Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part One. Andrew J. Marshall

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Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part One - Andrew J. Marshall

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Bogoriense/Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, PPPB, LIPI (near Bogor, West Java, Indonesia) Brisbane Queensland Herbarium (Mt Coo-tha); Queensland Institute of Medical Research (Herston); Queensland Museum; University of Queensland (St. Lucia) (all Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) Brussels Institut Royale d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique (Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium) Budapest Termeszettudomanyi Museum (Hungarian National Museum) (Budapest, Hungary) Bulolo Forestry College Herbarium (Bulolo, P.N.G.). [For Department of Forests collections of fungi and insects, see Lae. Collections of the Insect Farming and Trading Agency remain at Bulolo.] CAS California Academy of Sciences (San Francisco, Calif., U.S.) CNC Canadian National Collection (Ottawa, Canada). [Insects at Agriculture; others at National Museums of Canada.] CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Canberra, A.C.T., Australia). [Includes Australian National Herbarium (Div. Plant Industry) and Div. Entomology.] Canberra See ANU, CSIRO Copenhagen Zoological Museum, Univ. Copenhagen (København (Copenhagen), Denmark) DAS Department of Agriculture and Stock, P.N.G. (formerly part of DASF, then DPI). See Konedobu. DASF former Department of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries, P.N.G. (later DPI, now Depts. of Agriculture and Stock (DAS) and Fisheries and Marine Resources (DFMR)). See Kanudi, Konebobu. DFMR Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources (formerly part of DASF, then DPI), PNG. See Kanudi. DPI former Department of Primary Industries, PNG (DPI, formerly DASF, now Depts. of Agriculture and Stock (DAS) and Fisheries and Marine Resources (DFMR)). See Kanudi, Konedobu. DSIR former Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand). [Biological collections now under Landcare Research, same address.] Dresden Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde (Dresden, Sächsen, Germany) Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland Farlow Farlow Herbarium of Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass., U.S.) Field Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, Ill., U.S.) Firenze Museo Botanico, Univ. Firenze (Florence, Italy). [Colls. Beccari, particularly Palmae, Pandanaceae] Fort Worth Botanical Research Institute of Texas (Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.) Frankfurt Senckenbergisches Institut und Museum (Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany) Geneva Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques; Museum d’Histoire Naturelle (both Ville de Genève, Switzerland) Gray Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass., U.S.) Harvard Harvard University Museums and Herbaria. See Arnold, Farlow, Gray, MCZ Helsinki Botanical Museum, Univ. Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) Honolulu Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association Experiment Station, Honolulu, Hawai’i, U.S. (insects, now Bishop) Kanudi collections (fish and other marine organisms) of DFMR (earlier DASF, DPI) (Kanudi, Port Moresby, PNG) [Catalogue, 1974: A catalogue of the fish reference collection at the Kanudi Fisheries Research Laboratory, Port Moresby by P.J. Kailola. DASF Res. Bull. 16.] Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Richmond, Surrey, England, U.K.) Konedobu collections (insects, fungi) of DAS (earlier DASF, DPI) (Konedobu, Port Moresby, PNG) Lae Herbarium, Div. Botany, Forestry Research Institute (FRI); also collections (formerly at Bulolo) of forest fungi and insects, FRI (Lae, Morobe Province, PNG) Leiden National Herbarium of the Netherlands (Leiden branch); Naturalis (formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie) (Leiden, the Netherlands) MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass., U.S.) MVZ Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley (Calif., U.S.) Macleay See AM. [Some material remains in Macleay.] Manokwari Agriculture College of Cenderawasih University; Forestry and Agriculture Experiment Station (Amban, Manokwari, Papua, Indonesia) Melbourne National Herbarium of Victoria (South Yarra); Museum of Victoria (Melbourne, Vic., Australia) München Zoologische Staatsammlung der Bayerische Staat (Munich, Bavaria, Germany) Nelson Cawthron Institute (Nelson, New Zealand; now part of Landcare NZ (formerly DSIR). [Insects to Auckland.] New York New York Botanical Garden (Bronx, New York, N.Y., U.S.) Nichinan Hattori Botanical Laboratory (Obi, Nichinan, Miyazaki Pref., Japan) Paris Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France) Port Moresby See Kanudi, Konedobu, Waigani QIMR Queensland Institute of Medical Research. See Brisbane RSA Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Herbarium (Claremont, Calif., U.S.) Sydney Australian Museum (see also AM); National Herbarium of New South Wales; University of Sydney, Newtown (all Sydney, N.S.W., Australia) TMDU Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) (Muscoid Diptera) Tokyo National Science Museum (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan) Toulouse Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) (Collembola) Tring Rothschild Museum (Tring, Herts., England, U.K.), now a BMNH branch. [Most bird collections sold in 1932 to AMNH. Remainder of museum merged with BMNH in 1937 under Rothschild’s will. Insects now in London; BMNH birds at Tring.]
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