Glimpses of Glory. David Adam

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Glimpses of Glory - David Adam

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have called you by your name, you are mine.

      The peace of the Lord be always with you

      and also with you.


      The Father, who created you, is with you;

      the Son, who redeemed you, is with you;

      the Spirit, who strengthens you, is with you;

      the Holy Three enfold you; and the blessing ...

       The Second Sunday of Epiphany

      Isaiah 62. 1–5: Ps. 36. 5–10:1 Corinthians 12. 1–11:John 2. 1–11

      Almighty and everlasting God, you give gifts to all your people:

      you give us the power and ability to do what you would have us do.

      Help us to use the gifts you have given us for the benefit of others and to your glory;

      through Jesus Christ our Lord,

      who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

      one God, now and for ever. Amen.

      We give thanks to you, O Lord, for all who enrich our world by their talents and abilities.

      We pray for those with the gift of healing and for all healing ministries.

      We pray for those who are visionaries and those who plan our future:

      may we all exercise the gift of discernment and distinguish the true from the false.

      We pray for all who are preparing for marriage, for all who have recently fallen in love.

      We remember homes where there is tension or estrangement and all homes where there is a breakdown in marriage or in relationships.

      Lord, come to us (who are empty)

      and fill us with your love.

      Lord, who has given us this world and all that is in it, help us to use its resources properly,

      that we do not waste now what should be saved for the future:

      that the resources of the sea are not over-used, that fossil fuels are not too easily spent.

      We pray that we take care not to pollute the earth or our environment.

      Bless all who are seeking to conserve and to protect our natural resources.

      We pray for countries whose crops have failed, whose harvest is poor, and for all who live in desert places.

      Lord, come to us (who are empty)

      and fill us with your love.

      We rejoice, O God, that you delight in us.

      You will not leave us desolate: you are God who renews and restores your creation.

      We pray that we may learn to delight in each other and give our attention and love to each other.

      Bless our homes and our loved ones with your fullness;

      renew and restore us in strength and in love.

      We pray for all who are struggling in their relationships.

      Lord, come to us (who are empty)

      and fill us with your love.

      We pray for all who have been made to feel inadequate or unwanted,

      for all who feel as if they have run out of energy or hope,

      for all who feel empty or that life is too much for them.

      We remember the despairing, the despondent, and all who feel utterly drained.

      Lord, come to us (who are empty)

      and fill us with your love.

      We rejoice with all who have received of your fullness in your kingdom,

      all who have been restored and renewed by your love and saving power.

      We pray for loved ones departed, especially .....................

      Lord, come to us (who are empty)

      and fill us with your love.

       THE PEACE

      The gift of the Spirit fills us with love, joy and peace.

      The peace of the Lord be always with you

      and also with you.


      The Almighty God, the giver of all good gifts, fill you with joy, peace and love; and the blessing of ...

       The Third Sunday of Epiphany

      Nehemiah 8. 1–3, 5–6, 8–10: Ps. 19. 1–6 [7–14]: 1 Corinthians 12. 12–31a: Luke 4. 14–21

      Lord, as you have called us to share in your outreach of love to the world, fill us with the power of your Spirit, that, in your strength and by your guidance, we may lead others to be aware of you, and live to your praise and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

      Lord of all joy, you are our hope and our strength, a very present help in all troubles.

      We give thanks for all who tell of your love by translating the Scriptures, by preaching the word, by teaching the faith.

      We pray for all who are standing up for what they believe, and speaking out against evil and tyranny.

      We remember before you all Christians who are being persecuted for their faith: all who are oppressed, mocked,

      scorned, those who are suffering through the prejudice or vested interests of others.

      Lord, renew your people

      and sustain us by your mighty power.

      We give thanks for all who are working for the care and renewal of our earth.

      Give guidance and courage to all who work in conservation and ecology,

      all who care for oppressed peoples and minority groups,

      all who look after the lost and rejected in our world.

      Give wisdom and love to all who are working for peace and justice.

      Lord, renew your people

      and sustain us by your mighty power.

      We give you thanks for all who have been a strength and support to us.

      We pray for the work of the Samaritans and all who guide or counsel others.

      We remember any of our loved ones who are in need.

      May we always have a respect and sensitivity towards each other.

      We pray especially for any who are suffering from broken relationships.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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