Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee

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Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary - Philip Yungkin Lee

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      diànzhǔ 店主 n shopkeeper

      diànzi 电子 adj electronic

      diànzi 垫子 n table mat

      diànzǐ chūbǎn 电子出版 n electronic publishing

      diànzǐ cídiǎn 电子词典 n electronic dictionary

      diànzǐ gōnggàopái 电子公告牌 n bulletin board service (BBS)

      diǎnzǐ gōngsī 点子公司 n consultancy company

      diànzǐ shāngwù 电子商务 n e-commerce

      diànzi yóujiàn 电子邮件 n email (message)

      diāo 雕 v to engrave

      diàochá 调查 v to research

      diàodàishān 吊带衫 n tank-top

      diàojià 掉价 v to fall in price; degrade oneself

      diàojiǔshī 调酒师 n bartender

      diāokèpǐn 雕刻品 n carving

      diàoqiú 吊球 n drop shot (sports)

      diāosù 雕塑 n, v sculpture; to sculpt

      diàowèikǒu 吊胃口 v to tempt (someone with something)

      diàoxià 掉下 v to fall

      diāoxiàng 雕像 n statue

      diàoyú 钓鱼 v to fish

      dìcíbào 地磁暴 n geomagnetic storm

      dìdi 弟弟 n brother (younger)

      dīdiào 低调 adj low keyed

      díduì 敌对 adj hostile

      díduì shìlì 敌对势力 n hostile forces

      dìfang 地方 n place, space

      dìfāng bǎohù zhǔyì 地方保护主义 n regional protectionism

      dīgǔ 低谷 n trough

      dījià 低价 adj low-cost

      dījià zhùfáng 低价住房 n low-cost housing

      dīkōng fēixíng 低空飞行 n low-altitude flying

      dīlíng 低龄 adj juvenile (age)

      dìmèi 弟妹 n sister-in-law (wife of husband’s younger brother)

      dǐmiǎn 抵免 n offset

      dìmiàn 地面 n ground, earth

      dǐng 顶 n top

      dìng diàozi 定调子 v to set the tone

      dǐngduān 顶端 n end (tip)

      dǐngfēng 顶峰 n peak, summit

      dìnggòu 订购/定购 v to order (placed for goods)

      dìnghūn 订婚/定婚 adj engaged (to be married)

      dīngkè 丁克 n DINK (Double Income No Kids)

      dìngqī 定期 adj regular, normal

      dìngxiàng péixùn 定向培训 n, v training; to train for specific posts

      dìngxīnwán 定心丸 n mind relief (tablets)

      dīngzi 钉子 n nail (spike)

      dìqín rényuán 地勤人员 n ground crew

      dìqiú 地球 n Earth, the world

      dìqiúcūn 地球村 n global village

      dìqū 地区 n area, region

      dìqū chāyì 地区差异 n regional disparity

      díquè 的确 adv quite (very)

      dírén 敌人 n enemy

      dìrè zīyuán 地热资源 n geothermal resources

      dìsān 第三 n third (in a series) ordinal number

      dìsān chǎnyè 第三产业 n tertiary industry; service sector

      dísīní lèyuán 迪斯尼乐园 n Disneyland

      dìtǎn 地毯 n carpet

      dìtiězhàn 地铁站 n subway station

      dìtú 地图 n map

      diū-jū-bǎo-shuài 丢车保帅 v to sacri­fice sth minor to save sth major

      diūshī 丢失 v to lose, mislay

      diūxià 丢下 v to leave behind by accident

      dìwèi 地位 n rank, station in life

      dìwèi gāo de 地位高的 adj high ranking

      dìxí 地席 n mat

      dìxí 弟媳 n sister-in-law (wife of husband’s younger brother)

      dìzhèn 地震 n earthquake

      dìzhǐ 地址 n address

      dǒng 懂 v to understand

      dòng 洞 n hole

      dōngběi 东北 n, adj northeast

      dōngbiān 东边 n east

      dònggǎn 动感 adj dynamic

      Dōngméng zìyóu màoyìqū 东盟自由贸易区 n ASEAN Free Trade Area

      dōngnán 东南 n, adj southeast

      Dōngnányà guójiā lián­méng 东南亚国家联盟 n ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations)

      dòngqiānhù 动迁户 n households to be relocated

      dǒngshìzhǎng 董事长 n director (of company)

      dōngtiān 冬天 n winter

      dòngwù 动物 n animal

      dòngwùyuán 动物园 n zoo

      dōngxi 东西 n object, thing

      dòngzuò 动作 n movement, motion

      dōu 都 adv all

      dòu 豆 n bean

      dòuchǐ 豆豉 n black beans

      dòufu 豆腐 n tofu, beancurd

      dù 度 n degrees (temperature)

      duǎn 短 adj short (concise)

      duànkāi 断开 adj, v broken off

      duǎnkù 短裤 n shorts (short trousers)

      duǎnnèikù 短内裤 n shorts (underpants)

      duànmǎ 断码 adj short in size

      duǎnqī zhàiwù 短期债务 n floating debt

      duānwǔjié 端午节 n the Dragon Boat Festival

      duǎnzàn 短暂 n a short time, a moment

      duǎnzànde 短暂的 adj brief

      dǔbó 赌博 v, n to gamble; gamble

      dùchuán 渡船 n ferry

      duì 队 n team

      duì 对 prep correct; toward (a person)

      duì ... zhòu méitou 对 ... 皱眉头 v to frown

      duìbuqǐ 对不起 exclam sorry!


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