your peace.

      We pray for all who seek to live out their faith in their daily lives, all who stand for justice, freedom and unity.

      Lord of light and love,

      save your people.

      We give thanks for all scientists and inventors.

      We pray for all who influence our lives by their experiments and discoveries, that they may work with wisdom and sensitivity.

      For all who are in positions of power and authority, all leaders of nations, governments and decision-makers.

      We pray for all who work in dangerous places, whose lives are at risk as they care for others.

      We pray for the emergency services.

      Lord of light and love,

      save your people.

      We give you thanks for all who have cared for us and protected us:

      we pray especially for our own homes and loved ones.

      We remember all who are facing poverty or homelessness at this time.

      Lord of light and love,

      save your people.

      Lord of might and love, we come to you with all who are ill.

      We remember today all who have been ill for a long time, all who are disabled, all whose sickness has no cure.

      We pray for all who will go into hospital this week, all who will undergo operations.

      Lord of light and love,

      save your people.

      We give thanks for all who have passed through the waters of death and are now in the fullness of your kingdom.

      We pray for loved ones departed and for all who built up our communities.

      Lord of light and love,

      save your people.

       THE PEACE

      In him we have redemption and the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace.

      The peace of the Lord be always with you

      and also with you.


      The God of grace who called you into his eternal glory in Christ Jesus support and strengthen you as you work for him; and the blessing ...


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