Glimpses of Glory. David Adam

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Glimpses of Glory - David Adam

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The Epiphany

       The Epiphany

      Isaiah 60. 1–6: Ps. 72. [1–9] 10–15: Ephesians 3. 1–12: Matthew 2. 1–12

      Lord of light and love, let the radiance of your presence be a light to our path and a guide on our journey. Banish from us all deeds of darkness, that we may come to your presence and walk before you as children of light; through him who is the light of the world, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

      O God, who by the leading of the star brought people of various nations to worship before you, give guidance to all who are seekers, all reaching out to extend their vision and their lives.

      We pray for all pilgrims and those who are seeking to deepen their faith.

      Grant that your church may be welcoming and sensitive to all who are looking for meaning and purpose.

      We pray especially for all who teach and preach about you and your love.

      We pray for those who do not know or love you, and for the mission of our church.

      Lord, come into the world.

      Lighten our darkness.

      We pray for nations that are emerging into a new freedom or awareness.

      We remember countries where people are oppressed or suffer tyranny.

      We pray especially for those recovering from war or from disasters.

      O Lord, bless the work of relief organizations and all who care for the poor.

      We remember in our prayers all who are travellers at this time, all who are homeless, all who are refugees.

      Lord, come into the world.

      Lighten our darkness.

      We give thanks, O Lord, that you are present in our homes and in our lives:

      we seek your blessing and your guidance.

      We pray for friends and loved ones, especially any in trouble or in need.

      Bless all who through their talents and generosity have enriched our lives.

      We pray for all who live in sordid homes or places of squalor.

      Lord, come into the world.

      Lighten our darkness.

      Lord, we give thanks that you seek out and save the lost.

      We pray for all who have lost their way, who have been side-tracked,

      who are living below their potential or their abilities,

      all whose lives are unfulfilled, all restricted by oppression or illness:

      we remember the chronically ill, those in constant pain, the depressed and the despairing.

      Lord, come into the world.

      Lighten our darkness.

      We pray for all who are coming to the end of their journey here on earth and pray that they may come into your presence and kingdom.

      We pray for all who have come before your face and rejoice in the fullness of life eternal.

      Lord, come into the world.

      Lighten our darkness.

       THE PEACE

      The light of Christ lead you into the way of peace.

      The peace of the Lord be always with you

      and also with you.


      The light of the Creator shine upon you.

      The light of the Saviour scatter the darkness from before you.

      The light of the Spirit guide you into the fullness of glory.

      And the blessing ...

       The Baptism of Christ (The First Sunday of Epiphany)

      Isaiah 43. 1–7: Ps. 29: Acts 8. 14–17: Luke 3. 15–17, 21–22

      Lord, you have called us. Make us worthy of our calling, that, in the mighty name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we may rejoice in your love and saving power, and proclaim your presence and glory in the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, Almighty Father, and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

      Loving God, we give thanks that you have called us and that we belong to you.

      Take us, Lord, and do with us as you desire.

      Protect us from all that is evil and lead us into the ways of peace.

      We pray for all who are being prepared for baptism or confirmation, for Godparents and sponsors,

      for all who are seeking to immerse themselves in your presence and love.

      Give strength to your people.

      Immerse us in your presence and peace.

      We seek to know your love for the world and that the world is in your heart.

      We pray for all who are working for peace, all who are seeking to improve our world.

      We remember all who are struggling to gain freedom and independence, for emerging nations and communities.

      We pray especially for any who are suffering from ethnic violence or prejudice, for countries and peoples who are at war.

      Give strength to your people.

      Immerse us in your presence and peace.

      Holy and Mighty God, enfold us in your peace:

      may your presence be known, your kingdom come, in our hearts, in our homes and in our land.

      We pray for our loved ones, especially for any who are

      distressed at this time.

      Give strength to your people.

      Immerse us in your presence and peace.

      We remember before you all who feel unwanted or neglected: we remember lonely people and all who have no one to care for them.

      We pray today for those who are mentally disturbed,

      all who by the nature of their illness are kept in institutions.

      We pray for friends and loved ones who are ill .....................

      Give strength to your people.

      Immerse us in your presence and peace.

      We rejoice with the church triumphant and pray for loved ones who have entered life eternal and now rest in the love of the Father, the peace of the Son, and the life of the Holy Spirit.

      Give strength to your people.

      Immerse us in your presence and peace.

       THE PEACE

      God says: Do not be afraid, for I have

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